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xiàng lái
  • always;before;all along;earlier
向来 [xiàng lái]
  • (1) [always;all along]∶一贯如此

  • (2) [earlier;before]∶先前

  • 向来之烟霞。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

  • 向来不过笼络耳。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

向来[xiàng lái]
  1. 我向来喜欢音乐,这是拜父母所赐。

    I 've always enjoyed music ─ it 's in the genes .

  2. 她的厨艺向来不错,但这一次她更是胜过以往。

    Her cooking was always good , but this time she had surpassed herself .

  3. 我向来不喜欢写信。

    I 've never been a great one for writing letters .

  4. 我打牌的技术向来不高。

    I 've never been very good at cards .

  5. 他听起来很真诚,可是话说回来,他向来如此。

    He sounded sincere , but then , he always did .

  6. 他说他的种族渊源对他向来都不重要。

    He said his ethnicity had not been important to him .

  7. 豹向来单独猎食,所以如果受伤了就无法捕猎。

    A leopard hunts alone , and an injured leopard cannot hunt

  8. 在波兰,信仰的含义向来不仅仅指宗教。

    In Poland , the faith has always meant more than mere religion

  9. 我妹妹向来比我聪明许多。

    My sister was always a lot cleverer than I was

  10. 我向来觉得永生的想法很可怕。

    I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying .

  11. 他向来寡言少语。

    He 's never got much to say for himself .

  12. 凯恩向来是个擅长讽刺的演员。

    Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony

  13. 经济学家对他向来态度冷淡。

    Economists have never been more than lukewarm towards him

  14. 虽然他爱发脾气,而且有时还很讨厌,但向来都只是一阵儿。

    Though he had a temper and could be nasty , it never lasted

  15. 计算机向来是最新科技的象征。

    Computers have always represented the latest in technology .

  16. 历史和轶闻的分界向来是模糊而混乱的。

    The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled .

  17. 玛丽亚对两个孩子都疼爱有加,向来一视同仁。

    Maria loved both the children . There was never a hint of favouritism .

  18. 我数学向来就不好。

    I was never any good at maths .

  19. 我向来不给杂志写信,但是斯塔布斯先生最后做得太过火了。

    I normally never write into magazines but Mr Stubbs has finally crossed the line

  20. 他从前向来都是阴险狡猾,口是心非。

    He had been devious and two-faced

  21. 我向来提防穿西服的男人,因为我认为穿西服就等同于权力和权威。

    I 'm always wary of men wearing suits , as I equate this with power and authority

  22. 进行自我评价向来很难。

    Self-appraisal is never easy .

  23. “问题是,肯普先生向来把我当淑女看待。”——“你真幸运。”

    ' The thing about Mr Kemp is that he always treats me like a lady . ' — ' Lucky old you . '

  24. 秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然的人们的宠爱。

    The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature .

  25. 向来如此。

    It has always been so .

  26. 倍利向来是个乐天派。

    Bailey had always been an optimist .

  27. 他在困难面前向来不二乎。

    He never shrank from difficulty .

  28. 老人向来急公好义,为社区办了不少好事。

    The old man has always been public-spirited , and has done a lot of good things for the community .

  29. 我们向来都是亲身实践、自己动手的国家。

    We 've always been a hands-on , do-it-yourself kind of nation .

  30. 我向来都不是一个会考试的人。

    I have always been a poor test-taker .