
  1. 东西向国贸易航线集装箱流量分析

    The Analysis for the East-West International Trade Container - Cargo Flow

  2. 他还特别向国会议员强调,布什总统才是总指挥。

    He pointedly reminded lawmakers that Bush is commander in chief .

  3. 它的网址提供了抗议海报以及向国会议员发电子邮件的机会。

    Its website offers protest posters and the chance to e-mail MPs .

  4. 在文学艺术方面,他还积极向国人传播西方先进的文学理沦和方法,翻译西方著名的文艺作品。

    He still propagated the advanced literature theory and method in the west , translated famous literary works .

  5. 通过这个平台,使我们有机会向国内外的制药工程专家学习到许多宝贵的经验和知识。

    We were exposed to a tremendous amount of valuable experience and knowledge from both Chinese and foreign experts .

  6. 《教育世界》是我国最早的教育专业杂志,是第一个向国人系统地传播西方教育的窗口。

    Education World was the earliest education journal which served as a channel to systematically distribute Western education in China .

  7. 电视电影的成长壮大,无疑向国人展现了一片影业市场的新天地。

    It is doubtless that the growth brings about a new world of the film industry and market to the Chinese people .

  8. 曾多次向国内外专家探讨,勤奋研究,不断了解泌尿外科领域的前沿技术,并熟练应用到临床实践中。

    Many experts at home and abroad to study , diligence , understand urology fronts , and skilled technology applied to clinical practice .

  9. 留学英国时,他向国人介绍西方宪政学说,提倡政党政治。

    While he was studying in Britain , he introduced constitutional theories of the West to his Chinese compatriots and promoted the rule of political parties .

  10. 创造社知识群体在向国人宣扬新的爱情婚姻观念、鼓吹妇女解放方面,做出了杰出贡献。

    The members of the Literary Creation Society made an outstanding contribution to the liberation of women and the spread of new ideas on love and marriage .

  11. 退休后的养老金被湖南的几所学校(如湖南科技大学)的官吏向国成痞子等贪污了。

    After retirement pensions were Hunan and several schools ( such as Hunan University of Science and Technology ) to Guocheng Pizi officials , such as the corruption .

  12. 这是我国法学界需要深入研究和回答的问题,也是法学界要向国人宣教的一个课题。

    All these questions should be answered and further studied by the law circles in China , they are the topic which should be publicized to the countrymen as well .

  13. 奥巴马政府官员在预计下周进行的投票之前向国会议员们做了简报,该投票将批准拨出更多资金,训练所谓的叙利亚温和派叛军,让他们在战场上出力。

    Administration officials briefed members of Congress ahead of a vote , expected next week , to approve extra funding to train so-called moderate Syrian rebels to help in the fight .

  14. 众议院共和党议长贝纳向国会议员发出警告,如果星期四不通过联邦拨款法案,哪怕是一个临时法案,那么他们就得在华盛顿一直待到圣诞节。

    Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner warned lawmakers that if they did not pass a bill Thursday - even a temporary measure to fund the government - they would have to stay in Washington until Christmas .

  15. 这个国家将会向蒙古国进行技术转让。

    There will be a transfer of technology from this country to Mongolia .

  16. 意大利文化部表示,它并未察觉政府试图向联合国教科文组织施加压力。

    The Italian Culture Ministry says it is unaware of any government efforts to pressure UNESCO .

  17. 有一次,晋国要去进攻掳国,得向虞国借路,国王担心虞国不答应。

    Once , the State of Jin intended to invade the State of Guo and had to seek for permission to go by way of the State of Yu . The King of Jin was worried that the State of Yu would refuse to consent .

  18. 对GPS测量实践中普遍存在的高程转换问题进行了分析,提出了GPS高程向我国实用高程系统转换的最小二乘预估法。

    A new way of the least squares estimation is made in the model of altitude transformation on the ground of the GPS altitude measurements .

  19. 加入WTO后,我国零售业进入全方位开放的倒计时阶段,国际大型零售集团加快向我国零售业市场渗透的步伐。

    After entering WTO , China retail enters the count-down stage of complete opening , international retail groups accelerate permeating to the market of our country .

  20. 洛根教授曾建议越南向联合国教科文组织提名顺化为文化景观(CulturalLandscape),这将使受保护的范围延伸至整个城市。

    Professor Logan has suggested that Vietnam try to nominate Hue for Unesco designation as a Cultural Landscape that would make a whole stretch of the city a protected site .

  21. 《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)上周末报道称,沃尔玛公司(Walmart)涉嫌掩盖一项内部调查,该调查证明其墨西哥分公司向该国官员行贿。

    Over the weekend , the New York Times reported that Walmart allegedly covered up an internal investigation proving its Mexican subsidiary bribed officials in the country .

  22. 富国承诺向贫困国捐赠该国10%的H1N1疫苗。

    Wealthy countries have promised to donate ten percent of their H1N1 vaccine to poor countries .

  23. 2005年,她第一次坐上了飞机,前往纽约向联合国(un)讲述她的故事。

    In 2005 she flew on an aircraft for the first time to New York to tell her story to the United Nations .

  24. 在目前这个阶段,缅甸政府更需要的不是钱,而是技术专长,比如国际货币基金组织(imf)目前向该国提供的那些。

    More than money , at this stage the government requires technical expertise of the sort the International Monetary Fund is now providing .

  25. IMF公布了最近向20国集团(G20)各国部长发出的简报,称美国滑落财政悬崖将产生巨大的国际溢出效应。

    Releasing a recent note to ministers from G20 countries , the fund said going over the cliff would have large international spillovers .

  26. 尽管朝鲜否认自己应该对那次黑客攻击负责,但该国曾向联合国(UN)投诉这部影片,并指责美国支持恐怖主义。

    While North Korea has denied responsibility for the hack , it has complained to the UN about the film and accused the US of sponsoring terrorism .

  27. 科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)就萨达姆的大规模杀伤武器计划向联合国所做的陈述软弱无力,这颇为令人尴尬。

    Colin Powell 's feeble presentation to the United Nations about Saddam 's WMD programme was an embarrassment .

  28. 中国发布了国防“白皮书”,同时承诺向联合国(un)提交年度报告,通报其军事预算和海外武器销售情况。

    China has published defence " white papers " and has committed to make annual reports to the United Nations on its military budget and international arms sales .

  29. 上周六,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)采取紧急行动,向该国银行体系注入大量流动性。目前人们担心的是,全球金融危机将大幅压低印度经济增长。

    On Saturday , the Reserve Bank of India took emergency action to pump liquidity into the country 's banking system amid concerns that the global financial crisis would cut significantly India 's economic growth .

  30. 在对任何国家或地区施加财政约束方面,欧盟(eu)拥有(或者说可能拥有)的唯一手段,就是拒绝进一步向该国或该地区进行支付。

    The only mechanism the European Union has , or can have , for imposing fiscal discipline in any country or region is to refuse further payments to that country or region .