
  • 网络Innovation Resources;Innovative Resource;The Innovation Resource
  1. R&D联盟模式及其关键创新资源分析

    R & D Alliance Mode and Its Key Innovation Resources Analysis

  2. 浙江高校科技创新资源的开发研究

    Development of Scientific Technological Innovation Resources in Zhejiang Institution of Higher Learning

  3. 企业搜寻、消化、吸收外部创新资源是有成本的。

    Because searching , digesting and absorbing external innovation resources have costs .

  4. 高技术产业技术创新资源与投入比较弱。

    Technological innovation resources and their input are short in hi-tech industries .

  5. 产业集群发展过程中创新资源的聚集和优化

    Congregation and Optimization of Innovation Resources in the Development Process of Industrial Clusters

  6. 创新资源与广告资源配置的数学模型

    Mathematical model for innovatory resources and advertising resources allocation

  7. 区域创新资源有效配置研究

    On the efficient allocation of regional innovation resources

  8. 针对我国创新资源分散、整体创新能力不强的情况,指出了要通过科技体制改革,促进创新资源有效整合,形成创新合力。

    Innovation resources are dispersive and entirety innovation ability is not strong in China .

  9. 整合创新资源的对策研究

    Study on Ways to Couple Innovation Resources

  10. 因此,本文将深入研究浙江省创新资源集聚网络知识溢出机制。

    Thus the dissertation will research deeply on the knowledge spillovers mechanism of Zhejiang IRI network .

  11. 把科技资源分为三个部分,即创新资源、竞争资源和潜力资源。

    This paper divides science resources into three parts : innovation resources , competitive resources and potential resources .

  12. 成都高校丰富的人力和技术创新资源是区域经济发展的重要支撑。

    The ample human and technological innovation resources in Chengdu are very important supports for regional economic developments .

  13. 中小企业内部创新资源和外部创新环境对非研发创新活动有显著的正向作用。

    Both internal innovative resources and external innovative environment are positively related to non-R & D innovation activities .

  14. 越来越多的国内外学者将目光投向民营科技企业创新资源投人的使用效率与效果进行分析与评价。

    No investment in innovation and the efficient use of resources and effectiveness of the analysis and evaluation .

  15. 通过整合各种创新资源,实现创新思想的价值化,是创新的最终目标。

    By integrating various resources , to achieve innovative ideas to value , is the ultimate goal of innovation .

  16. 成员剩余创新资源应能支持其独立进行创新活动;

    The analysis indicates that the alliance cannot make the members invest the whole of their innovation resources into it .

  17. 在诺基亚内部我们具备优秀的创新资源,但我们未能尽快地将其投入市场。

    We have some brilliant sources of innovation inside Nokia , but we are not bringing it to market fast enough .

  18. 无论是国家、区域还是产业都渴望通过科技创新资源投入的加强,以提升创新能力。

    Whether national , regional or industry needs investment of resources to strengthen scientific and technological innovation , enhance innovation capability .

  19. 从能力的基本定义和实质出发,从技术创新资源和技术创新管理的角度提出了制造业企业技术创新能力的定义,并建立了评价指标。

    Based on the resource and innovation management , the technological innovation capability is defined and some key indexes are designed .

  20. 基于不同的发展观,会形成创新资源整合的不同思路和不同的制度安排。

    Based on different outlooks on development , there will be different ideas and institutional practice in the integration of innovational resources .

  21. 农业技术创新资源具有稀缺性、动态性与区域性等特点,是农业技术创新所必需的重要战略资源。

    Agricultural technology innovation resources are essential and strategic resources for agricultural technology innovation , and have the scarce , dynamic and Regional characteristics .

  22. 它通过获取技术创新资源人力资源、资金和知识的优势与整合资源的优势来获取创新优势。

    Clusters derive innovative advantage from the gaining of technological innovative resource such as human resource , capital and knowledge and resource integration capability .

  23. 如何合理配置企业集团的创新资源,直接关系到企业集团的创新能力和核心竞争力。

    How to allocate the innovation resources rationally in enterprise group related directly to enterprise group 's the innovation ability and the core competitive power .

  24. 但是资源本身又是稀缺的,因此,在各国都加大投入的同时,创新资源配置效率问题日益受到重视。

    But resources itself is scarce , therefore , as the countries are increasing investment , the innovation resource allocation efficiency problems have been more concerned .

  25. 近年来,国内外学者越来越关注创新资源跨越组织和地域的边界,在某一区位上形成集聚的现象。

    It is emphasized by scholars home and abroad that innovative resources are inclined to agglomerate in some location , across boundaries of organizations and regions .

  26. 企业通过简单的设备引进与外界进行沟通联系,因此使用外部创新资源的效率还处于较低的水平。

    Enterprises communicate with the outside world through simple devices , so the efficiency of the use of external innovation resources is still in the lower level .

  27. 促进创新资源高效配置和综合集成,把全社会智慧和力量凝聚到创新发展上来。

    We should efficiently allocate and fully integrate innovation resources , and ensure that the wisdom and strength of the whole society are directed toward promoting innovation-driven development .

  28. 中兴通讯始终紧跟市场动向,整合创新资源,打造高素质的人才队伍,营造全员创新的文化氛围。

    ZTE has followed market trends , integrated innovation resources , created a high-quality talent team to promote the full innovation . Currently it is moving toward learning organization .

  29. 我国很多企业存在创新资源投入不足和失衡的问题,极大地制约了企业科技创新及研发活动的开展,造成创新效果不佳。

    Lack of innovation input and distribution imbalance are the common problems in enterprises of China , it restricts enterprises ' innovation activities and impacts the performance of innovation .

  30. 但是,目前大多数研究集中于社会资本与技术创新资源及能力的关系方面,即集中于技术创新的过程,关于社会资本在技术创新成果商业化运作中作用的研究还比较少见。

    But , many researches focus on the relationship between social capital and the resource and competence of innovative technological achievements , namely focus on the process of technology innovation .