首页 / 词典 / good

  • squat;crouch;sit;squat down;crouch down;stay;hunker down;squat on the heels;ctrl
  • 两腿尽量弯曲,像坐的样子,但臀部不着地:~下。~伏。~踞。~腿。

  • 〔~苗〕在一定时期内控制施肥和灌水,进行中耕和镇压,使幼苗根部下扎,生长健壮,防止多余茎叶生长。

  • 喻呆着或闲居:~膘。~窝。~班房(坐牢)。


(两腿尽量弯曲, 像坐的样子, 但臀部不着地) squat on the heels; crouch:

  • 蹲在火边

    squat about [by] the fire;

  • 两人蹲下就聊起来了。

    Squatting down, the two of them started to have a chat.


(比喻呆着或闲居) stay:

  • 蹲在家里

    stay at home;

  • 他在实验室里一蹲就是好几个小时。

    He would stay for hours at a stretch in the laboratory.

  1. 我蹲下来仔细检查盒子外面,很清楚的写着“美国制造”。

    I crouch down to examine the outside of the box .

  2. 蹲下,略微弯一点腰。

    Crouch down and bend over a little bit .

  3. 他蹲了二十年监狱以后终于获得了自由。

    He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail .

  4. 蹲下!一定不要让人看见你。

    Keep down ! You mustn 't let anyone see you .

  5. 她蹲坐在一个角落里。

    She sat crouched in a corner .

  6. 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。

    The lion crouched ready to pounce .

  7. 她俯身蹲了下来。

    She dropped to a crouch .

  8. 他在她的旁边蹲了下来。

    He crouched down beside her .

  9. 多伊尔蹲在篱笆后面。

    Doyle crouched behind a hedge .

  10. 罗弗!蹲下!

    Rover ! Sit !

  11. 杰奎琳可不想再蹲一阵子监狱。

    Jacqueline is not relishing the prospect of another spell in prison

  12. 我们蹲在水池旁,看着潜水者慢慢沉下水。

    We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down

  13. 我觉得蹲监狱对于哈里会是件很可怕的事。

    I think prison is going to be a scary thing for Harry

  14. 他蹲在地板上,深深叹了一口气。

    He squatted on the floor and gave vent to a deep sigh

  15. 他蹲在那儿,双膝的伤痛得他直哼哼。

    He squatted , grunting at the pain in his knees

  16. 那个男人蹲在那辆梅塞德斯车后。

    The man was crouched behind the Mercedes .

  17. 法官对此并不赞成,我因此蹲了6年的监狱。

    The judge took a dim view and I spent six years in prison .

  18. 他走过来,蹲下身,抬头看着这些男孩。

    He came over and squatted on his heels , looking up at the boys .

  19. 我们蹲在树丛里。

    We were crouching in the bushes

  20. 艾伦的一生跌宕起伏,蹲过多次大牢。

    Alan had led a very chequered past and had been to prison lots of times .

  21. 他蹲在一排低矮的树篱后面。

    He crouched behind a low hedgerow

  22. 埃德加蹲着。

    Edgar squatted on his haunches

  23. 我蹲在地上。

    I crouched on the ground

  24. 我们现在的生活状况跟蹲监狱差不了多少。

    We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present .

  25. 他因犯抢劫罪正在服11年的刑期,此前他也曾因类似罪行蹲过监狱。

    He is serving 11 years for robbery , and did time for a similar offence before that .

  26. 飞机看起来好像要俯冲下来轰炸小镇,所以我们赶紧蹲下躲避。

    It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town , so we dived for cover .

  27. 他蹲了10年监狱后终于获得了自由。

    He finally won his freedom after ten years in jail .

  28. 有两个人蹲在学院小教堂的门口。

    Two men were squatting at the door of the college chapel .

  29. 他在实验室里一蹲就是好几个小时。

    He would stay for hours at a stretch in the laboratory .

  30. 两人蹲下就聊起来了。

    Squatting down , the two of them started to have a chat .