
jīnɡ tǐ ɡuǎn shōu yīn jī
  • transistor radio;tranny
  1. 数百人挤在一台晶体管收音机周围收听公告。

    Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement

  2. 我可以在汽车的收音机、晶体管收音机、家庭立体声设备等任何设备中倾听你对Kai所说的。

    I can listen to you talk to Kai on my car radio , on my transistor radio , home stereo , whatever .

  3. 你打开晶体管收音机,立刻就有声音,当你关掉它时,声音渐渐消失。

    When you turn on a transistorized radio , the sound comes on immediately ; when you turn off , it fades out gradually .

  4. 电热器具比较少些,大部分是晶体管收音机。

    Fewer electrical heating appliances , plenty of transistor radio sets .

  5. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。

    A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up .

  6. 他在我们学校附近的晶体管收音机厂工作。

    He works in the transistor factory near our school .

  7. 狗在吠叫,晶体管收音机在播音,发电机发出咔咔的响动,各种声音不觉于耳。

    Barking dogs , a transistor radio , the coughing of a generator .

  8. 这是一台最新式晶体管收音机。

    This is the latest thing in transistor radios .

  9. 用于包装我们晶体管收音机的盒子很轻,但很结实。

    The cases used for packing our transistor radios are light but strong .

  10. 508.妹妹一贯坚决主张持久抵制晶体管收音机。

    508 . My sister insists consistently on persistent resistance to transistor radios .

  11. 你家有晶体管收音机吗?

    Have you a transistor radio in your home ?

  12. 大家知道是什么音乐播放器导致了晶体管收音机在近期的衰落吗?

    What modern music player has led to the transistors recent decline in popularity ?

  13. 他们有一个用电池的晶体管收音机。

    They had a battery-powered transistor radio .

  14. 这两个部件都可以小型化,老式晶体管收音机就有微型音量旋钮和调谐旋钮。

    Both components could be miniaturised . Old transistor radios had tiny versions of each .

  15. 尽管我们生活在21世纪,也有少部分在使用晶体管收音机和马车。

    Though we lived in the21st century , we were reduced to using crystal radios and horse-drawn carts .

  16. 天天晚上,他都要把他的晶体管收音机抱到床上,听本地电台的音乐节目主持人谈论摇摆乐。

    At night he would take a transistor radio to bed where he listened to the local jive-talking deejays .

  17. 在当代,即使是地球上最偏僻的角落也离不开电,至少离不开晶体管收音机。

    In our day even the farthest corners of the world are being conquered by electricity at least by the transistor radio .

  18. 你打开晶体管收音机,立刻就有声音;当你关掉它时,声音渐渐消去。

    When you turn on a transistorized , radio the sound comes on immediately ; when you turn off , it fades out gradually .

  19. 除不能预见的无法控制的情况外,乙方必须在双方约定的时期内完成晶体管收音机的装配和交货任务。

    Party B shall complete the assembling of all transistor radios and effect shipment within the mutually agreed unless some unforeseen circumstances beyond control have occurred .

  20. 拿出你的老式收音机闹钟或者晶体管收音机,吹去灰尘,插上电源,我想你一定会惊叹它的重要性。

    Blow the dust off your old clock radio or handheld transistor , plug it in , and be amazed at how vital radio still can be .

  21. 乙方将所装配的晶体管收音机运交甲方指定的外国买主,有关运费保险费由甲方承担。

    All transistor radios assembled by Party B will be shipped to foreign buyers designated by Party A. The relevant freight and insurance premium shall be borne by Party A.

  22. 乙方应严格按照甲方的设计将甲方供给的零部件装配成晶体管收音机,不得变动。

    Parts and components supplied by Party A for transistor radios shall be assembled by Party B strictly according to the design specified by Party A without making any alternation .

  23. 在三星这碗泡菜中最辣的是三星电子,开始时只不过生产笨拙的晶体管收音机。按照销售额计算,现在已经是世界上最大的科技公司。

    The hottest chilli in the Samsung kimchi bowl is Samsung Electronics , which started out making clunky transistor radios but is now the world 's biggest technology firm , measured by sales .

  24. 我们把晶体管收音机藏在课桌底下,用墨水瓶挡着耳机线偷听他们的歌,放学后就去一个家里有唱机的朋友家里,没完没了地听他们的45转唱片。

    Transistor radios were hidden in our school desks , earpiece cords accessed through inkwells , and afterschool hours were spent listening to 45s in the home of the one friend who owned a record player .

  25. 对韩国人来说,这家公司从一个装配笨重晶体管收音机的工厂发展成为生产平板电视、电脑芯片和智能手机的世界领先企业是该国的一个骄傲。

    For South Koreans , the company 's progression from an assembler of clunky transistor radio sets to the world 's leading producer of flat-panel television sets , computer chips and smartphones is a source of national pride .

  26. 这些工厂生产电子管、晶体管、收音机和电视机。

    These factories produce tubes , transistors , radio sets and TV sets .

  27. 坏损的晶体管使得收音机收听不灵。破坏某物而造成的损坏。

    It was the broken transistor that makes the radio out of work .

  28. 在晶体管电视机和磁带录音机问世之后,晶体管收音机也诞生了。

    The transistor radio was followed by transistor televisions and videotape recorders .