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  • zoography
  1. 挪威动物志,C辑:挪威鸟类学杂志。

    Fauna Norvegica , Series C : Norwegian Journal of Ornithology .

  2. 《四川资源动物志第2卷&兽类》评介

    Sichuan resourceful fauna , the second vol. & animals

  3. 挪威动物志,A辑:挪威动物区系(昆虫与鸟类除外)

    Fauna Norvegica , Series A : Norwegian Fauna except Entomology & Ornithology .

  4. 《中国动物志》编研工程的理论与实践

    Integrate Theory with Practice on the Fauna Sinica

  5. 部分标本与《中国动物志·节肢动物门·原尾纲》中描述的毛序不同,可能是地理差异的原因。

    Some specimens were described differently with " FAUNA SINICA · Arthropoda · Protura ", which may due to the geographical variation . 3 .

  6. 根据《中国动物志·昆虫纲·第十七卷·等翅目》记载,我国白蚁种类达476种。

    According to the book titled " Fauna Sinica , Insecta , vol. 17 , Isoptera ", there are 476 species of termites in China .

  7. 对单个北美知更鸟发生兴趣,要比对一个城镇里完整、枯燥的动物志和植物志发生兴趣,更有价值。

    A man 's interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete but dry list of the fauna and flora of a town .

  8. 分类数据库的设计完全按照《中国动物志·昆虫纲·第十七卷·等翅目》各论部分的体系结构。

    The structure of databank of this system is the same as the classification system of the " Fauna Sinica , Insecta , Vol. 17 , Isoptera " .

  9. 根据我国鹤类研究的文献资料、地方动物志和有鹤分布记录的自然保护区科学考察报告,研究我国鹤类的地理分布、迁徙路线及就地保护现状。

    Study on the distribution , migration routes and on site protection of cranes in China , on the basis of analyzing the materials , local fauna and scientific research report of Nature Reserve which has cranes residing in .