
  1. 专家正在调查为什么这个湖会受到严重污染。

    Experts are investigating why the lake is seriously polluted .

  2. 也许搬离这悲哀之湖会让你好受一些。

    Maybe if you moved away from Lake lachrymose you might feel better .

  3. 在那里认识更多的朋友湖会很容易。

    Where making more friends would be easy .

  4. 我们相信,狮子湖会成为南中国最好的休闲交流平台。

    We believe , Lion Lake will be the best leisure communication platform in Southern China .

  5. 而在寒冷的冬季,青海湖会披上一层厚厚的银装。

    In the cold winter , the lake will be covered with a thick layer of snow .

  6. 如果天气够冷,湖会结冰,我们可以去溜冰。

    If it gets cold enough , the lake will freeze , and we can go ice-skating !

  7. 助长人们对高尔夫球兴趣的还有中国数量越来越多、同时越来越具洋气的高尔夫球场,比如位于中国海南省的世界最大高尔夫球场——观澜湖高尔夫球会(MissionHillsGolfClub)球场,尽管中国已在全国范围内暂停建造新的高尔夫球场,

    Helping to fuel the interest is the growing number -- and increasing outlandishness - of golf courses in the country like the world 's largest Mission Hills golf club on southern Hainan Island , which continue to be built despite a nationwide moratorium on new courses .

  8. 请于指定时间在观澜湖高尔夫球会新田停车场休息室集合。

    Please assemble at Mission Hills San Tin parking lounge according to the specified time schedule .

  9. 甫一上路,我的心情就变得迫切起来,急于想知道那个湖如今会是何等模样。

    On the journey over to the lake I began to wonder what it would be like .

  10. 奥林匹克志愿者最早出现在奥运会上是在1980年的普莱西德湖冬奥会。

    It was not until the 1980 Lake Placid Olympics that that the " Olympic Volunteer Movement " commenced .

  11. 高尔夫和观澜湖球会已经成为我们生活中很重要一部分,打球、生意和生活、球会都已经融为一体。

    Golf and Mission Hills have become part of my life , and golfing , business , my daily life and the club have become integrated as a whole .

  12. 我当然试过但是有个可怕的怪物守护着湖它会淹死每一个接近的人去过的人无一生还

    Of course I have , But the lake is guarded by a ghastly creature that drowns its victims . No one who 's ever faced it has lived to return .

  13. 农场支持当地社会的多项计划,包括鲑鱼湖展示会、当地青年篮球联盟会、地区艺术委员会以及当地公立中小学。

    The farm supports many local community projects , including the Trout Lake fair , the local Youth Association Baseball league , the area arts council , and the local public schools .

  14. 那里有个湖,湖水会发光。

    There is a lake where the water glows in the dark .

  15. 这不像是回到了安大略湖,怎么会?

    It 's not like we 're back in Ontario , how 's that ?

  16. 俄勒冈州“失落之湖”为何会消失

    Why Oregon 's Lost Lake Disappears Every Year

  17. “我在想达戈湖的海盗会拿我们的侏儒怎么办?”骑行期间哈尔顿说。

    " I wonder what the pirates of Dagger Lake will make of our dwarf ?" Haldon said as they rode on .

  18. 每当我慢跑经过这片湖,都会看到同一个老妇人,身边放着一个金属笼子坐在湖边。

    Each time I jog by this lake , I see the same elderly woman sitting at the water 's edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her .

  19. 喀纳斯湖的湖水为什么会变色呢?

    Why does the color of the Kanas Lake water change ?

  20. 这座湖在冬天都会结冰。

    The lake freezes in winter .

  21. 烟雨楼通宵达旦供应茶酒面食,又有昆曲社在湖上举行曲会助兴。

    Yan Yulou supply tea wine pasta night , another Kun Opera Society was held on the lake will add to the fun song .

  22. 伊利诺州水晶湖市的水晶湖演讲会的鲍伯,了解这是非常有帮助的。

    Bob Chikos of the Crystal Lakes Toastmasters in Crystal Lake , Illinois , finds knowing this is very helpful .