
  1. 当太阳资本得知只剩下贝恩资本(BainCapital)和塞克资本(SACCapital)两家还在角逐时,太阳资本向贝恩资本提出了一个交易提议。

    When sun learned that the American standard process was down to just Bain Capital and sac capital , it went to Bain with an offer .

  2. 你完全搞颠倒啦,麦特向桑恩嚷起来。

    " You got it all upside down ," shouted Matt at Thorne .

  3. 推罗的民、〔民原文作女子〕必来送礼.民中的富足人、也必向你求恩。

    The Daughter of Tyre will come with a gift , men of wealth will seek your favor .

  4. 你躺卧,无人惊吓,且有许多人向你求恩。

    Sleeping with no fear of danger ; and men will be desiring to have grace in your eyes ;

  5. 求你向我显出恩待我的凭据,叫恨我的人看见,便羞愧,因为你耶和华帮助我,安慰我。

    Shew me a token for good ; that they which hate me may see it , and be ashamed : because thou , LORD , hast holpen me , and comforted me .

  6. 伊丽莎白苦闷了整整一个上午,想不到在极短的时间里,居然坐上马车,向浪搏恩出发了。

    and Elizabeth , after all the misery of the morning , found herself , in a shorter space of time than she could have supposed , seated in the carriage , and on the road to Longbourn .

  7. 那船又转了个方向,一点一点向本·葛恩的船靠拢过来,显得又大又危险。

    Then the ship turned again , big and dangerous as she came closer and closer to Ben Gunn 's little boat .

  8. 主已拯救我们并向我们显明救恩的光,我们的祷告是能够忠心为祂而活。

    Let 's pray that we can live faithfully for the Lord who has spared us and shown us the light of salvation .