
hù zhù huì
  • fraternity;benefit association
  • mutual aid association;friendly society
互助会 [hù zhù huì]
  • (1) [mutual aid association]∶其宗旨主要不是向会员分配收入,而是在某些共同事情或目的方面帮助、接济或保护他们的组织

  • (2) [friendly society]∶一种为防备由于疾病、死亡或年老所引起的负债,由个人自愿组织起来的互助组织

  1. 上海市老年护理互助会会员会费交付平衡研究

    Calculating the Membership Due of the Aged - Care Fraternity

  2. 而且那晚,学生还可以参加另一个由互助会举办的感恩节大餐。

    And that evening , the students can go to another Thanksgiving meal held by a service fraternity .

  3. 他打算把资金分散存到不同的购房互助会的账户上。

    His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts

  4. 上周,银行和建屋互助会推迟了就利率问题作出决定。

    Last week , banks and building societies were hanging fire on interest rates .

  5. 英国第三大建屋互助会准备放弃其互助性质,转变为银行。

    Britain 's third largest building society abandoned its mutual status and became a bank .

  6. 她帮助母亲建起了一个互助会,帮助那些有肥胖孩子的家长。

    She helped her Mum set up a self-help group for parents with overweight children .

  7. 该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话,它将不再提供支持。

    The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball .

  8. 转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。

    Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit . Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts

  9. 月25日我安排在当地慈善互助会见面

    So I arranged for a gathering at the local Elks Club on January 25 . 1

  10. 兰伯特指的是英国一些古老的建房互助会,包括北岩银行(NorthernRock)、Halifax和Bradford&Bingley。

    Mr Lambert referred to some of the old UK building societies , such as Northern Rock , Halifax and Bradford & Bingley .

  11. 任何投资于fairfinance的资金都有风险,而且投资者对一家工业及互助会的投资上限仅为2万英镑,除非投资者本身也是一个工业及互助会。

    Any money invested in fair finance is at risk and any one investor can only put in up to 20000 in an IPS unless the investor is an IPS itself .

  12. 英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)周一通知在英国开展业务的各大银行和建房互助会,必须“立刻采取行动”,确保在所有银行家的奖金方案中,将薪酬与长期风险紧密挂钩。

    The financial services authority on Monday told the biggest banks and building societies operating in the UK that they must take " immediate action " to ensure bonus plans for all bankers closely link rewards and long-term risk .

  13. 她又不是赶着去开什么乱七八糟的匿名互助会

    She 's not racing off to a messies anonymous meeting .

  14. 测量员的报告寄存在建房互助会。

    The surveyor 's report was lodged with the building society .

  15. 他在同一个建房互助会中拥有着三个不同的账户。

    He holds three different accounts with the same building society .

  16. 建房互助会都推出高息存款来吸引新储户。

    The building societies are offering high-interest accounts to tempt new savers .

  17. 正好在她匿名互助会之后吗看来很是巧合啊

    Right after her A.A. meeting ? Seems awfully convenient .

  18. 某些民间互助会究竟属谁所有,这是编写读物的有趣题材。

    The ownership of some of the private provident societies makes interesting reading .

  19. 不过,非政府组织“帮助离散者互助会”等移民权利团体对欧盟的移民协议提出批评。

    But immigrant rights groups like CIMADE are critical of the immigration pact .

  20. 我们要多比较几家房屋互助会,选择条件最优惠者。

    We 'll shop around the building societies to find the best terms .

  21. 他是在建屋互助会的帮助下买下他的房子的。

    He had bought his house with the help of a building society .

  22. 建屋互助会将收费100英镑安排再抵押。

    The building society will arrange a remortgage for a fee of # 100 .

  23. 死亡咖啡馆无意成为丧亲互助会或其他怪异的场所。

    Death Cafes are not intended to be bereavement support groups or morbid places .

  24. 建屋互助会作出的唯一规定是房屋必须保险。

    The only stipulation the building society makes is that house must be insured .

  25. 你现在不应该是去互助会吗

    Aren 't you supposed to be at a support group meeting right now ?

  26. 近代中国民事习惯中的合会与互助会

    The United Society and The Mutual Help Society in the Civil Habit of Modern China

  27. 你应该把钱存在建屋互助会,可以得到利息。

    You should put the money in the building society where it will earn interest .

  28. 香港钓网渔民互助会

    Hong Kong Liner and Gillnetting Fisherman Association

  29. 我不能付清抵押贷款时,建屋互助会收回了我的房子。

    When I failed to make my mortgage repayments the building society repossessed my house .

  30. 天天一趣局为肥智计划发展维护友邦服务及友邦互助会有限公司集团成员。

    Fat Chi meditate develop maintain friendship Service and friendly society Corporation Limited funny everday department .