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  1. 柳宗元死后,韩愈为其撰写了祭文和墓志铭后,又写了《柳州罗池庙碑》一文。

    After Liu zongyuan 's death , Han Yu had composed the funeral oration , the epitaph and Liuzhou Luochi Miao Bei to him .

  2. 根据《庙图碑》分析济渎庙明代中期的布局和规模,看出当时济渎庙的发展已经达到全盛时期。

    According to " Temple Figure monument ", we analyze the layout and scale of Jidu Temple in mid Ming dynasty and found Jidu Temple ' development has reached its peak on that time .

  3. 被誉为没有围墙的大学、华文化的丰碑!《济渎庙北海坛祭品碑》的历史文化内涵

    The Historical Cultural Connotation of The Sacrifice Monument of Jidu and Beihai Temple