
chuàng zào xìng sī wéi
  • creativity;Creative Thinking;productive thinking
  1. 因此,研究的第二阶段从创造过程(process)的角度对学生进行创造性思维训练。

    Hence , the second stage of the research focuses on the training creative thinking from the angle of process creation .

  2. 杜兰商学院的乐高项目就是一个例子,英格兰的华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)最近上演的莎士比亚(Shakespeare)剧作《皆大欢喜》(AsYouLikeIt)也是如此,该舞台剧旨在让学生们接触到复杂的决策和创造性思维。

    The Lego project at Dolan School of Business is one example , as is the recent staging by England 's Warwick Business School of Shakespeare 's As You Like It , designed to expose students to complex decision-taking and creative thinking .

  3. 我们通过创造性思维寻找解决办法。

    We find solutions by thinking creatively .

  4. 要有创造力。现代社会最需要有创造性思维的学生。

    Be creative . In modern society , the students who have creative thinking are needed most .

  5. 这些在工作日或周末的休息让他们有时间去充电有时间让大脑进入那种创造性思维模式。

    during the work day or on the weekend , so that they have time to recharge and for the brain to slide into that kind of creative mode of thought .

  6. 创造性思维的培养&浅谈工笔人物教学改革人源抗Met基因工程抗体scFv的改造与特性分析

    The development of creative thought & About the innovation of fine brushwork ; Reconstitution of human anti-Met genetic engineering antibody scFv

  7. 文章从多个方面探讨这一伟大发现给我们带来的启示:正确的科研选题,密切的科技合作,恰当的科学方法,合理的创造性思维等等,这些都是发现DNA结构的关键。

    This paper discusses the inspiration this great discovery brins us from many aspects : correct scientific research topic selection , intimate science and technology cooperation , appropriate scientific method , rational creativeness thought-These are all keys to discovering DNA double spiral structure .

  8. 从机械创新设计特征和创造性思维的角度出发,研究了机械创新设计的思维认知,提出了基于思维模式的机械创新设计模型,探讨了CAD支持机械创新设计的方式和途径。

    Based on characteristics of mechanical creative design and creative thinking pattern , the thinking recognition of mechanical creative design is studied , mechanical creative design model based on thinking pattern is proposed , and the method and way of CAD for mechanical creative design are discussed .

  9. dILAS是深圳图书馆开发的实时咨询系统。创造性思维与地方文献业务创新&以深圳图书馆地方文献工作为例

    DILAS is a real-time reference service system developed by the Shenzhen Library . Creative Thought and the Innovation in Local Document Resources Work

  10. 创造性思维是现代新思维的主要特征,科学思维就是创新思维。

    Creative thinking is the feature of modern mode of thinking .

  11. 如何在高等数学教学中培养学生的创造性思维

    How to Train Students ' Creative Thought on Advanced Mathematics Teaching

  12. 创造性思维是具有耗散结构的大系统。

    Creative thought is a big system that has dissipative structure .

  13. 而他的创作作品,体现了创造性思维的本质。

    And his creations , reflecting the nature of creative thinking .

  14. 试论创造性思维能力在高校中的培养

    Brief Comment on Fostering Creative Thinking Ability in Colleges and Universities

  15. 论游戏运动活动与创造性思维开发

    On the Activity of Game and its Contribution to Creative Thinking

  16. 现代英语教学与创造性思维力培养

    Modern English Language Teaching and the Development of Creative Thinking Ability

  17. 试论创造性思维模式及培养的关键因素

    Study on the Critical Factors of Creative Thought and Its Training

  18. 长沙市667名中学生创造性思维能力及相关因素分析

    Factors Influencing Creative Thinking Ability of Middle School Students in Changsha

  19. 科学创造性思维分析

    An analysis of scientific pioneering thinking Pioneering and Production-Oriented Undergraduate Education

  20. 浅谈创新教育与大学生创造性思维的培养

    On Originality Education and Development of College Students ' Creative Thinking

  21. 开放显微外科实验室教学培养大学生的创造性思维

    Offering micro surgery lab teaching , nurturing college students in creative thinking

  22. 发散思维是创造性思维的一种基本形式。

    Divergent thinking is one of the basic forms of creative thinking .

  23. 心理学研究表明:创造力包括创造性思维和创造性人格两部分。

    Psychological research shows that creativity includes creative thinking and creative personality .

  24. 基础课教学应注重培养学生的创造性思维

    Training Creative Thought of Students in the Basic Course Teaching

  25. 产品设计是一种复杂的人类创造性思维活动。

    Product design is a complicated thinking activity of creation of human .

  26. 军队高校创造性思维教育的几个问题

    Some Key Points in Training Creative Thinking in Military Academy

  27. 工程图学创造性思维教育的研究和初步实践

    Research and Practice on Creative Thinking Education in Engineering Graphics

  28. 论高等美术教育创造性思维能力的培养

    The Discussion of Cultivating Creative Thought Power in Higher Education

  29. 同时也探讨了奖励期待与创造性思维的关系。

    This study also explored the relationship between reward-expectation and creative thinking .

  30. 对高等数学教学创造性思维培养的认识与实践

    Knowledge and Practice on How to develop Creative Thought in Math Teaching