
yī bān jīnɡ jì ɡuī lǜ
  • General economic laws
  1. 战略经济学是由经济学与战略理论交叉产生的学科,其目的是用经济学的原理、方法来分析研究企业战略问题,找出企业战略行为背后的一般经济规律。

    Economics of strategy , which applies the theory and method of economics to the strategic management study , is the cross subject of economics and strategic management .

  2. 社会责任信息披露是信息披露的一个方面,也应该符合信息披露的一般经济后果规律,因此本章对此做了实证分析。

    Social responsibility information disclosure is an aspect of information disclosure , also should accord with the economic consequences of information disclosure rules . Thus , this chapter makes an empirical analysis on value relevance of CSR information disclosure .

  3. 而青岛市的经济高速增长的同时对就业的推动效应却不太明显,失业率也没有下降,这有悖于一般的经济规律的现象,也是宏观经济领域需要重点研究的课题。

    However , the promoting effect on employment is less obvious in Qingdao city , the unemployment rate did not decline with the rapid economic growth , which is contrary to the general economic laws , and becomes an important research subject in the area of macro-economic .

  4. 对于这一与一般理论和一般经济规律相悖的现象,学界有所探寻并取得较好理论成果,但不够深入且角度单一。

    The reason of this phenomenon which is different from the general economic theory has been researched by some scholars and they obtained some good theoretical results . But they are not enough depth and a single point of view .

  5. 资本缺乏与盈余下国际投资的博弈分析对于这一与一般经济理论和一般经济规律相悖现象产生的原因,学界有所探寻并取得较好理论成果,但不够深入且缺乏系统性与综合性。

    Global Investment Between a Capital Affluent Country and a Capital Absent Country The causes of this phenomenon which is in conflict with the general economic theory and principles have been discussed in the academic field .

  6. 因此,国家分配论较公共财政论而言,更具一般性,是更符合一般性经济规律的理论。

    Therefore , compared with the Theory of Public Finance , the State Distribution Theory is more universal and more accordant with economic law .