
tiě lán ɡān
  • iron railing;steel/iron bar/fence/barrier
  1. 他摔下去,穿在了铁栏杆上。

    He had fallen and been impaled on some iron railings .

  2. 她用两只手紧紧抓住铁栏杆。

    She gripped with both hands at the iron railing .

  3. 他用双手抓住铁栏杆。

    He grasped the iron railing with both hands .

  4. 他从窗口跌下去,身体被铁栏杆刺穿了。

    He fell out of the window and was impaled on the iron railings .

  5. 他站在旧铁栏杆前静静聆听。

    He stood in front of the old iron fence and listened to it .

  6. 他们已把停车处这一侧的铁栏杆除掉。

    They have taken down the iron railing on this side of the park .

  7. 使他情不自禁地朝铁栏杆走去。

    Made him approach the iron fence .

  8. 但是门锁得很紧,窗子上都装着铁栏杆。

    But the door was locked , and the window heavily barred with iron rods .

  9. 昨晚,他喝得酩酊大醉,结果把车子撞在铁栏杆上。

    Last night he was so drunk that he crashed his car into the iron railings .

  10. 在他的传记里,他回忆中的那个城镇有着精致的铁栏杆和色彩柔和的三角墙。

    In his biography he recalls the town as a place of wrought-iron railings and pastel gables .

  11. 石塄坎顶上有一道矮砖墙,上面是一道铁栏杆。

    Upon the top of the bank was a low brick wall , surmounted by an iron railing .

  12. 那是一座宽大的住宅,用旧石所砌,窗户架有铁栏杆。

    It was a large house , made of old stone , and with iron bars on the windows .

  13. 隔着她家后院的铁栏杆,她把他伤痕累累的手贴到了自己的脸颊上。

    The backyard of her home across the iron railing , she hands him witness to a paste on their cheeks .

  14. 在一片荒芜中,我们发现了一座干整洁的房子――修剪整齐的草坪、打扫干的便道、种满鲜花的花坛、楼下的每扇门窗都钉上了铁栏杆。

    Amid the desolation , we came across a tidy bungalow-lawn mowed , sidewalk swept , flower beds planted , and bars on every downstairs door and window .

  15. 从那儿,甜蜜的音乐传入索比的耳里,令他屏住呼吸,纹丝不动地站在教堂的铁栏杆外面。

    From there drifted out to Soapy 's ears sweet music that caught and held him breathless and motionless , outside of the iron fence of the church .

  16. 第二天早晨,他从小窗的铁栏杆里望见许多人涌出城来看他上绞架。

    The second morning , he hope to see the many person to gush the city to see his last gallows in pole from the iron column of the small window .

  17. 通常,它们可以追溯到18、19世纪,都有铁栏杆或篱笆环绕,成熟的树木和灌木丛形成一处处遮阴的隐蔽场所,与马路相隔。

    Typically , they date from the 18th and 19th centuries and are surrounded by iron railings or hedges , with mature trees and shrubberies creating shady sanctuaries away from the traffic .

  18. 他们早早就来了,想先进去。这时他们都靠在第九团军械库围墙外的铁栏杆上,这地方面对着十五街的那一段。

    They leaned against the iron railing which protects the walls of the ninth regiment armory , which fronts upon that section of fifteenth street , having come early in order to be first in .

  19. 原来他们玩跟上头头的时候,彼得飞近水面,一边飞,一边用手去摸每条鲨鱼的尾巴,就像你在街上用手指摸着铁栏杆一样。

    When playing Follow my Leader , Peter would fly close to the water and touch each shark 's tail in passing , just as in the street you may run your finger along an iron railing .

  20. 第二天早晨,他从小窗的铁栏杆里望见许多人涌出城来看他上绞架。他听到鼓声,看到兵士们开步走。

    In the morning he could see through the iron grating of the little window how the people were hastening out of the town to see him hanged ; he heard the drums beating , and saw the soldiers marching .

  21. 在这些人中间有一个鞋匠的学徒。他还穿着破围裙和一双拖鞋。他跑得那么快,连他的一双拖鞋也飞走了,撞到一堵墙上。那个兵士就坐在那儿,在铁栏杆后面朝外望。

    and a shoemaker 's boy , with a leather apron and slippers on , galloped by so fast , that one of his slippers flew off and struck against the wall where the soldier sat looking through the iron grating .

  22. 谭庆瑞当即下车,看到一名20多岁、泪流满面的女子攀上湘江公铁大桥南侧栏杆,岌岌可危。

    Tan Qing Rui right away gets off and see120 many year old , the tears cover the face feme clime to Xiang river male iron big bridge south side rail , precarious .

  23. 用铁栏来建筑,铁栏杆,铁栏杆

    Build it up with iron bars , iron bars , iron bars