
  • 网络pathogen;Pseudomonas gladioli pv. Gladioli Severini
  1. R基因的克隆与鉴定促进了寄主与病原物互作分子机制研究的深入。

    Cloning and characterization of R genes facilitates the development of research on mechanism of interaction between host and pathogen .

  2. 结果表明,引起草莓白绢病的病原物是齐整小核菌SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc。

    The result showed that the pathogen was Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc .

  3. 利用一对特异性引物进行PCR扩增,可以检测到感病杨树体内的病原物。

    A method of poplar rust disease quarantine via PCR with one pair specificity primer is introduced in the paper .

  4. 绿僵菌Metarhizium是防治害虫很有潜力的病原物,在土壤中蕴藏丰富。

    Metarhizium is a great potential pest control pathogenic microorganisms and rich in the soil .

  5. CTL介导的细胞免疫在清除病原物方面作用显著,对RSV的预防尤为重要。

    Cellular immune mediated by CTL plays an important role in elimination of pathogen , which is particularly important for prevention of RSV .

  6. 寄主与病原物的相互识别是诱发防卫反应的第一步,因此对识别的原初信号分子&激发子(elicitor)的研究日益受到重视。

    The defence response is induced by host-parasite interaction firstly . The studies of original signal - elicitors , were payed increasing attention .

  7. 在病原物侵染植物时,植物可以通过AsA-GSH循环来调节细胞中的ROS,以维持细胞中ROS的平衡;

    The plants can use the AsA-GSH ( glutathione ) cycle to regulate reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) levels and maintain ROS under the reasonable levels in cells during plant – pathogen interaction .

  8. 利用引物和探针设计软件PrimerPremier5.0进行引物和探针的设计;PCR同步扩增柑桔叶面腐生菌,柑桔溃疡病菌和衰退病菌等等植物细菌和病原物来验证检测的特异性;

    Primer pairs and a probe were designed using software Primer Premier 5.0 . The specificity was validated through PCR detection of the saprophytic microorganism of citrus leaf surface , Tristeza virus and bacteria of Xac etc plant pathogens or G - / G + bacteria .

  9. 植物病原物成为消除杂草危害的一种新方法。

    Plant pathogen become a new way to the eliminate weeds .

  10. 多种病原物混合侵染的昆虫流行病模型

    Mathematical Models to Describe Mixture Infection of Multi-Species Pathogens to Insects

  11. 两种寡聚糖类药剂对植物病原物的抑菌和诱导抗病性作用

    On the Effects of Pathogen-inhibition and Systemic Inducing Resistance of Two Oligosaccharides

  12. 植物病原物寄生适合度的概念和研究进展

    The concept of parasitic fitness of plant pathogen and progress in research

  13. 昆虫免疫识别与病原物免疫逃避机理研究进展

    Advances in the mechanisms of insect immune recognition and pathogen immune escape

  14. 百合灰霉病的诊断及其病原物的分离纯化

    Diagnosis of Lily Gray Mould and Isolation and Purification of its Pathogen

  15. 植物与病原物互作中的活性氧代谢及其作用

    Active Oxygen Response and Its Roles In Plant Pathogenesis

  16. β-1,3-葡聚糖酶在体外抑制病原物的生长;

    Purified β - 1,3-glucanase from the infected plants inhibits phytopathogen in vitro .

  17. 一些昆虫的兼性病原物,常用作生物杀虫剂。

    A facultative pathogen of some insect species commonly used as a biopesticide .

  18. 根据植物&病原物互作控制烟草赤星病的途径

    Potential and practical approches for control of tobacco brown spot based on the host-pathogen interactions

  19. 中国竹类病害记述及其病原物分类地位(上)

    Records of Bamboo Diseases and the Taxonomy of Their Pathogens in China ( I )

  20. 培养条件对病原物胞壁降解酶种类和活性的影响

    Effect of Culture Condition on the Kinds and Activities of Degrading Enzyme of Cell Wall

  21. 病原物无毒基因研究进展

    Advance on Avirulence Gene of Pathogen

  22. 水稻纹枯病寄主-病原物互作鉴别品种与菌株的筛选

    Screening of varieties and isolates for identifying interaction between host and pathogen of rice sheath blight

  23. 植物寄生线虫是危害农作物的重要病原物之一。

    The pragress of the gene-related resarches on the development of plant-parasitic nematodes was briefly reviewed here .

  24. 本文还讨论了研究植物病原物寄生适合度的方法。

    The methods of studying the parasitic fitness of plant pathogens are also discussed in this paper .

  25. 分别列出了病害名称、竹种、病原物和分布省份。

    The name , bamboo hosts , pathogens , and provincial distribution of the disease were listed .

  26. 植物病原物无毒基因及其功能

    Avirulence Genes of Plant Pathogens

  27. 活性氧迸发及其导致的氧化还原平衡变化,在植物与病原物互作过程中起着重要的调节作用:对寄主植物而言,氧迸发是重要的防御机制之一;

    Reactive oxygen burst and subsequent disarrangement of redox homeostasis are key responsive events that regulate plant-pathogen interaction .

  28. 其代谢产物具有纤维素酶活性和蛋白酶活性,其与病原物作用时具有很好的拮抗作用。

    Its metabolites with cellulase activity and protease activity , and has good antagonism in the pathogen interaction .

  29. 在鱼类对外界刺激及病原物侵袭的防御反应中,非特异性免疫起着重要作用。

    Non-specific immunity system plays an important role in the defense of external stimuli and pathogen invasion in fish .

  30. 植物在与病原物的协同进化过程中,逐渐形成了一系列复杂高效的保护机制来抵御病原物的侵染。

    Plants have evolved a series of complicated defense mechanisms against pathogen attack during their long-term process of co-evolvement .