
diàn chuān kǒnɡ
  • electroporation
  1. 细胞电穿孔导入DNA的动态特征

    The dynamic character of introduction of DNA into cells by electroporation

  2. 然后通过电穿孔法将此重组RNA转染BHK21/13细胞。

    Then the BHK 21 / 13 cells in vitro was transfected with synthesized RNA by electroporation .

  3. 根据电致压缩理论和临时亲水性通道理论,本研究构建了压控电穿孔模型(Voltage-ControlledElectroporation:VCEPModel)。

    Voltage-controlled electroporation model ( VCEP ) was established based on the electro-pressure theory and the transient aqueous pore theory .

  4. DNA对电穿孔转染效率的影响研究

    The Effect of DNA on Efficiency of Electroporation

  5. 将打靶载体电穿孔入卡介苗,筛选并鉴定卡介苗ERP基因缺失突变株。

    BCG mutation with deleted ERP gene was constructed .

  6. 电穿孔法诱导GUS基因在坛紫菜原生质体中的瞬间表达

    Transient expression of GUS gene in Porphyra haitanensis by electroporation transformation

  7. 她的研究组分析了电穿孔的安全性和耐受性,并确定了使用这种方式给药的DNA疫苗是否能导致更高的免疫应答。

    Her team analysed the safety and tolerability of electroporation , as well as determining whether delivering a DNA vaccine in this way resulted in a higher immune response .

  8. 方法构建含TK基因的逆转录病毒表达载体,电穿孔法转化肺癌细胞A549。

    Methods A retroviral vector containing TK gene was constructed and transduced into pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell A549 by electroporation .

  9. 电脉冲致离体S-180细胞电穿孔的观察与研究

    Observation and Research on the Electroporation of S-180 Cell Induced by Electric Pulse

  10. 山羊精子电穿孔转染外源DNA影响因素及最适条件的研究鼠胚大脑皮层子宫内电穿孔法基因转移体系的建立

    Study on factors of the transfection efficiency and the optimum conditions for the sperm-mediated gene transfer by electroporation in goats ; The establishment of genetic transformation system in lateral cortex of mouse embryo via in utero electroporation

  11. 目的探索一次性电穿孔介导睫状神经营养因子(CiliaryNeurotrophicFactor,CNTF)转染延缓失神经骨骼肌萎缩的疗效。

    Objective To explore the treatment effect on delaying denervated skeletal muscle atrophy using one-time gene transfer of ciliary neurotrophic factor ( CNTF ) by electroporation .

  12. 结果通过体内电穿孔可以使luciferase在小鼠肌肉中的表达水平显著提高,最大提高幅度达到66倍。

    Results Luciferase expression level in murine muscle was significantly increased ( 66 folds ) by in vivo electrotransfer .

  13. 阐述了化学导入法(PEG)、电穿孔法、注射法,粒子轰击法、花粉管萌导法及使用其它载体系统的成功实例。

    The direct gene transfer systems involved the chemical method ( PEG ), electroporation , microinjection , particle bombardment , pollen-mediated gene transfer and other systems using various vectors .

  14. 结论:一次性电穿孔介导CNTF基因转染可延缓失神经骨骼肌萎缩4周。

    CONCLUSION : One time gene transfer of CNTF mediated by electroporation could attenuate the denervated muscle atrophy for4 weeks .

  15. 比尔与美琳达•盖茨基金会的艾滋病疫苗高级项目官员NinaRussell说,电穿孔的耐受性是有争议的。

    Nina Russell , senior programme officer for HIV vaccines at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , says that the tolerability of electroporation is controversial .

  16. “结果表明电穿孔是安全、可耐受的,而且在改善对DNA疫苗的细胞免疫应答方面有效。”Vasan说。

    " The results indicated that electroporation is safe , tolerable and efficient in improving cellular immune responses to a DNA-based vaccine ," said Vasan .

  17. 这三种质粒用磷酸钙共沉淀法和电穿孔法转染CHO-dhfr细胞,阳性克隆细胞均能合成并分泌rt-PA。

    CHO-dhfr cells transacted with these three plasmids were able to synthesize and secrete rt-PA into medium .

