
  • 网络enation;auricle
  1. 研究了光强度、温度变化、食物种类、饥饿程度以及破坏耳突对日本三角涡虫(Dugesiajaponica)涡虫摄食行为的影响。

    The effects of light , temperature , food , starvation and destruction of auricle on Dugesia japonica feeding behaviors were studied .

  2. 双生病毒卫星DNA与脉突和耳突症状相关的遗传决定因子研究

    Genetic Determinants on Geminivirus Satellite DNA Inducing Vein Thickening and Enation Symptoms

  3. 21耳突聋中15耳针刺内听宫穴耳鸣减轻,甚至消失。耳闷减轻,听力提高。

    Tinnitus and auditory stuffiness in 15 of 21 ears with sudden hearing loss were relieved or even disappeared after acupuncture with auditory improvement .

  4. 这个酒瓶子有两个耳柄突出来。

    The wine bottle has two handles sticking out .