
  • 网络Couture;Haute couture;ready-to-wear;calvin klein collection
  1. 在成衣业尚未形成的年代里,高级时装(HauteCouture)是社会的时尚文化的主流,历史也证明,高级时装的设计与风格对后来的成衣具有不可磨灭的深刻影响。

    At the turn of the 20th century , haute couture was the main tread of fashion in the society , while ready-to-wear industry hadn 't been formed . History proves that the design and style of haute couture have significant effect on subsequent ready-to-wear .

  2. 这让我对于当季高级时装来说不够时尚。

    It makes me not fashionable enough for haute couture that season .

  3. 这是我初次涉足高级时装界。

    It was my initiation into the world of high fashion .

  4. 在高级时装大亨中,阿诺尔特在互联网方面同样走在了前面

    Among high-fashion potentates , Arnault has taken an early lead on the Internet .

  5. 关于我在时装设计学院的高级时装,我决定在家里尝试3D打印整个时尚系列。

    For my senior collection at fashion design school , I decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from my home .

  6. CK高级时装(CalvinKleinCollection)、约翰·瓦维托斯(JohnVarvatos)、桑姆·布郎尼(ThomBrowne)和林能平(PhillipLim)等纽约设计师和服装品牌把时装秀搬到欧洲,以弥补展示和销售之间的时间差。

    New York designers and labels including Calvin Klein Collection , John Varvatos , Thom Browne and Phillip Lim have moved their shows to Europe to close the gap between showing and selling .

  7. GBD将打造包括设计型酒店、酒店式公寓、餐饮、酒吧、高级时装品牌商店、家居体验馆在内的综合视觉商业消费场所。

    GBD will include the design-build hotels , apartment-style hotel , restaurants , bars , senior fashion brand shops , Museum home to experience the visual integrated commercial consumer sites .

  8. 如今,裁缝们(裁缝tailors也被称为dressmakers,customsewers,seamstresses)基本上都在服装零售店和高级时装店里从业,也有些人从事服装业,做时尚设计师或图案制作师。

    Today , tailors ( also called dressmakers , custom sewers and seamstresses ) might have their own business , or work in a retail shop or boutique , for a clothing manufacturer or for fashion designers and patternmakers .

  9. 高级时装的价值、市场与设计前景

    The Value , Market and Design Prospect of High Fashion

  10. 后现代高级时装设计的反叛特征及其对丝绸的要求

    The Rebelling Characteristics in Post-modern Fashion Design and its Resort to Silk

  11. 浅析高级时装造型的雕塑性

    A Brief Argument on the Sculpture Style of the High-grade Fashionable Dress

  12. 论高级时装的廓型与装饰

    Outline Model and Decoration in High Quality Fashion Design

  13. 我会避免购买高级时装,因为其款式及潮流转变得太快。

    I avoid high-fashion clothing because it goes out of style too quickly .

  14. 它供应高端的当代家具、雕塑与经典高级时装。

    It offers high-end contemporary furniture , sculptures and vintage haute couture clothing .

  15. 这些手工制作的高级时装装饰枕头添加纹理和样式的任何空间。

    These handcrafted high fashion decorative pillows add texture and style to any space .

  16. 这让我对于当季高级时装来说不够“时尚”。

    It makes me not " fashionable " enough for haute couture that season .

  17. 比起高级时装她更像是廉价特卖品

    Mm ... Bargain basement than haute couture .

  18. 时至今日,李维斯牛仔裤已经逐渐演变成一种举世公认的高级时装。

    Today , Levi 's jeans have evolved into a world-recognized form of haute couture .

  19. 巴黎高级时装业的发展和演变

    Development and Evolution on Paris Haute Couture

  20. 为保护与发展高级时装,法国政府也采取了一系列的保护政策与改革措施。

    The French government has adopted a series of measures to protect the Haute Couture .

  21. 茉丽:她刚找到一份很好的工作,负责采购高级时装。

    Mollie : she 's just got a fantastic job as a top fashion buyer .

  22. 孩子饿了高级时装和美容女神穿着好酸和良好的菜肴。

    Matt-Jormjai Child hungry high fashion and beauty goddess dress good acid and good cuisine .

  23. 身着本店高级时装,令您气质高雅。

    Wearing the top-grade fashions of this shop , you will have a most elegant Bearing .

  24. 锐意时尚&法国高级时装公会专场发布

    French Haute Couture Fashion Show

  25. “牛仔裤设计大师”一词诞生于上世纪80年代,斜纹布进入高级时装的高雅殿堂。

    The term " designer jeans " was born in the1980s , and denim entered high-fashion circles .

  26. 从卖袜子到卖高级时装

    Hosiery to high fashion

  27. 但是,他们的生活方式决定了他们不处于消费高级时装和珠宝的阶段。

    However , they are not in the stage of consuming haute couture and jewelry because of their lifestyles .

  28. 长荣航空于2017年8月24日推出了他们由高级时装店夏姿·陈设计的第三代制服。

    Designed by fashion house Shiatzy Chen , EVA Air unveiled their third-generation uniform on August 24 , 2017 .

  29. 她新鲜的广受欢迎的高级时装展,看到她绊倒是令人失望的。

    She 's fresh off a well-received haute couture show , so it was disappointing to see her stumble .

  30. 他写过极好的爵士乐评论,而且从未中断过小说阅读,偶尔还会写些高级时装评论。

    He wrote excellent jazz criticism , never stopped reading novels and made occasional observations in print about high fashion .