
lián hé ɡuó zǒnɡ bù
  • United Nations Headquarters;UNHQ
  1. 联合国总部学术倡议行动计划

    Plan of Action for Academic Initiatives at United Nations Headquarters

  2. 领导人和来自世界各地的代表会来到联合国总部。

    Leaders and representatives from around the world have come to the United Nations headquarters .

  3. 这份文件先前在纽约的联合国总部传阅过。

    The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations

  4. 美国,纽约:总统乔治·W·布什在联合国总部讲话前的小动作。

    New York , USA : President George W.Bush winks before speaking at the UN headquarters .

  5. CRI新闻,钱山明(音译)纽约联合国总部报道。

    For CRI , this is Qian Shanming from the UN headquarters in New York .

  6. 当政治家们前往联合国总部出席年度联合国大会(ungeneralassembly)时,他们应该花时间研究一下纽约市应对日益沉重、日益全球化的“富贵病”问题的努力。

    As politicians travel to the United Nations ' headquarters for the annual general assembly , they should take time to study new york'seffortsto tackle the growing and increasingly global burden of lifestyle diseases .

  7. 联合国总部和洛克菲勒中心也是今天的压轴戏。

    U.N.And Rockfell Center are also the end of this trip .

  8. 克里斯从纽约联合国总部发回的报道。

    Chris Morris reports from the UN headquarters in New York .

  9. 这辆公共汽车是不是开到联合国总部?

    Does this bus go to the United Nations Head_quarters ?

  10. 教皇本笃星期五将在纽约联合国总部发表讲话。

    Pope Benedict will address the United Nations Friday in New York .

  11. 将军,醒醒,你到联合国总部了

    General , wake up . You 're at the United Nations .

  12. 这里也是联合国总部的所在地。

    Where you find the headquarters of the United Nations .

  13. 咖啡馆、图书馆,甚至联合国总部,到处都有。

    in cafes and in libraries , at the U.N. , everywhere .

  14. 是的,我想参观联合国总部。

    Yes , I 'm interested in seeing the UN .

  15. 这项提议在联合国总部遭到了一些人的反对。

    This propsal is meeting some resistance at the un 's head quarters .

  16. 联合国总部,纽约,政府建筑。

    Take a virtual tour of the UN building .

  17. 上午这次旅游参观联合国总部吗?

    Does the morning tour visit the U.N. ?

  18. 联合国总部被迫关闭。

    The UN headquarters was forced to close .

  19. 联合国总部将实行绿色环保。

    The United Nations is going green .

  20. 他表示:在纽约联合国总部有一半的工作都是在管理你自己国家的政府。

    Half the job in New York is managing your own capitals , he said .

  21. 联合国总部会计实务和政策

    United Nations Headquarters accounting practices and policies

  22. 目前还不清楚它将放在联合国总部哪个地方。

    It is not yet clear where on the U.N. grounds it will be located .

  23. 许多国家的国旗飘扬在联合国总部的外面。

    The banners of many countries fly outside of the headquarters of the United Nations .

  24. 在纽约的联合国总部,秘书长潘基文在安理会上发言。

    At UN headquarters in New York , Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon spoke to the Security Council .

  25. 本承诺是在上周纽约联合国总部召开的一个会议中达成的。

    The promises came last week at a meeting at the United Nations in New York .

  26. 这一消息是安南在纽约联合国总部接受该报记者专访时透露的。

    This information was disclosed by Annan during an interview by the Newspaper in UN headquarter .

  27. 潘基文在纽约联合国总部向一块刻著遇难者姓名的石板敬献了花圈。

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon laid a wreath honoring those killed beneath a plaque containing their names .

  28. 我们会天天去联合国总部抗议,直到强迁问题得到妥善解决!

    We will go to United Nations headquarters to protest every day until the evictionissue be resolved !

  29. 本月末,我们将在联合国总部纽约正式举办这个活动。

    Later this month , we will launch it officially at United Nations headquarters in New York .

  30. 周一吴红波在纽约的联合国总部宣誓就职。

    The inauguration ceremony for Wu Hongbo has taken place Monday at UN headquarters in New York .