  18. 在本论文中,我们叙述了细胞膜电穿孔的过程,通过实验的方法观察到了HeLa等细胞在电磁脉冲作用下的电穿孔现象,从实验总结获得了细胞膜电穿孔的最佳电磁脉冲参数;

    In this paper , we reported that the process of electroporation , and observed the electroporation of HeLa by experiment , and got the perfect parameters of EMP for the electroporation ;

  19. 目的:观察人鼻咽癌细胞用电穿孔技术进行体外基因转染所需的转染电击条件及EBV-LMP基因的转染表达。

    Objective : To study the condition of electroporation on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells ( NPC ) and to get a cell model of stable transfection by EBV-LMP gene .

  20. 这些结果表明,HADNA疫苗能有效地保护小鼠和鸡对禽流感病毒的感染,同时也表明电穿孔免疫是DNA疫苗免疫的有效途径之一。

    These results strongly demonstrate that HA DNA vaccines provide effective protection against influenza virus infection in mammalian and avian , and suggest that electroporation is one of the efficient gene delivery systems for the transfer of influenza DNA vaccine in both humoral immunity and cellular immunity .

  21. 细观深电穿孔是一种对Mesotech的鸡尾酒高效施用设备。

    Meso Deep Electroporation is an efficient device for the application of the Mesotech 's cocktails .

  22. 本研究利用电穿孔现象结合抗癌药物治疗在昆明小鼠上接种和生长的S-180肉瘤,发现这种方法可以明显地抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。

    We have utilized the phenomenon of electroporation treating the S-180 sarcomas in the hind legs of the Kunming mice by intratumoral injection of anti-tumor agent at low dose .

  23. 电穿孔辅助化疗药物治疗肿瘤的电化学疗法(electro-chemotherapy,ECT)是一种操作方便、副作用小、疗效高的治疗方法。

    The electroporation assistance chemotherapy medicine in tumor treatment is called the electro-chemotherapy ( ECT ) . It is easy to operate with small side effect and good effect .

  24. 条件打靶载体线性化和电泳纯化后用于对ES细胞电穿孔,经G418和Gancyclovir双药选择后挑选出抗药性克隆24个,获得一个经Southern杂交鉴定的阳性克隆。

    Linearized and purified conditional targeting vector was used to electroporate ES cells . After G418 and Gancyclovir selection , 24 ES drug-resistant colonies were picked out and one of them was confirmed as positive by Southern hybridization .

  25. 构建EGFP-PDX-1融合表达载体电穿孔转染大鼠胎肝干细胞的研究

    Construction of fusion expression vector EGFP-PDX-1 and its transfection into rat fetal hepatic stem cells by electroporation

  26. 以HeLa细胞和胎儿脐带血淋巴细胞为材料,进行了电穿孔提高抗癌药物细胞毒性的研究,为电化学疗法在体内实验的可行性提供了依据。

    HeLa cells and fatal navel cord blood lymphocytes are chosen as research objects in the experiment , which determines whether or not electroporation can enhance cytotoxity of anticancer drugs The results can testify the feasibility of electrochemotherapy ( ECT ) trials in vivo .

  27. 在本研究中得出:电压在350~450V之间,电穿孔法转染率与电压呈线性关系;

    We found that the transfection efficiency of electroporation was linear with the voltage which was set from 350 to 450V ;

  28. 结果重组质粒经酶切鉴定正确无误,经电穿孔转染后GFP和PDX-1基因均能在胎肝干细胞中保持较长时间稳定表达,并对胎肝干细胞的生长增殖影响较小。

    Results Identification by enzyme digestion confirmed successful construction of the recombinant vector . Fetal hepatic stem cells can stably express GFP and PDX-1 for a period of time , and their growth and proliferation was not obviously affected after transfection .

  29. 人乳铁蛋白基因表达载体通过电穿孔的方法成功的转化了牛乳腺上皮细胞,体外经G418筛选培养7天后,荧光显微镜下观察到报告基因即绿色荧光蛋白基因的表达。

    The recombinant expression vector of human lactoferrin gene was successfully transfected into bovine mammary epithelial cells cultured in vitro using electrotransfection . Positive clone cells were selected and purified by G418 , and was observed the expressing of report gene ( EGFP ) under fluoroscope .

  30. 电穿孔化疗对结肠癌裸鼠移植瘤模型的作用研究

    Effects of electrochemotherapy on human colon cancer xenografts in nude mice