
  • 网络Innovation Capital;creative capital
  1. 风险资本退出与创新资本市场

    Venture Capital Withdrawal and Innovation Capital Market

  2. 创新资本、创新规则与创新惯习是创新场域的基本要素。

    Innovation capital , innovation rules and innovation habitus are the basic elements of innovation Field .

  3. 长三角地区的企业在人力资本、流程资本、关系资本、创新资本方面显著的高于其它地区。

    The Human Capital , the Process Capital , the Relation Capital and Innovation Capital in Yangtze River region are significantly higher than that of other regions .

  4. 不同规模的科技型创业企业在人力资本、关系资本和创新资本等方面都没有显著差异,而在流程资本方面存在显著差异。

    The human Capital , the Relation Capital and Innovation Capital have no significant differences between different sizes of high-tech start-ups , but the Process Capital is not .

  5. 依据指标体系建立原则,构建了区域人力资本、区域结构资本、区域关系资本和区域创新资本的指标体系。

    We establish a set of index system with the principle , including regional human capital , regional structure capital , regional relation capital , and regional innovation capital .

  6. 统计结果表明人力资本、结构资本和客户资本以及创新资本四个不同构成对组织绩效影响的重要度有一定的先后次序。

    The results of analysis indicate the influence of different component aspects of human capital , structural capital , customer capital and innovation capital on performance is in specified order .

  7. 人力资本在成长期、客户资本在成熟期对企业价值的影响最大,创新资本在生命周期各个阶段正向影响企业隐藏价值。

    Human capital in the growth stage and customer capital in the mature stage have the largest impact on corporate value . Innovation capital always has a positive effect on the hidden value of a company in its whole life cycle .

  8. 从创新资本理念、探索资本信用体制模式、完善公司法人人格否认制度等方面深化资本制度的改革,实现债权人利益保护机制的不断优化。

    The present thesis here is going to thus deepening the reform of the Creditors protection system so that optimizes Creditors protection mechanism from following aspects : innovate capital idea , explore Capital credit system pattern and perfect Disregard of Corporate Personality .

  9. 该指标体系由创意集群、创意人力资本、创意区域资本、文化资本、科技创新资本、生活质量6个一级指标、22个二级指标、152个三级指标组成。

    This index system consists of 6 level-one indexes namely creative cluster index , creative human capital index , creative regional capital index , cultural capital index , technological innovation capital index and life quality index , and 22 level-two indexes and 152 level-three indexes .

  10. 明确预算管理委员会与预算办公室的职责,提出建立包括战略委员会、薪酬委员会、审计委员会、提名委员会等在内的预算管理委员会;第三,创新资本市场预算信息披露内容。

    Clarify about the responsibilities of budget management committee and budget office , and offer to establish budget management committees including strategic committee , compensation committees , audit committee , nominating committee and so on ; Third , innovate the contents of budget information disclosures of capital market .

  11. 按照有效的资本主义模式,公司应该根据多重因素提供CEO的薪酬,包括季度收益、长期绩效、股价增值、创新、资本回报率、员工满意度、客户维系等。

    In an efficient capitalist model , companies would pay CEOs based on a variety of factors , including quarterly earnings , long-term performance , stock price appreciation , innovation , ROC ( return on capital ) , employee satisfaction , and customer retention , among many other things .

  12. 技术创新、资本积累与工业化的增长和就业效果

    Technical Innovation , Capital Accumulation , Industrialization Increase and Employment Effect

  13. 技术创新是资本增值的直接动力。

    Technical innovation is the direct motive force of capital appreciation .

  14. 创新农业资本投入模式促进农业可持续发展

    Creating New Investing Model of Agricultural Capital and Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Development

  15. 科技创新与资本市场&理论与经验的考察

    Technology Innovation and Capital Market : Theory and Experience

  16. 金融创新是资本市场无法抗拒的潮流。

    Financial innovation is a trend that the capital market can not resist .

  17. 创新人力资本投资体制,培育西部大开发核心推动力

    Innovate Human Capital Investment System , Cultivate The core Impetus of Great Western Exploitation

  18. 期货业:创新为资本市场的繁荣酝酿机会;

    The futures industry gives the chance ;

  19. 产品创新与资本积累

    Product Innovation and Capital Accumulation

  20. 二十一世纪将是知识经济时代,更是金融创新、资本市场全球化的时代。

    21st century is knowledge-based economy era and even more an era with finance innovation and capital market globalization .

  21. 而另一方面,他们不愿意金融机构利用金融创新绕过资本充足率和存贷比这些行政和监管措施。

    On the other hand , they disapprove of financial institutions taking advantage of financial innovation and bypassing administrative and regulatory measures governing capital adequacy and loan-to-deposit ratios .

  22. 从长期看,欧元也将通过促进技术创新、资本供给和创造劳动就业而增强欧洲长期经济增长潜力。

    In the meantime , it could promote the potential of long term economic growth in Europe by pushing forward technique innovation , strengthening capital supply and employment .

  23. 我们将探讨的其他问题有社会创业精神、技术与创新、资本筹集渠道、妇女和青年创业、技术指导和网络联系。

    Among other things , we will be talking about social entrepreneurship , technology and innovation , access to capital , women and youth entrepreneurship and mentoring and networking .

  24. 本研究先从农业产业化是实现农业规模经济的制度创新及资本经营与规模经济的关系两方面,分析说明了利用资本市场推进农业产业化是实现农业规模经济的必然要求;

    First , this article analyses and explains that to push agriculture industrialization by operating capital market is certain request of realizing agriculture scale economy and the relation between capital managing and scale economy ;

  25. 应创新农业资本投入模式,构建农业资本循环新体系,完善资本支持的政策与制度。

    Therefore , new investing model of agricultural capitals should be created , and new cycled system of agricultural capitals ought to be restructured . Polices and rules supporting investment must be improved as well .

  26. 从发达国家的发展经验来看,广泛运用资产证券化这一金融创新使资本市场与土地市场深度结合,是解决城市发展建设中这一问题的有效途径。

    The mechanism of Asset Securitization combines the capital market and the land market , and is the efficient way to solve the problem of city development , through the experiences of the developed countries .

  27. 面对企业外部环境尤其是竞争环境的剧烈变化,对企业的项目管理、体制改革、技术创新、资本运作等方面提出了更高的要求,使得企业的发展战略对企业的长期生存和发展变得至关重要。

    With the intense change in the external environment , especially in the competition environment , It demands a higher content for project management , reform , technical innovation and capital etc. for an enterprise .

  28. 20世纪末期开始,金融体制不断创新和资本市场的空前繁荣,资产证券化作为一种全新的融资工具诞生了。

    From last stage of the 20th century , as the monetary system innovated unceasingly and the capital market is more flourishing than ever before , the property securitization was born as one kind of brand-new financing tool .

  29. 随着人才资源国际流动与竞争的加剧,我国要以全球视野为背景,确立人才资源开发的国际战略,创新人力资本的开发和管理。

    With the international flow of talent resources and the fieriness of competition , We ought to take the global vision as the background , establish the international strategies of the development of talent resources and innovate the development and the management of talent capital .

  30. 毕竟,此次危机起因无论是金融创新、资本项目可兑换、放松监管,还是股票期权的理论支柱,不少来自于美国学术界最优秀、最聪明的人,而非落魄的第三世界国家的官员。

    After all , many of the intellectual underpinnings of the causes of the current crisis be it financial innovations , capital account convertibility , deregulation or stock options come from the best and brightest in US academia , not bureaucrats in dead-beat third world countries .