
  • 网络information compound
  1. 利用信息复合方法编制遥感考古专题影像图

    Utilize Information Compound Method and Compile the R.S.Archaeology Thematic Image Map

  2. 鲁西西部区域重磁异常场的分维计算与信息复合

    On fractal dimension computation and information compound of regional gravitational and magnetic anomalies in western Shandong Province

  3. 基于GIS的金矿多源地学信息复合处理及应用

    The combination process and application of gold deposit polygenic information based on GIS

  4. 多源信息复合的SVM混合地块分解法提取玉米种植面积

    Extracting Corn Planting Area by Multi-Source Data with SVM Mixed-Field Decomposed Method

  5. 多源信息复合NOAA影像在大尺度景观制图中的应用&以中国东北区为例

    Application of Integrated NOAA / AVHRR Image of Multi-Source Data in Landscape Mapping : A Case Study of Northeastern China

  6. 洪灾遥感监测与信息复合分析

    Flood hazard monitoring using remote sensing and integrative analysis of the information

  7. 数字城市工程多源信息复合研究

    Study on Multi-source Information Synthesis in Digital City Construction

  8. 应用遥感信息复合方法的森林分类和动态监测研究

    A Study on Forest Classification and Dynamic Monitoring by Using Remote Sensing Information

  9. 铀矿地质勘探中的多元地学信息复合分析技术途径探讨

    An approach to integration analysis technique of multiple geoscience data in uranium geology exploration

  10. 煤矿底板突水的多源地学信息复合模型研究&以焦作演马庄矿为例

    Research on the Model for Multi - geoscience of Water Bursting in Coal Mine Floor

  11. 基于地学信息复合叠置分析对煤层底板突水的预测

    Prediction of water inrush from coal seam floor confined based on geo-information composite overlay analysis

  12. 地学信息复合地质因素权重法与火成岩体预测

    Weights of Evidence Modeling for Integration of Multiple Geological Information and Prediction of Igneous Bodies

  13. 矿产统计预报的多元信息复合方法及预测模型

    Complex Method for Multivariate Information and its Prediction Model in the Statistical Prediction of Minerals

  14. 松花江干流防洪区土地利用信息复合提取

    Compound collecting of land utilization information in flood control zone of main stream for Songhuajiang river

  15. 利用遥感和非遥感信息复合分析方法研究饮用天然矿泉水资源

    The Application of Remote Sensing Information and Normal Information in the Investigation of Drinking Mineral Water Resource

  16. 图书馆传统文献与网络信息复合经营系统有机化配置探究

    Study on the Organic Configuration of a Comprehensive Operational System of Library Traditional Bibliography and Network Information

  17. 信息复合是遥感技术应用的前沿.是遥感图像处理方法的新内容。

    Information combination is the frontier field of remote sensing applications and a new practical method for remote sensing image processing .

  18. 土地利用信息复合提取的工作模式,可降低工作量、减少数据冗余,提高工作效率,可应用于其他地理数据库建设的工作中。

    The model of compound collecting land utilization information can reduce the work amount raises the work efficiency , applied in other geographic data bank construction .

  19. 本文介绍了利用国土卫星资料和多元信息复合方法,绘制南沙北部影像海图的情况,它开辟了国土星卫片应用的新领域,具有重大价值。

    The Marine Chart of the Northern Nansha Islands of China is developed with the Territory Survey Satellite information and the method of multi-source information composition .

  20. 信息复合的目的,在于充分利用各种遥感信息资料,实现对各种信息数据的更新补充以及动态分析研究。

    The aim of information combination is to make full use of all kinds of remote sensing information and achieve data updating , supplementing and dynamically analysis .

  21. 本文运用多信息复合思想,采用回归分析、判别分析和集成预报等方法使矿物预报的正确概率大大提高。

    Tht complex thought of multi-information is presented and regression analysis , discriminant analysis and integrated prediction is adopted in the paper . So the correct probability of the mineral prediction is raised greatly .

  22. 本文设计的多信息复合采集系统,可以对激光焊接等离子体进行多维信息分析,具有很好的实用性,为研究激光焊接本质提供了有效的方法。

    The optical and electrical synchronous acquisition system could analysis the multi-dimensional information of laser welding plasma . It is practical with satisfactory results and provides a new way to research the laser welding deeply .

  23. 同时,构建用于强电磁干扰环境下GIS中PD信号处理的复小波,并阐述用复小波变换的简单信息和复合信息处理PD信号的原理和特点;

    Meanwhile , this paper introduces how to construct the complex wavelet applied to suppress the interferences , of which the characteristics of simple and multiplex information are introduced .

  24. DTM与RS信息的复合,DTM与CAD及相似系统的结合,开拓了其应用的领域,DTM在制图学等领域也正发挥着愈来愈大的作用。

    The integration between DTM and RS information as well as between DTM and CAD and related system develops the DTM 's application fields . Meanwhile , DTM takes part in more and more importance in cartography .

  25. 高级设置可以控制是否返回生命周期信息或复合文档的细节。

    Advanced settings control whether lifecycle information or compound document details are returned .

  26. 这些成矿信息的复合部位为金矿成矿的有利环境。

    The superimposition of the valuable ore-forming information is advantageous area to the gold mineralization .

  27. 模糊信息的复合型处理机制

    Compound processing mechanism for fuzzy information

  28. 遥感地质线性体与化探信息数字复合处理提取金矿控矿构造信息

    The Synthetic Processing of the Remotely Sensed Geological Lineaments and Geochemical Data to Extract the Significant Lineaments in the Terms of Gold-ore Exploration

  29. 数据组是支撑相关条目信息的复合数据结构,是数据元或更小的数据组的集合。

    A data group is a composite data structure ( a collection of data elements or smaller data groups ) for holding related items of information .

  30. 卫星遥感的复轨能力,稳定一致的传感器参数和系列运行计划,连续记录了地表的显著变化信息。复合重轨矫直机的矫直力计算

    The satellites track review , stable and constant sensor parameters , as well as systematic operation plan enable us to continuously observe and depict the Earth surface and to record distinct changes . Calculation of force of compound roll straighten device of heavy rail