
chuànɡ xīn jīng shén
  • creative spirit;pioneering spirit
  1. 美国一直保持着其创新精神。

    America has always retained her pioneering spirit .

  2. 外语教学中创新精神与实践能力培养

    On the Pioneering Spirit and Practical Ability Development in FLT

  3. “丽景庄园”是南非历史最悠久、最具创新精神的酿酒商之一。

    Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa .

  4. 如果我没错,那么我们应该培养创新精神,因为不合逻辑的创造力能补充机器的理性。

    If I 'm right , we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine .

  5. 因为没有好奇心,我们就会失去创新精神和企业家精神。

    Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship .

  6. 在开放创新精神的大旗下,各种新框架不断涌现,旨在促进GoogleAppEngine的开发和部署。

    True to the spirit of open innovation , new frameworks are popping up that facilitate Google App Engine development and deployment .

  7. 新闻集团(NewsCorp,眼下已分拆为一家出版公司和福克斯)最优秀的品质在于创新精神。

    The best quality of News Corp , now split into a publishing company and Fox , is entrepreneurialism .

  8. PBL有利于学生创新精神的培养;

    PBL is in favor of fostering innovation ;

  9. 我国高等教育只有抓住有利的、积极的一面来应对WTO,才能适应经济全球化的特点和需要,才能培养出具有创新精神和创新能力的国际化人才。

    Authorities in higher education should the advantageous and positive factors of its own to cope with the entrance to the WTO , and that it can develop internationalized talented persons with creative minds and abilities .

  10. 中国加入WTO对高职人才培养模式提出了新的更高的要求,我们应当摒弃传统的人才培养模式,着力培养学生的创新精神和创新能力;

    With China 's entry to WTO , new and high demands in the modes of human resources are needed . We should a-bandon the traditional modes and stress on fostering the creative spirit and ability of the students .

  11. 文章从教学内容、方法、个案方面阐述了在遗传与优生教学中渗透STS教育实践,目的是提高学生的科学素养、创新精神和社会责任感。

    This paper sets forth STS education in teaching genetics and orthogenics based on teaching contents , methods and cases . The purpose for it is to improve students ' scientific quality , innovative spirit and the sense of social responsibility .

  12. 它有助于观念的更新和创新精神的培养。

    It helps to cultivate one 's originality and renew ideas .

  13. 用创新精神统率信息素质教育课程

    Commanding the Information Literacy Education Course with the Innovative Spirit

  14. 旨在鼓励年轻人要有创新精神。

    This is to encourage young people to be creative .

  15. 论工科大学生创新精神与实践能力培养

    On Fostering the Innovative Practice Ability for Students of Engineering

  16. 以改革创新精神推进我国领导科学发展

    To develop Leadership Science in Our Country with the Spirit of Innovation

  17. 公司始终坚持积极的学习态度和创新精神。

    The company persists in studying attitude and the enterprising spirit actively .

  18. 培养具有持续创新精神的学习型、开拓型华人企业家。

    Cultivating study oriented and pioneering entrepreneurs who possess continuous innovation spirit .

  19. 从茶道可以看出日本对外来文化的学习能力和创新精神。

    We can see the learning ability and initiative spirit .

  20. 学报要有体现创新精神的办刊理念;

    Thirdly , journals should also embody the operational concepts of innovation ;

  21. 审美教育与理工科大学生创新精神的培养

    Aesthetic education and cultivation of innovative spirit in science-engineering students

  22. 以创新精神推进先进文化建设的研究

    On promotion of the advanced culture building with the spirit of innovation

  23. 从创新精神的丢失谈体育教师应具有的素质

    On Qualification Of Physical Education Teachers From The Loss Of Creative Spirit

  24. 培养创新精神提高实践能力

    Cultivating Students ' Creative Energy and Improving Their Practice Ability

  25. 发展潜力、创新精神是产业融合的内动力;

    Secondly , development potential and innovation spirit are the inside power .

  26. 教师角色榜样与学生创新精神培养

    Teacher ' Exemplary Role Model and Students ' Creativity Nurturing

  27. 数学课堂培养创新精神的探索

    Probe into Training of Innovative Spirit in Mathematical Classroom Teaching

  28. 知识经济时代呼唤具有创新精神与创新能力的人才。

    The era of knowledge-driven economy calls for initiative spirit and innovation ability .

  29. 对学生创新精神研究的分析与思考

    An Analysis of Researches Related to Students ' Creativity

  30. 创新精神的本质特点与结构构成

    The Natural Characteristics and Structural Elements of Innovational Spirit