
miào hào
  • Temple Name;posthumous title of an emperor;dynastic title
庙号 [miào hào]
  • [posthumous title of an emperor] 皇帝死后,在太庙立室奉祀时特起的名号,如高祖、太宗等

庙号[miào hào]
  1. 朱元璋,132s年1o月21日生于濠州,卒于1398年6月24日,年号洪武,谥号高帝,庙号太祖,中国明朝的开国皇帝。

    Zhu Yuanzhang ( born Oct. 21 , 1328 , Hao-chou , died June 24 , 1389 ) , reign name Hongwu , posthumous name Gaodi , temple name Taizu , was the founder of China 's Ming Dynasty .

  2. 晋朝建立后,司马懿被追尊为晋宣帝,庙号高祖。

    After the founding of the Jin Dynasty , Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu .

  3. 李世民(600~649),庙号太宗,唐朝第二位皇帝,公元626年至649年在位。

    Li Shimin ( 600 ~ 649 ) , temple name Taizong , was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China from 626 to 649 .

  4. 高祖(庙号)刘邦,又名刘季,溢号高皇帝,生于公元前256年,卒于公元前195年,汉朝(公元前206至公元220年)开国皇帝。

    Gao Zu ( temple name ) , personalname Liu Pang , or Liu Chi , post-humous name Kao Huang-ti ( born 256 B. C. , China , died 195 B. C. , China ) was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty ( 206 B. C. - A. D. 220 )