
  1. 大家似乎都认为必要的重建财政稳定性的明确而详细的计划,将不会发生。

    The clear and detailed programme for restoring fiscal stability that everyone seems to believe is necessary would not happen .

  2. 然后提出了国外生态环境财政支持政策对我国西部生态重建财政支持政策调整有益的经验和启示。

    The3rd chapter is the history and current situation of fiscal policies supporting the protection of ecological environment in western China .

  3. 第五章:西部生态重建财政政策效应分析。通过案例分析,前后对比,描述财政政策的乘数效应、奖抑效应、社会效应和生态效应。

    Chapter 5 describes the Multiplier Effect 、 Encouragement and Discouragement Effect 、 Society Effect of fiscal policy with the help of case and comparison .

  4. 公私合作PPP(Public-privatepartnerships)模式是发达国家为了重建政府财政、提高政府部门效率,尝试推行的促进城市基础设施建设,改善公共服务质量的的制度安排。

    PPP ( Pubilic-Private Partnerships ) is the institutional arrangement of developed country for the sake of reconstructing government finance , increasing government department efficiency , trying to promote the urban foundation facilities construction and improving public service quantity .

  5. 第二章:西部生态重建中财政投资的基础理论。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the need and effect of fiscal investment in eco-environmental reconstruction .

  6. “阿涅利家族将会为球队重建提供财政保障。”吉利今天表示。

    " The Agnelli family will finance the rebuilding of the squad ," said Cobolli Gigli today .

  7. 政府现正研究市区重建计划财政上的安排。

    The government is exploring various financing options for the URA to implement the urban renewal programme .

  8. 本论文研究的中心问题,是在生态重建过程中财政补贴制度的构建与调整。

    The research theme of this paper is construction and adjusting of fiscal subsidy system during ecological rehabilitation .

  9. 一旦库存重建放缓,财政支出到期,经济增长将需要消费板块和其它行业接替前两者来推动。

    Once inventory rebuilding slows and fiscal expenditure expires , consumption and businesses will need to take over to drive growth .

  10. 美国财政创新与重建对我国财政政策选择的启示

    US Public Finance Innovation and Reconstruction and Its Inspiration to China 's Fiscal Policy Choices

  11. 经过20多年的探索,目前我国己将财政体制的重建定位在公共财政体制框架中。

    We take the public finance as the aim of our fiscal reform after having explored for more than 20 years .

  12. 在四年任内,他帮美国取得了德州土地、重建了独立的财政制度,并且从墨西哥取得了部分领土。

    In four years , he oversaw the addition of texas , the reestablishment of an independent treasury system , and the acquisition of territory from mexico .