
  • 网络innovative milieu;Innovation Milieu;milieu
  1. 上世纪90年代,创新环境学派提出了创新环境(innovativemilieu)论。

    The school of the innovative milieu put forward the theory of innovative milieu in the 90s of last century .

  2. 区域创新环境的类型及其特征

    Research on Types and Characters of the Regional Innovative Milieu

  3. 我国平台经济发展正处在关键时期,要着眼长远、兼顾当前,补齐短板、强化弱项,营造创新环境,解决突出矛盾和问题,推动平台经济规范健康持续发展。

    It is important to strengthen weak areas in the sector in both the long and short terms , create an environment for innovation , resolve prominent problems , and promote its regulated , healthy and sustainable development .

  4. 全国知识产权局局长会议1月6日在北京举行,会议指出,2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。

    China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business , innovation and high-quality intellectual property development , according to a meeting of the heads of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) administrations on Monday in Beijing .

  5. 实证结果表明,在高新技术企业中,公司治理对RD投资行为有显著的影响,良好的创新环境对企业的RD投资有促进作用。

    It 's found that a significant association among corporate governance , R & D investment and innovation environment .

  6. 影响FDI空间分异的因素多种多样,但主要因素为:科技创新环境、基础设施、产业集聚、投资力度、市场大小等方面。

    The primary factors influencing FDI spatial differentiations are the invention environment of technology and science , basic establishment , industry cluster , investment strength and market .

  7. 在对我国台资KIBS企业创新环境问题的研究中,首先界定和分析了台资KIBS企业所面临的内外创新环境。

    Firstly , the study define and analyze innovation environment of domestic Taiwan KIBS .

  8. Softimage公司包括互动创新环境(ICE)的,由欧特克强大的平台,它提供了自定义工具和视觉效果的范围。

    Softimage includes the Interactive Creative Environment ( ICE ), a powerful platform from Autodesk which provides a range of custom tools and visual effects .

  9. 创建开放式创新环境培养优秀的创新人才

    Erecting the Open Innovative Environment and Fostering the Excellent Creative Talents

  10. 民营企业技术创新环境由法律环境、政策环境与文化环境构成。

    Innovation circumstances was made up law , policy and culture .

  11. 企业技术创新环境的灰色层次综合评价

    Grey Hierarchy Comprehensive Evaluation of Enterprise 's Environment of Technical Innovation

  12. 以个人知识管理为基础的学科交叉创新环境构建问题研究

    Research on discipline-crossing innovation environment based on individual knowledge management

  13. 营造良好的创新环境是培养学生创新能力的重要条件。

    Building good innovative environment is the important terms to train students'innovation ability .

  14. 大学城体育教学创新环境要素的构建

    The Building of the Innovation Environment Elements of Physical Education in University City

  15. 绝对主义的政权为科学革命提供了有利的创新环境和制度保障;

    The absolute government provides innovative environment and system guarantee for science revolution ;

  16. 高科技区域创新环境构成与发展再思考

    Rethink the Major Elements and Development of Regional Innovation Environment of Technology-based Industries

  17. 科技园区差异性创新环境:地域要素的主效应和交互效应

    Science parks ' difference innovation environment : regional factors ' main effect and interaction

  18. 西方国家创新环境借鉴

    Lessons from Western Countries on Innovative Environment

  19. 如何开展案例教学哈佛大学商学院琳达教授对新教师利用案例教学的几点忠告建设创新环境是大学管理者的重要职责哈佛大学中国公共管理高级培训班学习之一得

    How to conduct a case study Construct the creation circumstances are the university administrant 's responsibility

  20. 关于区域创新环境的理论初探

    Theory Analysis on Region Creative Milieus

  21. 知识互动共享视角&区域创新环境机理研究

    Research on Regional Innovation Environment Mechanism : From the View of Interaction and Sharing of Knowledge

  22. 自主创新环境下的知识产权法律制度新格局世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)

    The New Structure of Legal System of Intellectual Property In the Environment of Independent Innovations ;

  23. 在支撑技术创新环境体系中,技术市场扮演重要角色。

    The technology market plays an important role in the environmental system for supporting technology innovation .

  24. 本文分析了当前我国环境管理存在的问题,并提出了健全环境管理机构,改革创新环境管理制度,加大环境管理资金投入,建立环境管理公众参与机制,加强环境管理法制建设等相应的解决对策。

    This paper analyses the problem of environment management in our country and offers relevant countermeasures .

  25. 创新环境各要素的提高会提升区域创新能力。

    The upgrading of component elements of regional innovation environment in Jiangxi will enhance regional innovation capability .

  26. 并将其结构划分为知识创造能力、知识传播能力、知识应用能力与创新环境四部分。

    It divides into knowledge creation capabilities , knowledge distribution capabilities , knowledge application capabilities and innovation milieu .

  27. 地方创新环境对外资研发活动的影响分析&深厦甬青连五市的比较

    An Analysis on Regional Innovative Milieu Affecting Foreign R D Investment Activity the Comparative Study of Five Cities

  28. 模拟得出结果可以为政府建设高新技术企业自主创新环境提供合理指导及有力依据。

    It provides a reasonable and strong reason for the government to construct high-tech enterprises for independent innovation .

  29. 产业集群与区域创新环境互动关系研究&以苏州为例

    An Analysis of the Inter-dynamical Relationship Between Industry 's Clusters and the Regional Innovative Environment & Take Suzhou as an Example

  30. 只有这样,才能确保我国各级各类图书馆在自主创新环境下的高质量服务。

    Thus , we can make sure that our libraries ' make high-quality service under the environment of independence and innovation .