
  • 网络the Age of Electricity;ELECTRIC AGE;electrical age
  1. 在爱迪生的发明引领人们进入电气时代逾127年之后,罗杰斯相信,电力行业正在进入另一个重要的时代。

    More than 127 years after Edison 's invention helped usher in the electrical age , Mr Rogers believes the power industry is entering another momentous era .

  2. 第二次工业革命以后,人类迈入了电气时代。

    After the second industrial revolution , the age of electricity had come .

  3. 欧盟《指令》羁绊下的后中国电子电气时代

    Post-Electricity Electronics era of China affected by WEEE and RoSH

  4. 当今时代是电气时代。

    ElectricityThe modern age is an age of electricity .

  5. 电能的利用是第二次工业革命的主要标志,人类社会从此进入了电气时代。

    The utilization of electric power is the outstanding feature of the second industrial revolution , since then the age of electricity had dawned .

  6. 可以说,二十世纪跨越了三个“电”的时代,即电气时代、电子时代和现已进入的电脑时代。

    Can be said that the twentieth century across the three " power " era , that is , the age of electricity , the electronic age and has entered into the computer age .

  7. 金融资本借助电讯技术在全球范围快速流动,塑造了电气化时代人们的生活方式。

    Through the technology of telecommunication , financial capital got a rapid global mobility , to define how the era of electrification impacted on the human existence .

  8. 世界经济的发展经济了三次伟大的产业革命,工场手工业过渡到机器化大生产,电气化时代的来临再到电子计算机、生物学以及遗传工程的出现。

    Developing the economy of the world economy three great industrial revolution , The manufacturing transition to the machinery of mass production , the era of electrification to the electronic computer , biology and genetic engineering .

  9. 电力技术、电报、电话和无线电通信及内燃机的发明和应用在能流、人流、物流、信息流的运行上完成了电气化时代的基础设施技术系统的变迁。

    As the progress of technology in communications , electric telegraph , telephone and radio , and internal combustion engines used in invention the flow of energy , folk , information and logistics running on the completion of the second generation of technological infrastructure in the system .

  10. 走进电气化包装时代

    Towards Times of Electric Packaging

  11. 该咨询公司指出,较长期来看,新的汽车技术(例如插电式混合动力汽车)可能标志着我们所知的碳氢化合物时代的结束,我们将进入电气化交通时代。

    Longer term , the consultancy notes that new auto technologies , such as plug-in hybrids , may mark the end of the hydrocarbon era as we know it and usher in the era of electrified transportation ' ' .

  12. 建筑电气工程应适应时代发展

    Building electricity project should meet the demand of society