
chónɡ fù xìnɡ wù chā
  • Repeatability error;perseveration error
  1. 对LED灯具的一组多次测量数据进行重复性误差和不确定度分析,结果表明LED灯具分布光度计具有很好的可靠性和准确性。

    Repeatability error and uncertainty of a group of LED lamps data are analyzed . The results show that LED lamps distribution photometer has good reliability and accuracy .

  2. 分辨率0.01mm、重复性误差0.06mm。

    Its resolving power is 0.01 mm , repetition error 0.06 mm .

  3. 测试结果表明:线性比较好,均匀性误差在7‰以内,杂光小于1μW,重复性误差小于7‰,长期稳定性误差小于8‰。

    The testing results show that the linearity is good , the uniformity error is within 7 ‰, the stray light is smaller than 1 μ W , the repeatability error is within 7 ‰, and the long stability error is within 8 ‰ .

  4. 实验结果表明,利用小波变换的方法获得了更好的测量精度,测量重复性误差为100nm。

    In comparison with traditional image processing method , wavelet transform method has better measurement resolution , and its measurement repetition error is 100 nm .

  5. 相比小波方法,EMD能够更有效地剔除瞬时强噪声,从而能够提取更精确的多路径效应重复性误差改正模型。

    (② EMD ) noise filter is more efficient in eliminating instantaneous strong noise than the wavelet method . It therefore can better extract and thus model the repeatability of the multipath errors , which is crucial in mitigating the errors .

  6. 其测量精度为0.63%,重复性误差小于0.49%;

    The measurement accuracy is 0.63 % and the repeat error is 0.49 % .

  7. 分析得到测试系统的相对测温误差小于2.13%,重复性误差在1%以内。

    The relative temperature error of the measuring system is less than 2.13 % . The repetition error of the system is within 1 % .

  8. 与单分辨率动态轮廓线面积测量方法相比,该方法具有鲁棒性强,平均值误差、单次测量误差及重复性误差小等优点。

    Compared to the area measurement by a mono-resolution dynamic contour , this scheme is more robust with the smaller average error , single measurement error and iteration error .

  9. 平均灵敏度标定的重复性误差为0.015%,线性误差的标定重复性误差为0.015〃。

    The repeatability error of the evaluated mean sensitivity was improved to 0.015 % by compensating device . The repeatability of the calibrated linearity error was reduced to 0.015 ″ .

  10. 实验表明,其测量小角度分辨力优于0.1〃,测量整周角度的重复性误差小于5%。

    The experimental results show that the resolution of the small angle measurement is better than 0.1 ″ and the repeatability of 360 ° angle measurement is better than 5 % .

  11. 不适当的调节会引起反冲力以及垂直度和重复性误差,并且可能造成机器振动(频率高时会快速摆动)。

    Improper adjustment will result in errors of recoil force , verticality and repeatability , and also result in machine vibration ( it will rapidly swing if the frequency is high ) .

  12. 实验数据表明,其测量精度和重复性误差都小于4%,满足牛奶成分快速检测的精度要求。

    Experimental data show that this method has low errors of accuracy and repeatability , which is less than 4 % . Meet the precision demand of the rapid detection of the milk composition .

  13. 文中重点讨论了用准单色光源脉冲电流调制干涉实现光程定位的方法及其精度,通过理论分析和仿真实验可知,定位重复性误差优于±1μm。

    Meanwhile , we discuss the method and the accuracy of the optic path positioning of the system in detail . In theoretical analysis and experimental research , the positioning repeatablity error is ± 1 μ m.

  14. 最后进行了运动控制模块定位精度、自动调焦重复性误差和自动调焦精度测试,各项指标均符合设计要求。

    Finally the locating accuracy of the motion controlling module , the auto-focusing repeatability accuracy and the auto-focusing accuracy were measured . According to the testing result , all of the there performance parameters were meet to the design requirements .

