
  • 网络Information Center;Information centre;Info Center
  1. 要进一步了解web服务事务支持,请参阅信息中心。

    To learn more about the web services transaction support , see the Information Center .

  2. 如果您需要关于工具导航方面的帮助,请参见BusinessEvents信息中心。

    Refer to the Business Events Information Center if you need help navigating the tools .

  3. 马克·卢腾伯(MarcRotenberg)是电子隐私信息中心(EPIC,ElectronicPrivacyInformationCenter)的负责人。

    Marc Rotenberg is president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center .

  4. 这些内容在WebSpherePortal信息中心进行了阐述。

    These additions are explained in the WebSphere Portal Information Center .

  5. h文件:从CombinedIBMSystems信息中心了解有关inode.h文件的更多信息。

    File : Learn more about the inode . h file from the Combined IBM Systems Information Center .

  6. 请参考WebSphere信息中心,以获得更多关于如何使用RuleManagementApplication创建和加载业务规则的指导。

    Refer to the WebSphere Information center for more instruction on using the Rule Management Application for creating and loading business rules .

  7. 参阅WebSpherePortal信息中心可以获得关于这个步骤的帮助。

    Refer to the WebSphere Portal Information Center for help with this step .

  8. 但根据中国互联网络信息中心(ChinaInternetNetworkInformationCenter)的数据,仅去年一年,中国网民数量就增长了24%,达到1.37亿人。

    But last year alone China 's internet population increased by 24 per cent to 137m people online , according to the China Internet Network Information Center .

  9. 请确保安装了Web服务示例(信息中心中描述了如何执行此操作)。

    Make sure the web service samples are installed ( there 's a description of how to do this in the information center ) .

  10. 这个描述用来为解决方案信息中心生成一个HTML页面。

    The description is used to generate an HTML page for your solution information center .

  11. 随着这些仓库变得流行起来,它们已经变成所有SOA资产和其它相关资产的信息中心。

    As these repositories become populated they become the information HUB for all SOA assets and other related assets .

  12. 在InformationServer信息中心有提供关于使用HTTP/CLIAPI的详细信息的文章,在参考资料部分获取该文章的链接。

    The Resources section contains a link to an article in the Information Server info center that provides details on using the HTTP / CLI API .

  13. 本文将对最常见的问题予以讨论。请访问WebSphereApplicationServer信息中心,以获得完整的配置详细信息,并阅读本文来了解其中一些较为微妙的问题的更多信息。

    You can see the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for complete configuration details and then read this article to learn more about some of the subtleties .

  14. WebSphereApplicationServer信息中心提供了一个示例JAAS登录模块,可执行这种类型的映射。

    A sample JAAS login module that performs this type of mapping can be found in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center .

  15. 如果您怀疑WebSphereApplicationServerv7.0有问题,请查看信息中心的问题诊断部分。

    If you suspect a problem with WebSphere Application Server V7.0 , refer to the troubleshooting section of the information center .

  16. MessageBroker信息中心有大量的JavaCompute节点资料。

    The Message Broker information center has plenty of JavaCompute node information .

  17. 您可以在RationalAssetManager信息中心(参阅参考资料的相关链接)找到关于资产类型和约束的更多信息。

    You can find more information about asset types and constraints in the Rational Asset Manager information center ( see Resources for a link ) .

  18. 您可以在Rational质量管理信息中心部分中的“使用RationalClearQuestBridge创建集成”中找到其他的信息。

    You can find additional information in the Rational Quality Manager Information Center section called Setting up integration using the Rational ClearQuest Bridge .

  19. 参见参考资料了解该信息中心主题的更多信息:使用协作式生命周期管理应用数据在RationalPublishingEngine中创建文档样式的报表。

    See Resources for more information in this information center topic : Creating a document-style report in Rational Publishing Engine using Collaborative Lifecycle Management application data .

  20. 在参考资料一节中参考DB2信息中心,了解更多关于DB2进程的信息。

    Refer to the DB2 Information Center , found in the Resources section , to know more about the DB2 processes .

  21. 参阅IDS信息中心中的选择一个复制网络拓扑主题了解更多细节。

    Refer to the Choosing a Replication Network Topology topic in the IDS Information Center for more details .

  22. 基于CTI中间件的固话短信息中心的实现

    The Implementation of Telephone Short Message Center Based on CTI Middleware

  23. 请在IBMSONAS信息中心查找全面的信息(见参考资料)。

    For comprehensive understanding please refer to IBM SONAS Information Center . ( see Resources )

  24. 遵循WebSphereCommerce信息中心中的说明来安装打包实用程序以及将产品包复制到存储库中。

    Follow the instructions in the WebSphere Commerce Information Center to install the Packaging Utility and to copy the product packages into the repository .

  25. 在WebSpherePortalV6信息中心的Transferringindividualdomains部分中提供了有关数据域和数据域管理的详细信息。

    More information on data domains and data domain administration is provided in the WebSphere Portal V6 Infocenter , Transferring individual domains section .

  26. 指定将在HTML页面上显示的标题,这个HTML页面由工具箱生成,用于向信息中心的访问者描述您的文件。

    Specify a title to display on an HTML page that the toolkit will generate to tell information center readers about your file .

  27. 基于BACnet的全光网络家庭信息中心

    Intelligent Home Information Center over All Optical Network based on BACnet

  28. 特别鸣谢《全球分布式开发》的作者:集中变更与配置管理信息中心,以及IBM场景分析实验室。

    Special thanks to the authors of the Geographically Distributed Development : Centralize Change and Configuration Management information center , and to the IBM Scenario Analysis lab.

  29. 要了解更多关于锁的内容,请参考参考资料一节中的DB2和Informix信息中心。

    To learn more about locks , refer to the information centers for DB2 and Informix in the Resources section .

  30. 有关WebSphereXS的描述,请参阅WebSphereXS信息中心中的产品概述。

    For a description of WebSphere XS , see Product overview in the WebSphere XS information center .