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nán guò
  • have a hard time;feel bad;feel grieved;sadness;sorry;upset
难过 [nán guò]
  • (1) [have a hard time]∶指生活困难,日子不容易过

  • (2) [feel bad]∶指身体不舒服

  • (3) [feel grieved]∶心情不痛快;伤心

  • 心里难过

难过[nán guò]
  1. 纽约下雪时,穷人和病人很难过。

    The poor and the sick have a hard time when it snows in new york .

  2. 听说你要走了,我们十分难过。

    We are very sad to hear that you are leaving .

  3. 她十分难过地丢下了她的孩子们。

    She left her children behind with a heavy heart .

  4. 你唯一做到的就是使我的父母难过。

    All you 've achieved is to upset my parents .

  5. 看到你这个样子我很难过。

    It breaks my heart to see you like this .

  6. 我干吗要让你难过呢?

    Why should I want to make you feel bad ?

  7. 她的声音显得既难过又真的生气。

    There was hurt and real anger in her voice .

  8. 使她难过的是,名单上没有她的名字。

    To her dismay , her name was not on the list .

  9. 看到以前的冠军表现如此差劲,球迷感到难过。

    Fans were saddened to see the former champion play so badly .

  10. 听到令尊大人去世,我感到非常难过。

    I was very sad indeed to hear of your father 's death .

  11. 获悉你遇到意外,我很难过。

    I was sorry to hear about your accident .

  12. 别再为那件事那么难过了。

    Now don 't get all upset about it .

  13. 对她的新书的负面评论使她很难过。

    The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her .

  14. 看到你这副模样真令我难过。

    It pains me to see you like this .

  15. 犯不着为此事难过。

    There 's no point getting upset about it .

  16. 他们仍为上星期0:4惨败而难过。

    They are still smarting from the 4 – 0 defeat last week .

  17. 他死了以后,她难过了好几个月。

    She pined for months after he 'd gone .

  18. 看着他们离去,真让人难过。

    It was sad to see them go .

  19. 这部影片可能使易冲动的孩子感到难过。

    This movie may upset a sensitive child .

  20. 我忘了她的生日,感到很难过。

    I feel awful about forgetting her birthday .

  21. 我很难过,这消息得由我来告诉你。

    I 'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you .

  22. 我为她感到难过,可事实是她对我们撒了谎。

    I feel sorry for her , but the fact remains she lied to us .

  23. 他对她说,她让他们失望了,于是她难过极了。

    He told her she 'd let them down and she felt worse than ever .

  24. 她难过地摇摇头。

    She shook her head sadly .

  25. 她要走了,心里很难过。

    It grieved her to leave .

  26. 他难过地叹息了一声。

    He sighed unhappily .

  27. 想到你一个人苦苦挣扎,我很难过。

    It pains me to think of you struggling all alone .

  28. 他们俩都很不友善,让我非常难过。

    They have both behaved very badly and I am very hurt

  29. 我的玩具在这场火中付之一炬,这令我很难过。

    I 'm sad about my toys getting burned in the fire .

  30. 死了?嗯,我不觉得难过。

    Dead ? Well , I can 't say I 'm sorry .