  • ray;skate
  • 鱼类的一科,身体扁平,略呈圆形或菱形,有的种类有一对能发电的器官,生活在海洋中。肉可食,肝可制鱼肝油,皮可制砂皮和皮革。

  1. 生活在北美洲东海岸的大型鳐。

    Large ray found along eastern coast of North America .

  2. 一种原始的鳐,又长又平的嘴两侧生有锋利的牙齿。

    Primitive ray with sharp teeth on each edge of a long flattened snout .

  3. 在Blu餐厅,配有花椰菜、野生菌和松露的煎灰鳐以前的价格是26美元。

    Blu 's skate with cauliflower , wild mushrooms and truffle broth used to be $ 26 ;

  4. 结果:软骨鱼类动物孔鳐HbA2现象阳性;

    Results : The " HbA 2 Phenomenon " ofChondrichthyes ( Raja Porosa ) was positive ;

  5. 鳐类和银鲛类嗅觉器官的研究

    A study on the olfactory organ of skates , rays and chimaeras

  6. 结果:孔鳐自身血红蛋白成份不相互作用。

    Results : There exists no interaction in Raja porosa hemoglobin component .

  7. 原始热带海底生鳐,身体形如吉它。

    Primitive tropical bottom-dwelling ray with a guitar-shaped body .

  8. 如果再幸运一些,你将会看到巨大的鳐形目鱼、海龟和海牛。

    With luck you 'll also spot giant rays , turtles and manatees .

  9. 孔鳐胰脏单层细胞的制备和外源基因的表达

    Preparation of Monolayer Pancreas Cells of Raja porosa Gunther and Expression of Exogenous Gene

  10. 没错,他们就是刺鳐帮。

    That 's right : They were gangsters .

  11. 另外还有螃蟹、刺鳐,海鳗,斑鳟和红鳟鱼。

    Species include crabs , sting rays , eels , speckled trout and red fish .

  12. 巨鳐挥扫着优美的鳍�

    Giant rays sweep in on graceful wings

  13. 体型最大的鳐之一(体长5英尺);一种活跃的容易上钩的鳐。

    One of the largest skates ( to 5 feet ); an active skate easy to hook .

  14. 而就在这一事件发生前仅数周,鳄鱼猎手史蒂夫伊文在被黄貂鱼鳐刺中后去世。

    The incident comes just weeks after Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin died after being stung by a ray .

  15. 澳大利亚著名的自然主义者史蒂夫·欧文日前不幸去世,他是被一条刺鳐刺穿胸部而意外身亡的。

    The renowned Australian naturalist Steve Irwin has died after being struck in the chest by a stingray barb .

  16. 闽南及闽中近海常见鲨鳐类肝油的脂肪酸组成

    Fatty acid composition of the liver oils from common species of sharks and rays off southern and middle Fujian coastal waters

  17. 能分泌毒液的大型鳐,其鞭形的尾部生有有毒的背棘,能造成严重的伤害。

    Large venomous ray with large barbed spines near the base of a thin whiplike tail capable of inflicting severe wounds .

  18. 一条黄貂鱼跳到佛罗里达州一老汉的船上(用鱼鳐)刺中他的胸部,如今这名老人生命垂危。

    An elderly Florida man is in critical condition after a stingray jumped onto his boat and stung him in the chest .

  19. 这种七腮鲨不挑食,什么都吃,包括乌贼,鳐,章鱼,鱼,甚至小鲨鱼。

    The seven-gill shark isn 't a picky eater ; it feeds on squid , rays , octopuses , fishes , and small sharks .

  20. 突然,三个男孩,跟我同年,骑着刺鳐牌自行车,在一阵刹车皮的尖叫声中冲到我面前停下来了。

    Suddenly , three boys my age rode up on Sting-Ray bicycles , skidding to a stop in front of me with a triple shriek of rubber .

  21. 属软骨鱼纲的鱼软骨鱼纲鱼的一种,以软骨骨架和板状鱼鳞为特征,包括鲨、鳐、灰鳐。

    Any of numerous fishes of the class chondrichthyes , characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales and including the sharks , rays , and skates .

  22. 大型可食用鳐,长有长鼻子、粗尾巴和一直连到头部的胸鳍;靠有波状边缘的胸鳍游动。

    Large edible rays having a long snout and thick tail with pectoral fins continuous with the head ; swim by undulating the edges of the pectoral fins .

  23. (体型)最大的刺鳐之一;见于(美国)科德角到海特拉斯角。从广告中我得知你们这里有各种中国扇子出售

    One of the largest stingrays ; found from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras . I know from the ad that you have a large collection of Chinese fans

  24. 当然,毫不夸张地说,观赏蓝纹笛鲷、刺鳐、鹦鹉鱼、海鳗等海底娱乐项目也是免费赠送。

    Of course the aquatic entertainment-provided by the likes of blue-striped snapper , sting rays , parrot fish and moray eels-is also ( quite literally ) on the house .

  25. 在海湾底部有沙的部分,有时你还会碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鳐和豹斑鳐,在这我们见过成群的圣海伦海?

    At the bottom of the bay , in the sandy area , occasionally , huge Manta Rays , and often , leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats .

  26. 众多的软骨鱼类;以软骨骨架和板状鱼鳞为特征,包括鲨、鳐、灰鳐。脊椎骨是腰背骨或脊柱骨之ㄧ种骨头。

    Any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales : sharks ; rays ; skates . Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column .

  27. 在南半球海域里,有些虎鲸还会在公海里捕杀鲨鱼,也会以鳐和其他鱼类为食。

    Others , located in the Southern Hemisphere , take up the challenge of hunting sharks in the open sea , as well as feeding on species of rays and other fish abundant in the cold southern waters .

  28. 作者解剖观察了33种,隶于4目、7亚目、15科、19属的中国鳐类脑颅的形态。

    This paper deals with the morphology of the neurocranium of skates and rays of China . Anatomical investigations are carried out on 33 species , belonging to 19 genera , 15 families ; 7 suborders and 4 orders .

  29. 背部有白色或黄色花斑的鳐;广布于温带海域。创建的色表和前者相似,但倾向于选择更广的色域,并保护网络颜色。

    Ray with back covered with white or yellow spots ; widely distributed in warm seas . Creates a color table similar to the Perceptual color table , but favoring broad areas of color and the preservation of web colors .