
  • 网络Target extraction;Object extraction;object detection;target acquisition
  1. 基于熵能的视频运动目标提取算法及DSP优化实现

    Video Moving Object Extraction Algorithm Based on Entropy and Optimized Implementation on DSP

  2. SAR影像水体目标提取的序列非线性波波方法

    Method for water object extraction in SAR imagery based on sequential nonlinear filtering

  3. 是线索熟悉,还是目标提取


  4. 支持Trace预构的分支目标提取

    Branch Target Profiling & Supporting Trace Preconstruction

  5. 基于广义Hough变换的不规则形状目标提取方法

    A Method of Irregular Object Extraction Based on Generalized Hough Transform

  6. 基于ICA和SNF的SAR机场目标提取

    Airport Objects Extraction from SAR Based on ICA and SNF

  7. 实验证明,该平台在进行复杂算法和多目标提取方面比以前的DSP平台更容易满足实时性要求。

    The experiments demonstrate that the platform is much easier than the former DSP platform for fulfilling the real-time requirement in carrying out complicated algorithm and multi-target extraction .

  8. 基于小波多尺度分析与GVFSnake的空中目标提取

    Detection and recognition of aerial targets based on the Bubble wavelet function and GVF Snake model

  9. 短程线主动轮廓模型(GeodesicActiveContourModel)是一种全新的图像分割和目标提取方法,由Caselles等人首先提出。

    Geodesic Active Contour Model ( GACM ) was originally proposed by Caselles as a novel approach for image segmentation and object exaction .

  10. 提出了一种用于除草机器人的基于HSI(色调、明度和饱和度)颜色模型的彩色图像目标提取方法。

    An object extraction method was proposed based on the HIS ( hue , intensity and saturation ) color model , which could be used for weed robots .

  11. 主要特点是:1.采用智能客户端的形式,集成了雷达RCS分析计算模型和红外目标提取模型,实现了目标特征数据的自动入库功能。

    Intelligent client was adopted . The radar RCS analysis and calculate model and the infrared target characteristic abstract model were integrated which made the target characteristic data were stored in the database automatically . 2 .

  12. 本文的主要工作包括:1.在目标提取方面,提出了一种改进的使用局部二元图(LBP)的基于纹理的算法。

    The main research work includes : 1 . In the aspect of object detection , an improved texture-based method using local binary patterns ( LBP ) for background subtraction is proposed .

  13. 主要内容包括:基于散射矩阵的POLSAR图像目标提取算法,基于协方差矩阵POLSAR的目标提取算法和基于几何特征的人造目标提取算法等方面。

    Main contents include man-made targets extraction based on scattering matrix , man-made targets extraction based on covariance matrix [ C ] and the extraction based on geometric feature .

  14. 本文比较了双正交3.1ψ小波、haar小波以及sobel算子对弱目标提取的能力,实验表明3.1ψ小波对目标提取能力最强,并且受噪声影响小。

    The capability of extracting the faint target is compared among the 3.1 ψ biorthogonal wavelet , haar wavelet and sobel , experiments show that 3.1 ψ biorthogonal wavelet has the best capability of extracting the faint target , and is not sensitive to noise .

  15. 基于相关准则的磨粒显微图像目标提取

    Object Extraction of Microscope Wear Debris Image Using a Correlation Criterion

  16. 一种基于几何基元模型的人造目标提取方法

    Method of detecting manmade object based on model of geometric element

  17. 视频序列中运动目标提取与跟踪技术的研究

    Research on Moving Object Detection and Tracking Technology in Video Sequences

  18. 基于图像的猕猴桃果实目标提取研究

    Research on the Object Extraction of Kiwifruit Based on Images

  19. 基于先验动态形状约束的视频目标提取

    Drawing Completion Test Dynamic Shape Prior Based Object Segmentation in Video Stream

  20. 数学形态学在红外多弱小目标提取中的应用

    Application of Mathematical Morphology on Infrared Image of Multi-dim-small Target

  21. 对已分割的目标提取轮廓信息,采用傅立叶描述符描述。

    For segmented target , Fourier descriptor is adopted .

  22. 基于帧间扰动相关性的弱小目标提取方法

    Extraction Method of Weak and Small Target Based on Correlation of Inner-Frame Disturbance

  23. 基于掩膜的光谱二阶导数法目标提取

    Second Order Derivatives of Spectrum Based on Mask Algorithm

  24. 基于核密度估计的红外目标提取方法

    Infrared target extraction method based on kernel density estimation

  25. 一种基于纹理图像的目标提取方法

    An Approach to Object Extraction Based on Textured Image

  26. 视频图像目标提取技术的研究

    Study on Technology of Objects Retrieval from Video Image

  27. 复杂背景下多目标提取的高灵敏度方法

    A high sensitivity method for detection of small targets from the complicated background

  28. 复杂背景下利用聚类决策的弱小目标提取方法

    Extraction Method of Weak and Small Target Using Clustering Decision under Complex Background

  29. 分裂-合并方法在图象分割、目标提取中的应用

    The application of " Split-Merge " algorithm used in image segmentation and target extracting

  30. 提出一种摄像机静止条件下视频图像运动目标提取与跟踪的方法。

    An algorithm of extracting and tracking moving targets in video sequences is proposed .