
  • 网络Relative time;relative timing;relative speed;relativistic time
  1. 2CaM和PKCs到达共享结构域的相对时间;

    The relative time of arrival of CaM and PKCs at their shared domains .

  2. 同样在NS2仿真环境中进行模拟,我们通过在邻居表内提供相对时间和剩余节点能量两个参量标准来完成路由选择,这样可以确保网络的可靠性和避免信道拥塞导致网络瘫痪。

    Relative time and node energy these two parameters were set into neighbor table for routing , which ensures reliability and avoid routing congestion .

  3. 利用缓冲区控制机制来解决媒体内同步问题,再通过RTP相对时间戳来控制音视频流媒体间的同步。

    Use the buffer control to discuss the intra-media synchronization and the relative timestamp to control the inter-media synchronization .

  4. hrtimerAPI正式确认(formalize)了绝对时间和相对时间之间的区别,要求调用者指定类型。

    The API formalizes the distinction between absolute and relative times , requiring the caller to specify the type .

  5. 采用基于字形的启动范畴判断任务,通过变化SOA和不同的启动类型,考察高、低频汉字形音义激活的相对时间进程。

    Using priming category judgment task which based on the graphic information of Chinese characters , the time course of graphic , phonological , semantic activation was investigated in the recognition of Chinese high-and-low frequency characters .

  6. 结果:(1)肿瘤组织的时间-密度曲线同正常肾皮质比较可分为3型;经消除因个体循环差异后的肿瘤活跃部分的TDC峰值相对时间较正常肾皮质TDC峰值相对时间早P<0.05;

    Results ( 1 ) TDC of malignant kidney tumor can be devided into 3 kinds compared with that of normal renal cortex .

  7. waitForObject()API与Object.wait()类似并提供可使用纳秒粒度指定的相对时间和绝对时间。

    The HighResolutionTime . waitForObject () API is similar to Object . wait () and provides relative and absolute times that can be specified with nanosecond granularity .

  8. 因为我们为db2trc命令指定了-t选项,因此输出中还包括相对时间戳。

    Because we specified the-t option on the db2trc command , relative timestamps are also included in the output .

  9. 并在此基础上建立了MG-TWF模型的多粒度时间约束工作流网、多粒度相对时间和多粒度绝对时间约束一致性问题的一般分析方法。

    In addition , consistency analysis methods of multi-granularity relative time constraints , multi-granularity absolute time constraints and multi-granularity time constraints workflow networks are developed .

  10. 通过多粒度相对时间约束、多粒度绝对时间约束及多粒度时间约束工作流网概念,从MG-TWF模型的静态建立阶段、动态运行阶段及模型的网结构方面描述其多粒度时间约束。

    By the definition of multi-granularity relative time constraints , multi-granularity absolute time constraints and multi-granularity time constraints workflow networks , multi-granularity time constraints of MG-TWF are described from MG-TWFs static building stage , dynamic running stage and workflow networks structure .

  11. 移动实时事务的相对时间正确性及其实现

    Relative Time Correctness for Mobile Real-Time Transactions and Its Implementation

  12. 对前驱冲击波与火焰面的相对时间及相对位置关系进行了分析。

    Relative time and relative position of precursory shock waves and flame is analyzed .

  13. 早上补光时处理叶片的净光合速率高于晚上相对时间的净光合速率值,早上的光合启动时间大于晚上。

    Pn . in the morning was higher than the same time at the night .

  14. 您可以提供相对时间。

    You can give relative times .

  15. 相对时间戳显示自跟踪开始所经历的时间。

    A relative timestamp shows the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the trace .

  16. 高频多基雷达的时间同步包括各基站的绝对时间同步和基站之间的相对时间同步。

    The time synchronization includes absolute time synchronization between base stations and relative time synchronization between the stations .

  17. 时钟选择影响干扰,因为它仅仅改变电压毛刺到达的相对时间。

    Clock timing affects crosstalk because it slightly changes the relative time of arrival of aggressive voltage spikes .

  18. 这些单元不直接转换成时间;它们表示的是典型磁盘访问的相对时间。

    These units do not translate directly to time ; they represent relative time for a typical disk access .

  19. 为了控制相对时间窗的偏移量,引入了一个在时间窗外提供服务的不便成本函数。

    To control the time window violations , inconvenience costs for servicing customers outside their time windows are imposed .

  20. 加速度:速度相对时间的变化。加速度值根据确定的方向而为正或者负。

    Acceleration : a change in velocity with respect to time . Values are either positive or negative with standard orientation .

  21. 在绝对时间难度加大和相对时间难度加大情况下,提取引发遗忘都表现出减弱,甚至消失的趋势。

    The retrieval induced forgetting decreased and even disappeared as the difficulty increased either under the absolute or relative stimulus presented duration change .

  22. 对高空探空报、测风报扩充报文相对时间定位编码进行比较,并进行解析。

    Compares the code for relative reporting time in extensive upper space exploring and wind monitoring , and provide the resolution of the code .

  23. 她通过能指时间的延展性建立现代小说的主体时间范畴,即“相对时间”。

    She builds up a subjective time concept by employing the duration of the signifier : " the relative time " in modern fiction .

  24. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在1905年提出相对时间概念作为狭义相对论时预测了这点。

    Albert Einstein predicted this in 1905 , when he introduced the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity .

  25. 所以我可以代入这里,得到那个功率,是相对时间的衍生物。

    And so I can substitute that in there , and so I get that the power is the derivative of this versus time .

  26. 每天在觅食地时间的长短变化与白昼长的变化基本一致,但其相对时间则较固定,占白昼长的90%~95%,而且它与该日日长相近。

    But relative time at feeding area was relatively stable , occupying 90 % - 95 % of daytime , and closing the sunshine time .

  27. 论文中讨论了太阳位置、太阳辐射的计算方法,包括太阳方位、相对时间、目标接收到的太阳辐射的计算等。

    This thesis discussed the calculation of sun position and radiation including sun orientation , relative time as well as the sun radiation received by object .

  28. 我们将指定的最后一个选项是-t选项,该选项将指示跟踪功能捕捉与每条跟踪记录相关的相对时间戳。

    The last option that we will specify is the-t option , which will direct the trace facility to capture relative timestamps associated with each trace record .

  29. 在运动涡旋相,电压的轨迹相对时间是周期性的,其振动频率与电流密度成正比。

    In the moving vortex lattice phase the time dependent voltage is periodic with time , and the frequency of voltage is proportional to the current density .

  30. 研究成果对白云隧道的开挖方式及初期支护相对时间的确定有重要的工程实际意义。

    The research result has an important practical project significance to determine the way of excavation and the relative time of the initial support of the Baiyun Tunnel .