
  • 网络crawl;Crawling;Crawl Forward;leopard-crawl
匍匐前进 [pú fú qián jìn]
  • [crawl] 身体贴近地面以手臂和腿的力量推动身体前进的运动方法。通常有受敌火威胁,遮蔽物较低的场合采用。分为低姿、高姿和侧身三种

  1. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进

    He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke

  2. 士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。

    Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy .

  3. 他们匍匐前进。

    They crawled along on their bellies .

  4. 士兵们冒着密集的炮火匍匐前进。

    The soldiers crept forward under heavy gunfire .

  5. 史密斯双肘伏地,开始匍匐前进。

    Mr. Smith dropped to his elbows and started pulling himself forward .

  6. 士兵在夜色的掩护下匍匐前进。

    The soldiers crept forward under cover of darkness .

  7. 年轻的士兵在匍匐前进。

    The young soldier moved forward on his belly .

  8. 它灵活的设计能让人深蹲,匍匐前进和高灵活性运动。

    Its flexible design allows for deep squats , crawls and high-agility movements .

  9. 如果你匍匐前进的话,你身周范围内的草会被你压平。

    Grass will flatten in a small radius around you if you go prone .

  10. 河水猛冲着岩石堤岸。他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进

    The river chafes against the rocky shore He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke

  11. 他穿上了一套动作捕捉用的衣服,并且在地上像龙一样边匍匐前进边完成配音的工作。

    He donned a motion capture suit and crawled on the ground like a dragon as he did the voice work .

  12. 纪念碑的一边是一条石头人行道,他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进

    On one side of the memorial is a stone walkway . He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke

  13. 他在潮湿的苔藓上爬着,弄得衣服湿透,身上发冷;她本能地趴在地上匍匐前进。

    He squirmed over the wet moss , saturating his clothes and chilling his body ; Instinctively , she dropped to her belly to crawl .

  14. 有时力量用到极限就全身趴在地上匍匐前进,像田里的牲口。

    and sometimes in the extremity of their travail they craw on the ground , on all fours , like the beasts of the field .

  15. 在时光匍匐前进的岁月里,在这个热闹又寂寞的空间里,我依然微笑,虽然,有时会笑的满眼泪水。

    Time to crawl in the years ahead , and lonely in this crowded space , I am still smiling , though , sometimes in tears of laughter .

  16. 有几个匍匐前进直至拱桥的高处,小心翼翼地不露出军帽的边缘。

    Some crawled flat on their faces as far as the crest of the curve of the bridge , taking care that their shakos did not project beyond it .

  17. 他笔下的人物生存于一个可怕的、梦幻真空中,周身充满着不可遏抑的迷乱和忧伤。他们荒唐地试图进行某种交流,而后无休止地匍匐前进。

    His characters exist in a terrible dreamlike vacuum , overcome by an overwhelming sense of bewilderment and grief , grotesquely attempting some form of communication , then crawling on , endlessly .

  18. 有很多类型的山洞过夜游可供挑选,比如那些需要花四个小时才能触及到露营点的行程,还包括需要“匍匐前进”地段,而且是真实地伏在地上。

    There are many different options for overnight cave trips - the one we linked features a four hour journey to get to your camping spot , including areas with " belly crawls , " which is exactly what it sounds like .

  19. 该方法可以用来分析单个对象发生的行为,如:跑、跳、卧倒、匍匐前进等,也可以分析多个对象共同发生的行为,如:物体的留置、人群的聚集等。

    This method can be not only used to analyze the behaviors of individual object , such as : running , jumping , creeping , but also used to analyze the cooperative behaviors of multiple objects , such as : object liens , crowd gathering .