
  1. MBOX影院落户合肥,将对我市传媒创意产业链的形成和文化产业的发展,产生积极的带动作用。

    The opening of MBOX in Hefei will greatly boost the chain development of media industry and the growth of culture industry in Hefei .

  2. 文化创意产业价值链整合及其发展路径探析

    Research on the Value-chain Merge and the Development Path of the Cultural and Creative Industry

  3. 本文从设计学的角度研究设计在助力创意产业发展、帮助创意产业的产业化和提升创意产业的产业链价值方面所发挥的作用。

    From the perspective of research design , it helped creative industries in the development of creative industries to help promote the industrialization and the creative industries value chain role .