
  • 网络Interoperability;Interoperable;Inter-operability;Interop;IOT
  1. Web服务描述的互操作性测试研究

    Research of Interoperability Test for Web Service Description

  2. 移动Agent互操作性研究

    The Research of the Interoperability of Mobile Agent

  3. 而语义Web技术能够提供从语法层次到语义层次上的互操作性。因此,如何将语义Web技术应用于GIS互操作是一个值得研究的问题。

    So how to apply semantic Web to GIS interoperability is worth studying .

  4. 网络中的计算资源被部署为Web服务,并通过组件之阃的互操作性调用服务。

    Computing resources are deployed on Web Services . System transfers services by interoperations between components .

  5. Web服务技术的设计意图是实实在在地改善集成点的互操作性和灵活性。

    Web services technologies are designed to add specific interoperability and flexibility benefits to integration points .

  6. 为构造Web服务提供一个更集成化的、互操作性更强和可移植性更好的体系结构。

    This will provide a more integrated , interoperable and portable architecture for building web services .

  7. 大多数关于Web服务的资料都集中于互操作性协议和服务接口及其使用。

    Most literature on Web services focuses on the interoperability protocols and service interfaces and their use .

  8. 通过标准的Web服务支持互操作性,从而克服资源的异构性。

    Support ? Web services are introduced in the model to provide standard interoperability to overcome resource heterogeneity .

  9. 这些Web组件经常交互并且相互发送消息,有时会导致互操作性问题。

    These Web components often interact and send messages to each other , sometimes resulting in interoperability problems .

  10. Web服务正在逐步成为服务和提供异类系统之间的互操作性的主流技术。

    Web services are becoming a main steam technology for implementing services and providing interoperability between heterogeneous systems .

  11. 面向Agent的软件工程和移动Agent系统间的互操作性已成为研究的热点问题。

    Agent-oriented software engineering and interoperability of mobile Agent systems hive become a hot research point .

  12. 在本文中,学习使您的web数据更具互操作性,使您的数据共享更为高效的技术。

    In this article , learn to make your web data more interoperable and your data sharing more efficient .

  13. 在本文中讨论了由XML命名空间冲突所导致的某些互操作性问题。

    This part of the series discussed some interoperability problems caused by XML namespace conflicts .

  14. 在本文中,您将首先更多地了解web服务栈之间互操作性的安全问题。

    In this article , you 'll first learn more about the issues of security interoperability among web services stacks .

  15. 供应商驱动的跨栈互操作性测试成为提高web服务安全性实现的一个很重要的因素。

    Vendor-driven interoperability testing across stacks has been a more significant factor in improving the quality of web service security implementations .

  16. 在这种情况下,就可以在具有良好跨平台性和互操作性的Web服务框架上实现计算资源的共享。

    Under such a circumstance , computing resource sharing can be achieved on the foundation of portable and interoperable Web Services infrastructure .

  17. 本文将尝试深入研究一些与Web服务互操作性相关的基本问题。

    This article will try to go a bit deeper and look at some of the underlying issues related to Web service interoperability .

  18. 但是,因为这是互操作性的演示程序,所以您想用它来测试多个远程Web服务。

    However , since this is an interoperability demonstration , you want to be able to test multiple remote web services with it .

  19. 但是Web服务社区必须记住SOAP的原始出发点:互操作性。

    But the Web services community must remember one of the original selling points of SOAP : interoperability .

  20. 厂商们正积极工作以证明它们的SOAP实现确有互操作性。

    Vendors are actually working aggressively to prove that their SOAP implementations do interoperate .

  21. 基于CORBA规范信息系统的集成和软件的互操作性。

    The information integration and software interoperability based on CORBA .

  22. 为了促进更广泛的语义互操作性,IBM已经成为各种行业标准的有力支持者。

    To prompt broader semantic interoperability , IBM has been a strong supporter for various industry standards .

  23. 该应用程序的一个目标就是允许使用不同的服务实现,以此来测试和演示不同Web服务环境之间的互操作性。

    One goal of the application is to allow the use of different service implementations , to test and demonstrate interoperability between different web services environments .

  24. Web服务操作的输入参数及数据类型的返回值对于Web服务的互操作性产生非常大的影响。

    The input parameters and return values of data types of a Web service operation have a great impact on the interoperability of the Web service .

  25. 该TC确定了在目前身份标准中实现互操作性的需求。

    The TC determines the need for achieving interoperability within current identity standards .

  26. 案例研究:SOAP互操作性示范

    Case Study : SOAP interoperability demonstration

  27. SOAP可以解决语法级别的互操作性问题,但语义问题仍然未得到解决。

    SOAP resolves the interoperability problem at the syntactic level but the semantic problems remain unsolved .

  28. CORBAComponentModel(CCM)概述了CORBA规范以及CORBA与其他组件模型的互操作性。

    CORBA Component Model ( CCM ) outlines the CORBA specification and CORBA interoperability with other component models .

  29. 基于CORBA的多数据库系统中互操作性研究

    The Interoperability in a CORBA-based Multidatabase System

  30. 因此,如果您预先考虑您的服务的互操作性,我们将会强烈建议您计划在您的Web服务中使用文档-文字样式。

    Thus , if you anticipate any interoperability with your services , we would strongly advocate that you plan on using the document-literal style for your Web Services .