
nàn mín yínɡ
  • refugee camp
  1. 部队试图在难民营里设一个瞭望哨。

    Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp .

  2. 要采取有效措施避免难民营中发生争抢食物的骚乱。

    Effective measures should be taken to avoid food riots in the refugee camp .

  3. 过度拥挤和恶劣的卫生状况导致难民营中出现疾病。

    Overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions led to disease in the refugee camps .

  4. 他们说他们将留下重建家园而不是躲到难民营里。

    They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps

  5. 斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。

    Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless . He calls it a paradise compared to the camp .

  6. 你看到孩子们逃离难民营,只为找到一个家,却在半路死去了。

    You   see   kids   running   away   from   the   refugee   camp   to   find   a   place   to   be   home ,   but   die   on   the   way .

  7. 此次绑架行动的三周之前,另外一名救援人员、一名为救援组织CARE工作的司机,也在达达阿布难民营遭到绑架。

    The kidnapping came just three weeks after another aid worker , a driver for the group CARE , was kidnapped from Dadaab .

  8. 与Kambioos难民营一样,IfoExtension最终将容纳90000名难民。

    As with Kambioos , Ifo Extension will eventually hold 90000 people .

  9. 救助工作者表示,空置的IfoTwo难民营距离位于达达阿布的难民营非常近。

    Aid workers say the empty camp , known as Ifo Two , is close to another one , Dadaab .

  10. 官员们报告称通过污染的食物和水爆发感染的E型肝炎病毒对难民营的居民们构成了严重威胁。

    officials report that an outbreak of Hepatitis E - a viral infection transmitted by contaminated food and water - is posing a grave challenge to camp residents .

  11. 国际救助组织care把他们当作没有报酬的实习生,并委派梅森负责一项计划,为泰国边境难民营里营养不良的儿童提供食品。

    Care , the international relief organisation took them on as unpaid interns , and assigned MS Mason to run a feeding programme for malnourished children in refugee camps along the Thai border .

  12. 难民营居民AblahIbrahim说这令情况更加恶化。

    Camp resident Ablah Ibrahim says this makes a bad situation worse .

  13. 之后,IFo二号难民营开始兴建。

    Construction of Ifo II camp began shortly after .

  14. 难民营领导人AliNoorHassan也深感挫折,因为他的地段缺乏警察保护。

    The camp leader , Ali Noor Hassan , has also become frustrated with the lack of police protection in his section .

  15. 埃里克•范杜森(EricVanDusen)在自己的间隔年从阿根廷穿越大陆来到加利福尼亚州,而他的妻子卡拉•纳尔逊(KaraNelson)则在津巴布韦的一个难民营教书。

    Eric Van Dusen traveled over land from Argentina to California during his time off , while his wife , Kara Nelson , taught in a migrant camp in Zimbabwe .

  16. 达尔富尔之梦明日将在网上举行一场另类开幕式,随后将由演员米亚·法罗(MiaFarrow)每天从达尔富尔的一个难民营发布网上直播。

    Dream for Darfur is to hold an online alternative opening ceremony tomorrow , followed by a daily webcast by the actress Mia Farrow from a Darfur refugee camp .

  17. 当BalTiwari从尼泊尔难民营搬到波特兰时,他很高兴还能有机会从事耕作。

    When Bal Tiwari moved to Portland from a Nepalese refugee camp , he was excited to have the opportunity to farm again .

  18. Kpehie说,他们到达难民营的时候全家人都生病了。

    Kpehie says the whole family was sick when they got to the camp .

  19. 艾萨克赫尔德于二战结束三年后出生在德国一座难民营里。母亲在奥斯威辛集中营(Auschwitz)里幸免于难。

    Isaac Held was born in a German refugee camp three years after the end of the second world war , to a mother who had survived Auschwitz .

  20. 世卫组织水与环境卫生工程师YvesChartier检查基巴提1号难民营的水龙头。

    Yves Chartier , water and sanitation engineer from WHO , checks taps at a water distribution point in the Kibati I camp .

  21. 在乌干达的BidiBidi难民营,20万难民中只有不到2%的人接种过阿斯利康疫苗。

    In Uganda 's Bidi Bidi camp , less than 2 percent of 200000 refugees have received a single shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine .

  22. 政府军周日阻止了戈马城外Kibati难民营联合国军队的护卫,转移了由联合国运送的23个人。

    Government troops stopped a U.N. convoy Sunday near the Kibati refugee camp outside Goma and removed 23 people being transported by the United Nations .

  23. 大家分享着沦落为IDPS时发生的故事。我们多数人都和朋友或家人待在一起,但也有些人住进了难民营。

    We had so many stories from our time as IDPs . Most of us had stayed with friends or family but some had been in the camps .

  24. 与此同期,摄影师诺伯特·巴克萨(NorbertBaksa)在Instagram上贴出一张照片,上面是一个身穿奢华品牌的模特,站在匈牙利难民营前面。

    Around the same time , Norbert Baksa , a photographer , posted pictures on Instagram of a shoot he had done featuring a model wearing luxury brands against the background of a Hungarian refugee camp .

  25. 缅甸政府还要求设立新孟邦党一检查站,控制了附近Halockinee泰缅边境的难民营地区。

    Burmese regime also asks to set up a check point in the NMSP-controlled area near Halockinee refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border .

  26. 他们三人说,在一个虚构的位于黎巴嫩和叙利亚边境的难民营的布景现场,有人给了他们一系列支持叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的涂鸦作品用来模仿,并吩咐他们要让自己的作品没有政治倾向。

    The three said that they had been given a set of images of graffiti supporting President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to emulate at the set of a fictional camp on the Lebanese-Syrian border , and they were instructed to make theirs apolitical .

  27. Nuro于2004年来到美国,他和家人在肯尼亚一个难民营里生活过。

    Mr. Nuru came to the United States in two thousand four . He and his family had been living in a refugee camp in Kenya .

  28. AbdouDieng说,抵达埃塞俄比亚北部难民营的厄立特里亚难民说,阿斯马拉政府试图阻止他们离开,当地的形势还在进一步恶化。

    Dieng says Eritrean refugees arriving at camps in northern Ethiopia are saying the Asmara , Eritrea , government tries to prevent them from leaving , and that conditions are ing .

  29. Sharbat古拉是在难民营内的非正规学校的学生之一,麦柯里,很少考虑到阿富汗妇女拍照机会,抓住机遇,捕捉她的形象。

    Sharbat Gula was one of the students in an informal school within the refugee camp ; McCurry , rarely given the opportunity to photograph Afghan women , seized the opportunity and captured her image .

  30. 难民营的人们要求帮助。

    The people living in the refugee came appeal for help .