首页 / 词典 / good

  • ball;sphere;globe;pigskin;anything shaped like a ball
  • 圆形的立体物:圆~。~茎。~体。气~。煤~。

  • 指球形的体育用品,球类运动:~艺。~员。~坛。~迷。

  • 星体,特指“地球”:月~。星~。誉满全~。

  • 美玉。


(以半圆的直径为轴, 使半圆旋转一周而成的立体; 由中心到表面各点距离都相等的立体) sphere; globe:

  • 复球

    complex sphere;

  • 同调球

    homology sphere;

  • 虚球

    imaginary sphere


(球形物) anything shaped like a ball:

  • 煤球

    (egg-shaped) briquet;

  • 气球


  • 雪球


  • 月球

    the moon;

  • 线已经绕成球了。

    The threads are wound into a ball.


(某些体育用品) ball:

  • 传球

    pass the ball;

  • 篮球


  • 足球



(球类运动) ball game:

  • 看球

    watch a ball game;

  • 打垒球

    play softball


(地球) the globe; the earth:

  • 东半球

    the Eastern Hemisphere;

  • 全球战略

    global strategy;

  • 他作环球航行。

    He sailed round the globe.

  1. 有将近四十个个病毒聚集在一起,把自己包在一个脂肪球里。

    Up to 40 viruses were gathering2 together and wrapping themselves up in a sphere of fat .

  2. 多重散射Xα方法中原子球重迭量选取的研究

    Multiple Scattering Method Study on Overlapping of Atomic Sphere

  3. 球打在里德身上反弹进球门。

    The ball deflected off Reid 's body into the goal .

  4. 韦尔福德突破防守射进了制胜的一球。

    Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal .

  5. 孩子们在你抢我夺地争球。

    The children were tussling with one another for the ball .

  6. 他凌空一脚把球踢入网窝。

    He volleyed the ball into the back of the net .

  7. 他们在赌球中赢了一大笔钱。

    They 've had a big win on the football pools .

  8. 他在星期六的比赛中打进了他在本赛季的第一个球。

    He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday .

  9. 后卫一脚把球踢出50米远,落入人群中。

    The fullback 's kick carried 50 metres into the crowd .

  10. 你绝不可能从那么远的地方把球投进去。

    You 'll never get the ball in from that distance .

  11. 他带球越过两个防守队员,射入非常精彩的一球。

    He dribbled past two defenders and scored a magnificent goal .

  12. 随着球向山下滚动,它的速度越来越快。

    The ball gathered pace as it rolled down the hill .

  13. 琼斯是球队入第一球的发动者。

    Jones was the architect of the team 's first goal .

  14. 我把绳子解开并绕成一个球。

    I unravelled the string and wound it into a ball .

  15. 他攻进两球,另有两球也险些破门。

    He scored two goals and had another two near misses .

  16. 守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去,可是没有扑到。

    The goalie dived for the ball , but missed it .

  17. 这个入球是球打在守门员身上反弹入网的。

    The goal was scored with a deflection off the goalkeeper .

  18. 求求你,先生,能把球还给我们吗?

    Please , mister , can we have our ball back ?

  19. 摩洛哥队在一球未失的情况下连入四球,赢得了这场比赛。

    Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game .

  20. 这支球队本赛季已经攻进20个球。

    The team has notched up 20 goals already this season .

  21. 他像个悠悠球似的蹦蹦跳跳。

    He kept bouncing up and down like a yo-yo .

  22. 西班牙队在下半场加强攻势,攻进了一球。

    Spain attacked more in the second half and deserved a goal .

  23. 这些球已没有多少弹性了。

    There 's not much bounce left in these balls .

  24. 守门员刚好把球捅出球门的横梁。

    The goalkeeper just managed to tip the ball over the crossbar .

  25. 他轻松地将球推过守门员,送入网中。

    He nudged the ball past the goalie and into the net .

  26. 在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队射进了两球。

    Dublin bagged two goals in last night 's win .

  27. 他用力一击,球径直飞出了球场外。

    He belted the ball right out of the park .

  28. 他在球落地的地方放了个标记。

    He placed a marker where the ball had landed .

  29. 他把球稳稳地顶入网窝。

    He headed the ball sweetly into the back of the net .

  30. 他把球高挑过防守队员的头顶。

    He lobbed the ball over the defender 's head .