
  • 网络yommy;Plum Blossom;Ode to the Plum Blossom
  1. 中国古代文人咏梅赏梅审美趣味的分析研究

    Analytic studies on singing and appreciating Mei flowers by ancient Chinese scholars

  2. 略论咏梅诗的文化意蕴马不停蹄的梅婷

    A Brief Remark of Cultural Connotation of Plum Chanting Poems

  3. 从句法特征看陆游咏梅诗的风格成因

    Lu You 's Poems on Chinese Mei Blossoms and Their Style Formation : A Perspective of Syntactic Features

  4. 在他的推荐下,咏梅主演了电视剧《牧云的男人》,并开始了她的演艺生涯。

    On the recommendation of Xu , Yong Mei starred in the tv drama The Man Who Herds the Clouds and began her acting career .

  5. 这一咏梅模式从拟形到拟神的嬗变发展,从一个侧面反映了梅花这一自然物走向道德人格象征的历史轨迹。

    The varying of the patterns in singing plum shows a historical trail , from which plum has developed from a natural object to a symbol of noble moral and personality .

  6. 雪与梅有着生态上的密切关系,因而被引入咏梅的形象“语境”。

    Resulting from their natural feature , snow and plum are bound up with each other closely Snow is regarded as an image of singing the praise of plum in poetry .

  7. 这一章分析了何逊诗歌对唐、宋、元、明、清各代文人的影响,尤其是他的咏梅诗和名句对后人的影响。

    The chapter analyses the influence of He Xun 's poems to Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties , especially the impact on descendant of his chants the plum blossom poem and well-known phrase .

  8. 罗浮山下梅花村始于南宋淳佑四年(1244),这一名称同样源于苏轼的咏梅作品。

    Likewise , the appellation of the Mei Flower Village at Luofu Mountain dating back to the fourth year of the Chunxi reign in the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1244 ) is also clearly inspired by Su 's poem .

  9. 李清照现存六首咏梅词,富于审美张力是这六首咏梅词共同的审美特色,这一审美特色具体表现于写境抒情、艺术风格和词意结构等三个方面;

    There are six Ci poetry about winter sweet in the extant works of Li Qingzhao . The aesthetic tension is their common aesthetic feature , which embodies in three aspects as follows : expression of emotion , artistic style and structure of Ci poetry .