
  • 网络Sightseeing bus;Tour Bus;tourist bus;City Sightseeing;KL Hop-On Hop-Off
  1. 你可以搭乘城市观光巴士回到市区。

    You can take the City Sightseeing Bus back to the downtown .

  2. CB电台网,好几亩带住房的郊区和一辆观光巴士。还有一个机器人地产经纪在地头乱逛,跟所有想买房子的人做生意。

    CB radio network , acres of housing suburbs , and a tour bus . A robot real estate agent roams around making deals with anyone who wants to buy a house .

  3. 观光巴士已经取代了火车。

    Tour buses have replaced railway cars .

  4. 两辆观光巴士都禁止使用手机,但其中一辆观光巴士提供数码相机并且鼓励大家拍照。

    Both bus tours forbade the use of cell phones but one tour provided digital cameras and encouraged people to take photos .

  5. 那你就坐观光巴士看看吧。

    Then you can take a bus tour of the city .

  6. 我可以在此购买观光巴士券?

    Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus there ?

  7. 观光巴士上还有空座位吗?

    Are there any seats left on the city tour bus ?

  8. 我能在这里买观光巴士的票吗?

    Can I buy tickets for a sightseeing bus here ?

  9. 一辆观光巴士载着我们转遍了整个城市的旅游景点。

    A bus took us on a sightseeing tour of the city .

  10. 这地方有旅游观光巴士吗?

    Is there a sightseeing tour bus for the town ?

  11. 在哪能预订观光巴士?

    Where can I reserve a scheduled sightseeing bus ?

  12. 上次到欧洲度假,我们搭观光巴士四处旅行。

    For our last vacation we traveled around Europe on a touring bus .

  13. 这只博美犬扮成了观光巴士。

    This pomeranian went as a sightseeing bus .

  14. 观光巴士在哪发车?

    Where do the sightseeing buses start from ?

  15. 这趟观光巴士从哪里出发?

    Where do the sightseeing buses leave from ?

  16. 这有观光巴士旅行吗?

    Is there a sightseeing bus tour ?

  17. 我想搭乘观光巴士。

    I would take a sightseeing coach .

  18. 观光巴士[游览车]

    A sightseeing bus [ coach ]

  19. 欢迎乘坐观光巴士。

    Welcome to our tour bus .

  20. 或者可以乘坐观光巴士3号线至东方明珠站下车。

    Or you can take the No.3 travelling bus and get off at the Oriental Pearl TV Tower stop .

  21. 很遗憾告诉你,你的朋友芭芭拉小姐在观光巴士上受伤了。

    I 'm sorry to say your friend , Miss Barbara was injured when she was on a sightseeing bus .

  22. 来自伊拉克和伊朗的什叶派穆斯林经常到那里去。据报道,一辆观光巴士被炸毁。

    Shi'ite pilgrims from both Iraq and Iran frequent the shrine , and a tour-bus was reportedly damaged by the explosion .

  23. 那天真是车水马龙,游览的人络绎不绝。观光巴士[游览车]

    The tourist traffic was very busy that day . There was an endless stream of visitors . a sightseeing bus [ coach ]

  24. 饭后步行到珠海宾馆长途车站乘观光巴士游览市区各景点。

    Station of road of Zhuhai guest curator reachs on foot after the meal visit the urban district by sightseeing bus each tourist attraction .

  25. 近在咫尺的机场专线,在酒店附近穿梭市内观光巴士,不仅让您的商旅之行方便快捷,更使您与市区的繁荣同在。

    Nearby airport special road and city tour buses not only make your business trip fast and convenient , but also let you enjoy the city prosperity .

  26. 成群结队的观光巴士停靠在西湖边,车门开合处吐出一批批游客。

    Its cultural offerings and historic spots are many and varied , which explains the throngs of tourist buses disgorging passengers from all over China which crowd the shores of West Lake .

  27. 我们搭乘了一种很特殊,称为“电车”的观光巴士到各个旅游景点。这是一种一票坐到底的搭乘,买一张车票你就可以在任何一站下车,四处看看,然后再搭上另一辆巴士到下站去。

    We took a special kind of tour bus called the " trolley " to different tourist spots.It has a one-ticket system where you can get off at any stop.look around , then get on the incoming trolley to the next stop .

  28. 如今我可以在我的新城乌布自由行动,或至少让我在这些狭窄、迂回、维护不良、挤满摩托车、卡车和观光巴士的路上自由行动,感到安全。

    Now I 'm mobile in my new town of Ubud , or at least as mobile as I can safely feel on these roads , which are narrow and winding and badly maintained and crowded with motorcycles , trucks and tourist buses .

  29. “好莱坞”这个词代表着魅力、明星和名流扎堆的电影业。然而真实的好莱坞则是明星模仿者们的天堂,由双层观光巴士和蜡像馆组成的无趣街区。

    The word " Hollywood " is synonymous with glamour , stardom and the celebrity-soaked movie industry , whereas the real Hollywood is just a seedy neighborhood in the middle of Los Angeles populated by celebrity impersonators , double-decker tour buses and wax museums .

  30. 我想坐观光旅游巴士旅游。

    I 'd like a tour by sightseeing bus .