首页 / 词典 / good


  • before
向者 [xiàng zhě]
  • [before;formerly;in the past] 副词。以往,从前

  • 向者辰发灵虚。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 向者视渡老人之芋之香。--清. 周容《芋老人传》

  • 向者之香而甘

  1. 这个慈善机构的宗旨是向贫困者提供帮助。

    The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need .

  2. 牛津能向来访者提供很多娱乐活动。

    Oxford has a lot to offer visitors in the way of entertainment .

  3. 一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

    Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels .

  4. 一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

    Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms .

  5. 他们一直在暗地里向叛乱者提供军事支援。

    They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels

  6. 他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。

    He responded in champion 's style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed .

  7. Internet研究领域里存在很多网络数据库,它们向研究者提供用来研究网络动态、流量特征和网络发展模式的各类流量数据集。

    A wide variety of network traffic archives exist in the Internet research community . They provide researchers with traffic traces to study network dynamics , usage characteristics , and growth patterns .

  8. 推出这款游戏的任天堂(Nintendo)和尼安蒂克(Niantic)公司向遇难者家属表示了哀悼。

    Nintendo and Niantic , the companies behind the game , expressed condolences to the families of the victims .

  9. 该交易可能会被构造为一项杠杆收购(LBO),德国政府将向收购者的债务融资提供担保支持。

    It could be structured as a leveraged buy-out , with an investor raising debt backed by German guarantees .

  10. 抵制该节目的原因为:主持人张绍刚以及Boss团“不尊重求职者”并“向求职者传达消极信息。”

    The reason cited was that both the TV host Zhang Shaogang , and the employers " did not give due respect to the interviewees " and " sent a negative message to job seekers . "

  11. 当决策者评估和比较来自不同云计算提供商提供给最终用户的SLA时,它向决策者提供应该期望和了解哪些内容的指导原则。

    It provides guidance to decision makers on what to expect and what to be aware of as they evaluate and compare end-user SLAs from cloud computing providers .

  12. Bishop向守护者科学博客写信,想要知道我们得到的想法,像人们的智力或是身体特征能从他们自身的基因预测吗。

    Writing for the Guardian 's science blog , Bishop wonders where we got the idea that people 's mental and physical traits can be predicted from their genes .

  13. 利用系统算法推荐与用户之间推荐相结合的方式,将学习资源、学习活动、学习策略三者整合起来,向学习者推荐完整的E-Learning学习方案。

    And then using the combined method of system recommendation and users recommendation , recommend to learners a complete study plan , including learning resources , learning activities and learning strategies .

  14. 首先,发送者向控制者提出申请,控制者再对其拥有的2个粒子做Bell基测量,实现纠缠交换,并把结果通知发送者。

    First of all , the sender applies to the controller , and then the controller performs the Bell-based measurement on the two particles of his own . And the controller notifies the sender to achieve entanglement swapping .

  15. 因此,本文着重研究了GPS/DR组合导航系统,以实现连续、实时的定位导航,同时,为了向驾驶者提供近于无误差的定位结果,本文也研究了地图匹配方法。

    So this paper makes a study of GPS / DR Combined Navigation System so as to accomplish the continuous and timing location and navigation , and the method of map matching so as to provide users the locating results approximately without error .

  16. 人身保护令(TheWritofHabeasCorpus)作为普通法古老的特权令状,是由法院向羁押者签发一份命令,要求羁押者将被羁押者提交法院以审查羁押的合法性。

    As an ancient privilege writ in the common law , the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a kind of order issued by the court requiring the detainee submitted to the court to review the legality of the custody .

  17. 6对移植标本短串联重复序列差异基因由受者型向供者型转化的时间为14~23d。

    The conversion time of different gene of the six pairs of transplantation specimens STR sequence from recipient to donor was 14-23 days .

  18. 此外,她还参加业界的一些会议,向推荐者提供会议,找出哪些人写文章,哪些人做技术培训,回复Addison-Wesley的作者以便与其他人联系。

    In addition , she attends industry conferences , sets up meetings with presenters , finds out who is writing articles and who is training on technologies , and returns to AW authors for other contacts .

  19. 结论:①6对移植标本短串联重复序列差异基因由受者型向供者型转化的时间为14~23d,6对样本都有从混合嵌合向完全嵌合发展的良好趋势。

    CONCLUSION : ① The conversion time of different gene of the six pairs of transplantation specimens STR sequence from recipient to donor is 14-23 days , and the six pairs of exponent all have a well development trend from mixture chimera to complete gomphosis .

  20. 合同规定他必须向发明者支付版权费。

    The contract binds him to pay royalties to the inventor .

  21. 他们向亡者祭献食物、鲜花和礼品。

    They offer food , flowers and gifts to the dead .

  22. 还应该向遇难者家属道歉!

    And they must apologise to the families of the victims !

  23. 警官厉声向绑架者发出警告。

    The police officer barked out a warning to the kidnapper .

  24. 向乞讨者乞讨,你永远也不会富裕。

    Beg from beggars and you 'll never be rich .

  25. 她倚在窗槛上不断向进攻者射击。

    Bearing on the windowsill , she kept firing at the attackers .

  26. 知道如何向面谈者推销自己是重要的。

    It is important to know how to sell yourself .

  27. 除了旅馆外,还有许多其它种类住宿设施向旅游者提供。

    Many other types of accommodations besides hotels are available to tourist .

  28. 别向报信者开火,我已经尽我所能。

    Don 't shoot the messenger . I did what I could .

  29. 现在请听众向讲演者提问题。

    The audience are now invited to put questions to the speaker .

  30. 观众向演出者发出一片嘘声。

    The crowd greeted the performers with boos and hisses .