- grain boundary

The formula for calculating capacitance per grain boundary has been derived on the basis of microstructure of ZnO varistors . The c-v curve has been experimentally obtained and the theory is in agreement with the experiments .
The minority carrier recombination in grain boundary and its width are considered .
Grain Boundary Effect of ZnO Voltage Sensitive Ceramic
Study of Aluminum Atom Segregation at Grain Boundary of Polycrystalline Silicon by AES
The Study Of Grain - Boundary Of Polysilicon TFT Active Layer
An analysis based on property of the acceptors at grain boundaries of semiconducting n - TiO2 varistor ceramic and the distribution with multi energy levels were considered in this paper .
Alkali halide materials , with KCI in particular , have been considered as a promising candidate for high energy laser window .
In this paper , such effective techniques as Heat Sink structure and Grooved structure have been proposed to localize grain-boundaries during Zone-Melting - Recrystallization ( ZMR ) . These techniques are the key points of ZMR-SOI technology .
In this paper , a physical model of grain boundaries is presented to explain the low value of carrier mobility and the high value of threshold voltage for poly-silicon thin film transistors ( TFT ) .
Effect of intergranular phase on the anisotropy of nanometer hard magnetic materials
Effects of grain boundaries on the formation of sub-structures in aluminium crystals
Two area defects are twins and grain boundaries .
Anelastic relaxations associated with local disordering in grain boundaries
Impurities tend to segregate at grain boundaries .
Linear Trapping Model of Polysilicon Grain - boundary
The injecting saturate minority carrier current may be reduced the most effectively by the first grain boundary .
The calculation results show that the linear trapping model of the grain-boundary is possessed of theoretical reasonableness .
A new concept about current adjustment of the grain boundary in polycrystalline silicon resistors has been proposed in this paper .
The cross-section conductance formula , which contains the sensing function of grain-boundaries and grain-necks in porous metal oxide semiconductor gas sensing crystals , is proposed .
The mechanism of anelastic creep of polycrystalline copper at higher temperatures may thus be considered to be similar to the mechanism of grain boundary self-diffusion .
In the eighties , an internal friction peak situated below the peak temperature of the grain boundary peak of fine-grained specimens ( the Ke peak ) was observed in high-purity aluminium consisting of bamboo crystals .
Meanwhile , the relationship between the number of effective grain boundaries , which reduce injecting saturate minority carrier current more than ten percent , and the interfacial state density of grain boundary and grain size has also been presented .
The activation energy associated with the creep is found to be 25,000 ± 1,000 calories per mole . It is much smaller than the activation energy for the volume self-diffusion and is close to the activation energy for the grain boundary self-diffusion .
The oxygen adsorption on the film increases the grain-boundary potential and changes the carrier concentration in the crystallite .
The model shows that the polysilicon resistance are made up of many small resistance which is formed by grains and grain boundary , and the value of polysilicon resistance depends on the size of grain boundary .
The crystallite sizes become larger and the crystallinity of the resulting films improves with the increasing of the sputtering time and the film thickness . These decrease the scattering by the grain boundaries and enhance the carrier lifetime and hall mobility , leading to the decrease of the resistivity .