
  • 网络innovation infrastructure
  1. ArnoldoVentura说,如果要促进发展,发展中国家的高等教育需要创新基础设施。

    Higher education in developing countries needs innovation infrastructure if it is to boost development , says Arnoldo Ventura .

  2. 他说,这样的联系对于任何希望从基于知识的创新成果中获益的国家都至关重要(见“创新基础设施需要新思维”)。

    Such links are essential for any country wishing to benefit from the fruits of knowledge-based innovation , he says ( see'New thinking needed on innovation infrastructure ' ) .

  3. 在鼓励用户驱动的创新基础设施方面,欧洲领导世界潮流。

    Europe led the world in promoting user-driven innovation infrastructures .

  4. 在美国,该税能够将债务与gdp之比降至80%,这能给华盛顿一些喘息的空间,使其有机会投资于创新、基础设施和医疗领域,促进全球经济增长。

    In the US , it would cut the ratio of debt to GDP to 80 per cent , giving Washington room to breathe and the opportunity to spend on initiatives , infrastructure and healthcare , fuelling global growth .

  5. 金融创新在基础设施融资中的应用

    The Application of Financial Innovation to Financing Infrastructure Investment

  6. 双边合作已经扩展到了创新、基础设施建设、人文交流等领域。

    Bilateral cooperation has also been extended to areas including innovation , infrastructure construction and culture and people-to-people exchanges .

  7. 构建漓江流域旅游圈要从战略的高度从生态旅游、特色创新、基础设施、民营投资等方面去思考。

    However , this should be approached to from perspectives of ecological tourism , innovation of features , infrastructure construction and private investment .

  8. 第四章利用设立城市基础设施建设基金来创新城市基础设施建设的投融资模式。

    In Chapter 4 , the author proposed to innovate the investment and financing mode for urban infrastructure construction by utilizing the established urban infrastructure construction fund .

  9. 影响FDI空间分异的因素多种多样,但主要因素为:科技创新环境、基础设施、产业集聚、投资力度、市场大小等方面。

    The primary factors influencing FDI spatial differentiations are the invention environment of technology and science , basic establishment , industry cluster , investment strength and market .

  10. 论证了图书馆作为人类文明传承者和创新的基础性设施的作用。图书馆职业信念是图书馆哲学的核心。

    The library professional faith is the core of library philosophy .

  11. 体制创新带动环境基础设施建设大发展

    Innovation of System Bring about Great Development of Environmental Infrastructure Construction

  12. 那些为创新体系提供基础设施的组织也是同样重要的。

    Equally important are organisations that provide the infrastructure for innovation systems .

  13. 科学技术、创新氛围、基础设施、科技实力等多项竞争力指标都位居全国前十强。

    Competition factors like science & technology , innovation atmosphere , basic facilities , technical capability and so on are also rated among top10 in the country .

  14. 在此基础上,本文提出知识管理能力对企业绩效影响的概念模型,即企业的知识管理过程能力、知识管理创新能力、基础设施能力的建设对企业绩效发展的影响。

    Based on the efforts , this dissertation puts forward a conceptual model on relationship between the knowledge management capacity and performance . This paper considers that knowledge management capacity includes knowledge process capacity , management innovation and infrastructure capacity .

  15. 这组作者写道,但是与现有解决方案有根本差别的创新可能需要大量基础设施,而且很可能在中国和印度之外的国家无法工作。

    But innovations radically different from existing solutions would require extensive infrastructure , and will probably not work in countries other than China and India , write the authors .

  16. 具体表现为流程质量在组织学习能力与外包绩效的关系中起完全中介作用,在创新能力、IT基础设施柔性与外包绩效关系中起部分中介作用。

    Moreover , process quality played a significant mediate role : It fully mediated the relationship of organizational learning capability and outsourcing performance , and partly mediated the relationship of innovation capability , flexibility of IT infrastructure and outsourcing performance .

  17. 研究表明,区域创新能力不仅与基础设施条件、经济实力、科研机构数目和技术条件等密切相关,而且与创新资源的综合集成和有效整合密切相关。

    It is concluded by this study that innovation not only relates to the infrastructure and economic strength , the number of research institutions and the quality of information availability , but also the comprehensive and innovative integration of innovative resources .

  18. 基建工程原型动态观测创新设计&创新我国基础设施建设工程原型动态观测与质量安全评价体系分析研讨及对策建议

    Design of Dynamic Prototype Observation of the Infrastructure 's Construction Project

  19. 地方政府在区域创新系统中通过提供创新基础设施、制度创新和构建区域创新文化来营造良好的创新环境推动区域内的创新活动。

    The local government offers the basic innovative facility , the institutional innovation and the regional innovative culture to create a good innovative environment to promote the innovative activities in the region .

  20. 创新型城市的构建要素可归结为产业创新、基础设施创新、制度创新、环境和文化创新、人才创新五个方面。

    Component factor of innovative city can come down to five aspects , include innovation in industry , infrastructure , system , environment , culture and person with ability .

  21. 为此,必须重新定位政府在城镇基础设施行业中的角色作用,转变和创新政府职能,尤其是进行制度创新,确保城镇基础设施最终得以供应的同时,引入有效的市场竞争机制。

    Therefore , we must relocate government 's roles in the industry of infrastructure of cities and towns , transit and innovate government function , especially proceed system innovation , so as to ensure the supply in building infrastructure and introduce effective mechanisms of market competition .