
chuàng xīn néng lì
  • Innovation;innovation ability;Creative Ability;ability to innovate
  1. 提升越剧音乐的创新能力

    On Enhancing the Ability to Innovate the Music of Shaoxing Opera

  2. 第四,企业自主创新能力不强;第五,地区发展差距问题得不到解决,甚至有不断扩大的趋势;

    Fourth , ability to innovate of enterprises is not strong .

  3. 为了拓展业务,他需要提高整个团队的管理技能和创新能力。

    To grow the business , he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team .

  4. 作为计算机的补充的技能,从经营管理技巧到创新能力,都不会随着年龄的增长而衰退。

    The skills that complement computers , from management knowhow to creativity , do not necessarily decline with age .

  5. 意见提出的主要目标是:到2025年,综合实力、内生动力和竞争力进一步增强,创新能力建设取得明显成效,全社会研发经费投入占地区生产总值比重达到全国平均水平。

    By 2025 , the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the region should be further enhanced , and marked progress should be achieved in innovation capacity , with its proportion of research and development input in the regional GDP reaching the national average , says the guideline .

  6. 其次,本文提出了全员创新能力构成要素的VRP模型,即全员创新的价值观、资源和流程能力。

    Next , " VRP " model was provided to discuss elements of all-involvement innovation capability , including AII value , AII resource and AII process .

  7. 结合智力资源系统复杂性特点,使用综合集成法(Metasynthesis),对组织创新能力绩效管理进行了研究。

    Combined with the nature of intellectual resources complexity , organization knowledge innovation capability performance management is studied with Metasynthesis .

  8. 江苏区域经济协调发展与区域创新能力的分析研究

    Jiangsu Region Economy Coordinated Development and Region Innovation Ability Analysis Research

  9. 江西省利用外资提升自主创新能力的机制研究

    Jiangxi Province Use Foreign Capital Promotion Independent Innovation Ability Mechanism Research

  10. 高职数学教学与创新能力培养

    Maths Teaching and Training of Innovative Ability in High Vocational Colleges

  11. 重视学生创新能力的培养,开发学生的创新潜能;

    Creativity encouragement , to develop students , potential in creativity ;

  12. 企业创新能力来源的实证研究

    An Empirical Investigation on the Sources of Firms ' Innovation Capability

  13. 设计、探索实验,培养创新能力;

    Designing and investigating the experiment , developing creative ability ;

  14. 实施技术跨越战略,提高汽车产业自主创新能力

    Implement Technological Leapfrogging Strategy and Prompt Auto Industry 's Independent Innovation Ability

  15. 强化职业意识,培养创新能力,扩大辐射效应。

    Consolidating profession consciousness , cultivating innovative ability and extending radiation effect .

  16. 提高实验教学质量培养实践创新能力&关于高职条件下电子技术实验教学的看法与设想

    Improve the quality of experiment teaching train the creative ability of practice

  17. 加强综合设计性实验指导提高学生创新能力

    Strengthening Guidance in Integrated Design Experiment for Improving Students ' Innovative Ability

  18. 创新能力是反映创新主体行为技艺的动作能力。

    Trailblazing ability is an action ability reflecting trailblazers , behavioral skill .

  19. 医院领导干部改革创新能力滞后的原因和对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Lagging Behind of Innovation Ability of Hospital Leaders

  20. 机械类应用型本科人才创新能力培养途径

    Discussion on Training Ways of Innovation Capability of Mechanical Application-oriented Undergraduate Talent

  21. 拓展习题潜在功能培养学生创新能力

    Enlarging Mathematics Exercise Function And Cultivating Students ' Innovative Abilites

  22. 企业家战略&培育创新能力的企业内部战略

    Entrepreneurial Strategy-The Strategy of Cultivation of the Innovative Capability in Internal Enterprises

  23. 知识工作者创新能力开发的维度与对策

    Dimensions and Countermeasures to Develop Knowledge Workers ' Innovative Capability

  24. 企业创新能力的评价体系和评价方法研究

    Study about Evaluating Index System and Method of Enterprises ' Innovation Capability

  25. 会计博士研究生创新能力培养的几个问题

    Several Problems on Developing Creative Capabilities of Accounting Doctorate Student

  26. 科研院所技术创新能力评价指标体系研究

    Study on Evaluation Index System of Research Institutions ' Technology Innovation Ability

  27. 强化教师实验技能培养学生创新能力

    Strengthening Teachers ' Experimental Skill and Training Students ' Creativity

  28. 用体育培养学生的创新能力

    On training the Innovation Capability of Students through Physical Education

  29. 加强实践性教学突出创新能力培养

    Strengthen Practical Teaching and Lay Stress on Innovation Ability Training

  30. 如何提升大学生实践与创新能力

    How to Enhance University Students ' Creativity and Practical Ability