  15. 对影响色坐标的各项因素进行了误差分析,分析了标准传递带来的系统误差和基线扣除方法,分析了随机噪声带来的重复性误差。

    The factor effect on CIE coordinates error is analyzed , system error caused by standard source transfer is argued and the background signal subtraction method is brought forward . The repeatability error caused by random noise is also analyzed .

  16. 采用平面闪耀光栅作为光谱元件的远红外光谱测量原理,分析了四种主要的重复性误差:光栅常数制造误差、零点标定误差、转角测量误差、入射光束与衍射光束的夹角测量误差。

    Four main repeatability errors , i. e grating constant error , zero point scaling error , measuring error for turn angle and measuring error for angle between incident light and diffraction light are analyzed according to the measuring principle using plane glare grating as spectral elements of far-infrared spectrometer .

  17. 对其准确度和重复性以及误差来源,本文进行了分析。

    Its accuracy , reproducibility and error sources were analyzed .

  18. 用常规的碘量法测定维生素C时存在重复性差、误差较大、浓度过高等问题。

    There are some problems when using iodometry to measure vitamin C , such as inappropriateness of density , inability of repetition , large error and so on .

  19. 重复测量周期性误差的模式识别方法

    Pattern recognition method for periodical error of repeating survey

  20. 通过对以往重复测量周期性误差的统计检验法的分析,结合模式识别理论,给出了一种处理该问题的识别方法。

    In accordance with pattern recognition theory and the analysis of traditional statistical test for tackling the problem a recognition method of processing the periodical errors of repeating survey is presented .

  21. 文中对该仪器的测量系统、测量误差进行了分析,探讨了误差的补偿方法,试验表明,该测量仪的重复性测量绝对误差小于±0.05,分辨率不大于1%。

    The measuring system and error compensation are discussed . Test results show that the absolute error for repeat measurement is less than ± 0.05 and the resolution ratio is not greater than 1 % .

  22. 该软件可对测井仪器刻度、测井速度、测井资料重复性及深度误差、隐性因素影响测井资料质量及井况不好情况下等几个方面的测井资料质量进行检测。

    The software can check the log data quality of several aspects , such as log tools calibration , logging speed , log data repeatability and error of depth , log data quality influenced by potential factors and bad borehole conditions .

  23. 完成系统整体性能测试,进行了系统重复性试验与系统误差检验。

    The functional test of system , including repeatability test and error test , was completed .

  24. 准确和耐久的定位点和部份需要可以获得最大的重复性和再现性误差特性。

    Accurate and durable locating points and part holding features to attain maximum repeatability and reproducibility error .

  25. 试验机检定中重复性异常和常见误差的分析

    On the analysis of the repeated abnormality and common errors in the examination of the testing machine

  26. 它在超导磁场下有较高灵敏度、重复性、低线性误差,所以可以用于测量高磁场和作为低温高斯计的探头。

    It may be used for the measurement of high magneticfields and be used as a probe for Gauss meter in low Temperature .

  27. 测量数据重复性好,最大误差0.28%。

    The data tested by the sensor are steady , and the repeatability of the data is fine , and the maximum error is ( 0.28 % ) .

  28. 本文也对该传感器进行了重复性和迟滞性误差分析,给出了该电涡流传感器的总测量精度。

    This paper also analyzed error from repeatability and hysteresis , finally , The total measurement accuracy of the eddy current sensor is given at the end of the paper .

  29. 分析了脉冲信号源脉宽测量时的主要误差来源,包括计数器测量重复性、触发定时误差、时基误差、放大器滞后误差、分辨力误差等;

    The main error sources of pulse width measurement , including counter 's repeatability , trigger level timing error , time base error , the amplifier hysteresis error , LSD displayed error , etc. are analyzed .

  30. 性能测试结果为:重复性和稳定性的误差都低于了设计要求的万分之五,其非线性性、.抗掉电性能都十分高,变送器的设计结果完全达到了预期指标。

    It is shown that the errors of both repeatability and stability are lower than five ten thousandth . Moreover , both the nonlinearity and the performance of resistance to power-down are also excellent . These fully achieve the design requirements .