
  • 网络innovative ideas;innovative concept;new idea
  1. 在北京的一家法式餐厅里,他们向贝塔斯曼集团中国区各家公司的CEO们询问了职业和创新理念的问题。

    They asked the CEOs of Bertelsmann China companies about careers and innovative ideas at a French restaurant in Beijing .

  2. 诸如Advogato、Kuro5hin和MetaFilter这些类似的网站均引入了一些创新理念,其核心就是怎样将网络技术应用于讨论组的社会生命力上。

    Other similar sites , such as Advogato , Kuro5hin , and MetaFilter , have introduced innovative ideas around how to apply technology to the social dynamics of discussion groups .

  3. 个人计算机革命以及硅谷的颠覆性创新理念在一定程度上源自自制计算机俱乐部的创立。20世纪70年代中期,这家俱乐部成立于加利福尼亚州门洛帕克的一个车库中。

    The personal computing revolution and philosophy of disruptive innovation of Silicon Valley grew , in part , out of the creations of the Homebrew Computer Club , Which was founded in a garage in Menlo Park , California , in the mid-1970s .

  4. eva应带来资本投资的全新创新理念,而较高的资本成本应促使他们支付大笔股息。

    EVA should initiate innovative new ideas for capital investment , but the higher capital cost should trigger payment of large dividends .

  5. 把围堰爆破拆除施工方案溶入到围堰的施工建设中,提出的预置集中药室&倾倒爆破这一围堰拆除创新理念,被成功地应用到三峡三期RCC围堰施工和围堰拆除爆破工程中。

    Merges the cofferdam blasting demolition construction plan to the cofferdam construction . This cofferdam demolition innovation idea is successfully applied to the Three Gorges third stage RCC construction and cofferdam demolition blasting project .

  6. 用创新理念指导高职英语教学

    Using Innovative Idea to Guide English Teaching in Higher Vocational Education

  7. 绿色开采创新理念与矿区可持续发展

    Green mining innovative idea and the sustainable development of mining area

  8. 对强化新时期科技期刊创新理念的思考

    Consideration on strengthening innovation ideas of sci-tech periodicals in new stage

  9. 基于教育创新理念的多元化实验教学探讨

    Talking about Multi-discipline Experimental Teaching on the Basis of Education Innovative Idea

  10. 新世纪科技期刊编辑的创新理念

    On innovation ideas in edition of sci tech periodicals in new century

  11. 基于创新理念的黄金矿山企业文化建设

    Culture construction in gold mining enterprises based on innovative ideas

  12. 在电磁场与电磁波课程中建立创新理念

    The Building of Innovation Idea in Electromagnetic Field & Wave Courses System

  13. 论技术性贸易壁垒语境下的我国技术创新理念

    Our technical creative principle on the context of the technical barrier on trade

  14. 产品概念创新理念与方法

    On the idea and method of product concept innovation

  15. 图书馆服务的创新理念论图书馆读者服务理念的创新

    Innovative Theory in Library Service On Concept Innovation of Library Service for Readers

  16. 创新理念在光纤准直器装配技术研究中的应用

    An application of innovative thinking to assembling technology of optical fiber collimating device

  17. 石油机械开发与设计的创新理念

    New concept of design and development of petroleum machinery

  18. 用创新理念影响传媒

    Utilize the most innovative idea to impact media

  19. 关于校园文化创新理念的思考

    Thinking on the Idea of Campus Culture Innovation

  20. 在创新理念指导下的集合体读图教学

    Reading Drawings on Aggregation Guided by Innovation Ideas

  21. 用创新理念做好新世纪图书馆工作

    Doing Well the Library Work in the New Century by Using the Innovation Conception

  22. 民营种业,蓬勃发展。增强创新理念发展江西林木种业经济

    Raising Innovation Sense and Developing Industry Economy of Forest Seeds and Seedlings in Jiangxi

  23. 本文围绕设计师的环境意识、基本素质、创新理念等问题进行了阐述与剖析。

    The article expatiates the environment consciousness , basic qualities and innovative ideas of designers .

  24. 要树立科技创新理念,建立可持续发展机制。

    The fourth , set up idea of innovation and establish mechanism of continuously development .

  25. 信息化时代的创新理念与特征

    Creative Concept and Characteristics of Information Age

  26. 以创新理念认识和发展经济转轨时期的国有医院

    Knowing and Developing Station - owned Hospitals with Innovation Concept During the Market Economy Transi-tion

  27. 创新理念,激活地热洁净能源勘查与开发

    Bring Forth New Ideas and Activate the Exploration and Development of Clean Geothermal Energy Resources

  28. 《土木工程材料》教学的创新理念

    Innovative ideas of Civil Engineering Material teaching

  29. 以创新理念设置挑战型实验项目

    Establishing Challenge Experimental Items with Creative Idea

  30. 第三部分主要针对我国高校办学模式多样化趋势的阻碍因素提出了相应的对策:要创新理念;调整结构;

    The third part mainly puts forward the corresponding countermeasure according to the hindrance factors .