- 名dam of gravity type

A CAD System for Design of Gravity Dams
An ANSYS-based Optimal Design for the Primary Section of Gravity Dam
Calculation of Stress Factor K_I By Means Of Integral J_I
Application of Ansys to Analysis of Vibration Type Decomposition Response Spectrum of a Concrete Gravity Dam
DDA coupled FEM and its application in concrete gravity dams with joints
Stress and strain distribution and deformed state of gravity dam is gained by the post-treatment of ANSYS .
Numerical study of Baise RCC Gravity Dam Foundation
Finally the stress intensity factors of the heel notches of the gravity dams under the condition of overload and different height are calculated .
Study of Sliding Mode and Sliding Paths of 9th Dam Block of Baise RCC Dam
The Stress Control Criterion of Gravity Dam Based on h-version Adaptive FEM and the Consideration in Improving the Distribution of the Stress in the Dam Heel
Impervious Element Temperature Field Simulating Analysis Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Relocating Mesh Method for RCC Dam
Static & Dynamic Stability Study and Failure Mechanism Investigation of Typical Blocks of Baise RCC Gravity Dam
Application and Effect Evaluation for the Heat Preservation Measures of a RCC Gravity Dam in Cold Region
Then the solid geometry model is entered into ANSYS to do the pre-treatment of FEM . It is disassembled by hexahedron elements .
Temperature control and cracking prevention of Longtan High RCC Gravity Dam with different concrete placement temperatures in summer
APDL language of ansys are used to compile the simulation and analysis programs of thermal field and thermal stress .
Stresses and Deformations of Dam Foundations With Structural Plane of Gentle Inclination Study on the Equal K Design Method for the Gentle Sloping Fissure Strengthened by Shear Keys at Gravity Dam Foundations
There are 3 typical methods in using rigid limit balance theory to analyze the dam stability against in deep layer , they are Passive Stress Method , Remained Pushing-force Method and Equal-k Value Method .
The principles and construction of artificial intelligence expert system are applied to establish , with VB language , a rock classification expert system for concrete gravity dam foundation .
The research contents include : ( 1 ) After establishing the finite element model without any strengthening measures by using ANSYS software , the nonlinear dynamic time history analysis was accomplished .
CSG dam is a kind of new dam type that between traditional earth-rockfill dam and concrete gravity dam .
This article introduced the the solution procedure of structure stress by finite element software ANSYS , represent the application of ANSYS , at last we finished the stress analysis of a gravity dam .
Using computer language of APDL , write the documents ANSYS to achieve the parameters of ANSYS software automatically read in order to achieve soft gravity-based parametric solid model is automatically created .
Herein take some concrete gravity dams with different feature for examples , seismic damage simulations are explored without and with FRP reinforcement on basis of time history method and quasi-static method .
This is a whole profile roller compacted concrete gravity dam with height 128m .
This paper makes FEM studies on stress of gravity dam with ANSYS software for structure analysis . It analyzed the influence of base 's elastic modulus and heterogeneity on dam stress and educes some useful conclusion for designers .
Sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) method , one of nonlinear optimization methods , is adopted to optimize section configuration of roller_compacted concrete ( RCC ) gravity dams .
As an engineering application , the seismic safety evaluation of Jin ' anqiao RCC gravity dam at OBE , MDE and MCE is assessed based on the framework .
In the practical application , the MgO admixture amount and temperature control measures should be carefully determined on the basis of simulation analysis . Thermal Stress Simulation Analysis during Construction Period and Temperature Control Measures for Crack Prevention Studies on RCC Gravity Dam
The sequence linear program method is adopted for optimum design of concrete gravity dams with broad joints . The linear program problem is solved by Lemke algorithm .