
  1. 其他据称闹鬼的地铁站还包括考文特花园站、海德公园站和国王十字圣潘克拉斯站。

    Other supposedly haunted Tube stations include Covent Garden , Hyde Park and King 's Cross St. Pancras .

  2. 北京地铁十号线花园东路站降水方案及效果

    Precipitation scheme and effect of Huayuan east road station of the tenth line on Beijing subway

  3. 大直径长管棚超前支护技术在北京地铁10号线花园东路站中的应用

    Application of Advanced Support Technique with Large Diameter Long Pipe Roof at Huayuan East Road Station of Beijing Subway # 10 Line

  4. 另外,在大楼外立面延伸出的众多外部平台上都设计有小花园。站在窗前,就可以看到片片翠绿。

    In addition , small gardens are positioned on various platforms along the structure 's exterior , providing greenery that can be seen from the windows .

  5. 我在她门前的小花园里站了一会儿,害怕得直打哆嗦,不知道姨婆会怎么看我。

    I stood at her front door , in the neat little garden , for a few moments , trembling with fear , and wondering what my aunt would think of me .

  6. 北京奥林匹克公园中心区下沉花园雨水泵站设计

    Pumping station design of Beijing Olympic Common Domain underground park

  7. 到格林花园有多少站?

    How many stops is it to green park ?

  8. 去考文特花园有几站?

    How many train stops to Covent garden ?

  9. 当烧烤日来临的时候,喝多了啤酒的人们肯定想在跌倒之前坐下来,所以确保有足够的凳子,最好在阴凉的地方,这样你的花园中才不会站满被晒成红色脱皮的人。

    As the day goes on and the beer gets drunk people are going to want to sit down before they fall down , so make sure there 's plenty of seats , preferably in the shade so you don 't end up with a garden full of pink peeling people .