
  • viral cold;viral influenza;Common Cold;virus flu
  1. 意大利中场正在患上与上周斯科特尔相同的病毒性的感冒。

    The Italy midfielder is suffering from a similar bug to that which affected Martin Skrtel last week .

  2. 猪流感是一种病毒性流行性感冒,通常发现于猪的体内。

    The swine flu is a type of influenza virus usually found in pigs .

  3. 用于治疗A和B型流感病毒导致的流行性感冒,是治疗高致病性禽流感(例如H5N1亚型病毒导致的禽流感)的有效药物。

    In Switzerland in October 1999 for the treatment of influenza caused by the influenza virus A and B. Recently , 1 is also used as an efficient drug to bird influenza .