
  • 网络Information architecture
  1. 图表是网络应用开发团队(Webdevelopmentteams)在沟通信息架构和交互设计方面最基本的工具。

    Diagrams are an essential tool for communicating information architecture and interaction design in Web development teams .

  2. XML可以快速而方便地将数据提交到Web,是目前信息架构中的基本标准。

    XML can bring your data to the Web quickly and easily and is a basic standard in information architecture these days .

  3. 我在这里所唠叨的只是如何开始使用web统计数据来指导你信息架构和网站设计的一些方法。

    What I have laid out here is a guide on how to starting using web statistics data to inform your information architecture and site design .

  4. 分析型CRM的智能信息架构

    Intelligent Information Architecture of Analytical Type CRM

  5. 随着大型汇聚网络的盛行及网络IP化趋势已定,未来IP化网络在国家信息架构中将占主导地位。

    Nowadays , as converged networks become more prevalent and IP networks have been our trend , the future IP networks will be dominant in National Information Infrastructure .

  6. 始终抓住信息架构的本质,通过把握信息架构的设计原则对其进行调整与优化从而尝试将PC端网页的架构移植到移动端。

    The essence of information architecture was grasped throughout this process . Based on mastering the design philosophy of information architecture and the adjustment and optimization on it , the architecture of PC-end Web page was transplanted to mobile end .

  7. 本文提出一个基于模板技术和站点信息架构的ORACLE数据复制方案,实现复制环境的自动创建以及复制站点的动态添加;

    In the article , it gives out a schema to use ORACLE Advanced Replication based on a replication template . We can use this template and the information of the website to realize the automatic replication .

  8. 然后,本文重点研究了GPS导航仪界面交互设计的流程及方法,按照设计的流程,本文依次研究了:用户、汽车导航仪的人机环境、信息架构、视觉设计。

    After that , this paper focused on the research of steps and methods of interactive interface design of GPS automobile navigator . According to the design steps , this paper studied : user research , man-machine environment of navigator , information architecture , and visual design .

  9. IIIRM由集成信息架构与所有它的层与关键构件的描述组成。

    IIIRM comprise conceptual structure of integrated information architecture and coherent description of all its layers and key components .

  10. 但是许多的课程网站往往忽略对网站可用性的研究,网站信息架构模糊、不合理,使用户难于查找到有用的信息,其原因都与建设中缺乏IA指导有关。

    But often usability Research was overlooked in many of the course Web site , the information architecture of Web site is vague , unreasonable , and so that , the user is difficult to find useful information , which are related to a lack of guidance on IA .

  11. 它们需要仔细的规划、信息架构和用户体验设计。

    They require careful planning , information architecture , and user experience design .

  12. 在任何成功的信息架构设计中,数据和内容都是以无缝的方式一起工作。

    Data and content work together seamlessly in any successful information architecture design .

  13. 高度直观的信息架构设计就可以。

    A highly intuitive information architecture design can .

  14. 应用程序设计的再漂亮,没有良好的信息架构很难成功。

    Without good information architecture , beautiful App is difficult to put into use .

  15. 信息架构&包含组织好的信息结构。

    An information architecture , which considers the structure by which information is organized .

  16. 近年来,信息架构的匹配显示了在诸如数据库集成等领域的重大应用。

    Schema mapping is applied in many important areas like database integration in recent years .

  17. 本系列文章探索用于创建成功的信息架构设计的各种元素。

    This series explores a variety of elements that create a successful information architecture design .

  18. 论文对政府门户网站的信息架构的构成要素进行了分析和论述。

    In the paper the inscapes of IA of government portal is analyzed and discussed .

  19. “信息架构本质”系列将讨论对创建成功的信息架构设计有重要意义的几个元素。

    This series explores several elements that go into the creation of a successful information architecture design .

  20. 信息架构与数据集成软件应用中的数据架构是一样的?

    Is an information architecture the same as the data architecture found in some data-intensive software applications ?

  21. 在实现上将信息架构与技术基础设施分离

    Independence ( separation ) of the information architecture and the technical infrastructure upon which it is implemented

  22. 信息架构并不是空中楼阁&我们总是会考虑用户需求和业务需求的。

    IA is never done in a vacuum-we always have to consider the user needs and the business needs .

  23. 本部分提供在向信息架构设计应用商业智能时要考虑的工具和技术。

    This section provides tools and techniques to consider as you apply business intelligence to your information architecture design .

  24. 确定系统的信息架构与功能组合方式,对系统的交互流程进行设计。

    Determine the information architecture and function combination of systems , interactive process to carry on the design of system .

  25. 当使用商业智能作为信息架构设计中的内部业务工具时,您将扮演多种不同的角色

    When using business intelligence as an internal business tool in your information architecture design , you wear many different hats

  26. 本系列还将讨论信息架构中业务智能的使用以及如何将内容应用到多个受众。

    The series also explores the use of business intelligence in information architecture and how to apply content to multiple audiences .

  27. 模式属性/类型/元素的设计要结合信息架构功能发布和治理的逻辑数据模型。

    Schema attributes / types / elements are designed in conjunction with the logical data model published and governed by the information architecture function .

  28. 分析其用户需求及用户心理,并构建系统概念模型、餐饮服务系统的功能组成和信息架构。

    Analyzes the user requirements and user psychology , and build the system conceptual model , the dining service system function structure and information structure .

  29. 信息架构始终关注网站对目标用户的易用度和使用频度。

    Information Architects always want to know how easy our site is to use and how often it is used by the audiences we target .

  30. 业务实体模式也能由信息架构功能治理,标准的企业数据实体要尽可能的被重用。

    Business entity schemas are also governed by the information architecture function and standard schemas for enterprise data entities need to be reused wherever possible .