
  • 网络top university;university;first-rate university;leading university
  1. 她表示,当Rocket招聘初创企业主管时:“我们希望应聘者拥有一流大学的杰出学位,以及在咨询公司等高强度环境工作的经历。”

    When Rocket recruits people to head its start-ups , she says , " we expect an outstanding degree from a top university and work experience in high-performance environments such as consultancies . "

  2. 世界一流大学图书馆的数字参考服务实践研究

    The Investigation on Digital Reference Services among World Top University Libraries

  3. 他希望强化自然科学在一流大学里的地位。

    He hoped to strengthen the position of the sciences in the leading universities .

  4. 我们希望给予这些最顶尖的研究生特别照顾,因为没有他们,我们就无法继续处于一流大学之列。

    We want to privilege them because without the top graduate students , we can 't remain a top university

  5. 斯坦福大学作为世界一流大学之一,有许多学科都是世界一流的。

    As one of the world top universities , Stanford has many subjects that stand among the top ones in the world .

  6. 一个国家的高等教育体系需要有一流大学群体的有力支撑。

    A country 's higher education system requires the strong support of world-class universities .

  7. 一项出自高等教育专家的研究报告称,家庭条件富裕的年轻人更有可能在一流大学的热门课程的入学名单上位居前列。

    Young people from rich families are still much more likely to get top places at top universities , says this report from higher education experts .

  8. 我国何时能建成世界一流大学&从GDP角度预测

    When will Chinese universities be able to become world-class & Forecasting from GDP perspective

  9. 正如人们也许会期望的那样,罗素团体(RussellGroup)19所一流大学的学生表现出很强的决策、分析和组织能力。

    Students among the Russell Group of 19 leading universities demonstrated strong decision-making , analysing and organisational skills , as might be expected .

  10. 对于25岁的高伟(音译,见右图)而言,攻读墨尔本大学(UniversityofMelbourne)并非第一选择,但谁让她没考上中国国内的一流大学呢?

    For Gao Wei , 25 , attending the University of Melbourne was not her first choice , but she did not make the cut for a top Chinese university .

  11. 大学招生咨询顾问米凯莱•埃尔南德斯(MicheleHernandez)表示,成本上升也加剧了进入美国一流大学的竞争。

    Rising costs also increase competition to get into the best schools , according to Michele Hernandez , a college admissions consultant .

  12. QS最佳大学城市排行的首席研究员本•萨奥特说,尽管伦敦拥有的世界一流大学数量比巴黎多,但学费更昂贵。

    Ben Sowter , lead researcher on QS Best Student Cities , said that though London had more world class universities than Paris it was more expensive .

  13. 同时两校都是中国一流大学,吸引着全球范围内的优秀学生,并鼓舞着其他国家高校的发展,泰晤士高等教育排名的编辑PhilBaty表示。

    Both act as national flagship institutions , attracting global talent and inspiring others , said Phil Baty , editor of Times Higher Education Rankings .

  14. 除了担任国内很多一流大学EMBA课程的教师外,叶峰还是北京一家名为日出咨询有限公司的战略咨询公司的创始人。

    In addition to his work teaching Executive Master of Business Administration ( EMBA ) courses at many of China ` s top universities , Ye is also the founder of Sunup Consulting Co Ltd , a Beijing-based strategic consulting company .

  15. Baty注意到了东亚地区高校总体上升的趋势。“更多的亚洲大学正在紧追西方一流大学的脚步,越来越多地跃居世界前50名,而且丝毫没有懈怠的迹象,”他说。

    Baty noticed a trend of East Asian universities rising up . " More Asian institutions are nipping at the heels of the best in the West , increasingly occupying world top 50 places and showing no signs of letting up , " he said .

  16. 和中国一样,澳大利亚有许多世界一流大学。

    Australia also has as many world class universities as China .

  17. 创办一流大学须高度重视实验教学

    Establishing First class University and Attaching Great Importance to Laboratory Teaching

  18. 创建世界一流大学的行政措施探讨

    The Administrative Measures to Establish the First-rate Universities in the World

  19. 他声称,正是棍棒教育使得自己的孩子都进入了一流大学。

    Businessman says hitting his kids got them into top college .

  20. 国内外一流大学形成模式案例比较研究世界一流大学形成研究

    Example Research for the Domestic and World First-class Universities Forming Pattern

  21. 成绩最高的那百分之一进入一流大学。

    The top 1 percent will go to the elite universities .

  22. 曾有一段时间,一流大学的校长着实起着举足轻重的作用。

    There was a time when big-league university presidents really mattered .

  23. 国际化成为世界一流大学的显性特征。

    Globalization has become a dominant character of world first-class universities .

  24. 什么是世界一流大学

    On what 's the first - class university in the world

  25. 试析海峡两岸创一流大学的主要障碍

    Major impediments to the creation of first-rate universities along Taiwan Straits

  26. 创新:建设一流大学的灵魂

    Creation : the key to build up the first class universities

  27. 北京大学获国家级科技奖励分析&兼谈科技奖励在创建世界一流大学中的作用

    On the State Science & Technology Awards Acquired by Peking University

  28. 韩国有三所一流大学排名下降。

    And three of South Korea 's leading universities have declined .

  29. 精英教育·小康社会·一流大学

    Elite Education , Well-Off Society , First - Class Universities

  30. 加强基础研究建设一流大学

    Enhance the Basic Research , Establish the Top Level University