
  • 网络virus mutation;YMDD
  1. 核苷类似物易于产生病毒变异等,其临床应用受到限制。

    Nucleoside analogues are prone to virus mutation , its clinical application is limited .

  2. 如果病毒变异导致疾病加重或减轻,或发生大规模的变化,那才具有流行病学价值。

    If the virus mutation that causes an illness aggravated or mitigated , or large-scale changes , it then has epidemiological value .

  3. 乙脑病毒变异株E区存在基因变异。

    Genovariation existed in E region of persistently infected mutant Japanese encephalitis virus .

  4. 结论:隐性HBV感染病人肝内有复杂的病毒变异型蓄积。

    Conclusion : Multiple viral variants accumulate in the liver of occult HBV-infected patients .

  5. H3N2流感病毒变异株抗原性的分子学研究

    Study on the antigenic and genetic characterization of variant of influenza virus H_3N_2

  6. 这些结果将为HIV感染中粘膜免疫的研究、病毒变异的研究等热点问题提供参考。

    These results are helpful for the research of mucosal immunity , virus variations and other critical topics .

  7. 很多病人没有按要求、按时、按次吃药,导致HIV病毒变异产生耐药性而使治疗失败。

    Many patients are not required , on time and pay-per-view medicine , resulting in HIV virus resistance of treatment failure .

  8. 由于HBV宫内感染或病毒变异可致免疫治疗失败,需进一步研究宫内感染的机制及病毒变异株。

    Its necessary to explore the mechanism of intrauterine infection and identify the mutants of HBV , because intrauterine infection and mutation of HBV can cause failure to immunoprophylaxis .

  9. 既然现在H1N1计划已经告吹了,而且没有第二波病毒变异所带来的恐惧。他们就开始互相指责了。

    Now that the H1N1 has fizzled out , and not produced the feared second wave of mutations , finger pointing has started .

  10. 你会看到每天每个HIV患者体内出现的病毒变异比引发今年流感流行季节整个英联邦流行流感的病毒变异更为显著。

    Yet you will see more viral diversity develop in a single HIV patient in a single day than you will in the whole flu season this year across the whole of the UK .

  11. 〔结论〕儿童感染HBV,大多呈无症状和慢性带毒特点,其最终疗效取决于HBV复制水平、病毒变异和机体的免疫状态。

    [ Conclusion ] Children infected with HBV usually had common features included no symptoms and chronically carrying virus . The recovery basically depends upon the level of HBV duplication virus variation and resistibility of the body .

  12. 目的研究分离的H3N2流感病毒变异株的分子学抗原特性。

    Objective To investigate the antigenicity and genetic characteristics of the variant of influenza virus H_3N_2 isolated by Baoan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention .

  13. 蛋白酶是阻止非典病毒变异的关键物质。

    A protease is key to the replication of the virus .

  14. 改进型反向基因操作系统的构建和流感病毒变异株的选育

    Construction of an improved reverse genetics and generation of attenuated influenza virus

  15. 乙型肝炎病毒变异株功能基因组研究及其临床意义

    Progress on functional genomics and clinical implications of hepatitis B virus variants

  16. 家庭内乙型肝炎病毒变异株感染的分子病毒学调查

    Hepatitis B virus mutations in family clustered Chinese patients

  17. 三株散发性戊型肝炎病毒变异株的部分序列比较

    Partial sequence comparison of three sporadic hepatitis E variants

  18. 用单克隆抗体选择具有潜在流行病学意义的A/曼谷79&1流感病毒变异株

    Selection of a / bangkok / 79-1 variants of potential epidemiological significance with monoclonal antibodies

  19. 科学家们发现了一种蛋白质,它可以使流感病毒变异前不活动。

    The scientists identified a protein that inactivates the flu virus before it can mutate .

  20. 还修正了乙型流感病毒变异速率的计算方法。

    Calculation of the variation rate of influenza B virus was revised in this paper .

  21. 目的了解湖北省近年的流感流行状况和人群的流感抗体水平,及时发现新的流感病毒变异株。

    Objective To investigate the influenza epidemic in Hubei province and detect new variation timely .

  22. 为探索流感病毒变异规律,有效预防流感。

    Objective To study the variation of influenza virus in order to prevent the influenza efficiently .

  23. 急性弛缓性麻痹病例中Ⅱ型脊髓灰质炎疫苗病毒变异株基因特征分析

    Genetic Characterization of Type ⅱ Vaccine Mutant Polioviruses Isolated from Acute Flaccid Paralysis ( AFP ) Cases

  24. 病毒变异的确凿证据将作为提高警戒级别的理由。

    Firm evidence of improved transmissibility would be grounds for moving to a higher level of pandemic alert .

  25. 父母迟疑不决,不想把把孩子们送到“猪流感人群”中,以免在病毒变异前染上此病。

    Parents pondered dispatching their children to " swine flu parties ", to contract the illness before it mutated .

  26. 主任卡利萨·艾蒂恩博士警告称,疫苗分配上的差异带来了出现更危险病毒变异的风险。

    Director Dr. Carissa Etienne warns that the disparities in vaccine distribution pose a risk of more dangerous variants emerging .

  27. 目的了解浙江省流感病毒变异情况和WHO推荐流感疫苗株对我省人体的保护情况。

    Objective To study the variation of influenza viruses in Zhejiang province and protective effect of the vaccine strain recommend by WHO .

  28. 第二,病毒变异性高,每天产生数以十亿计的变体。

    Second , the virus mutates at an extraordinary high rate , generating billions of new variants each day ( 1 ) .

  29. 目的了解西北某部战士人群流感抗体水平及其波动情况,探讨流感的流行趋势,为掌握流感病毒变异及预防提供基础资料。

    Objective To find out the level of the influenza virus antibody of soldier throng in northwest and analyze influenza epidemic tendency .

  30. 高福表示,新疫苗可以对南非、英国和巴西发现的新冠病毒变异毒株产生中和抗体。

    Gao says the new vaccine can produce neutralizing antibodies for mutant COVID-19 strains found in South Africa , Britain and Brazil .