
dào bái yè kū bìng
  • Rice bacterial blight;bacterial blight of rice
  1. 用稻白叶枯病病原菌(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae)菲律宾小种6号接种鉴定,结果表明大多数转基因植株获得了抗病性。

    Results of inoculation with philippine race 6 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae indicated that most of transgenic plants obtained high resistance to rice bacterial blight disease ( Xoo ) .

  2. 分子标记辅助选育抗稻白叶枯病的低温敏核不育系3178S

    Breed a Low Critical Sterile Point TGMS Line 3178S with Bacterial Blight Resistance by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection

  3. 应用分子标记辅助选择培育抗稻白叶枯病光敏核不育系3418S

    Breeding of the Photo-period-sensitive Genetic Male sterile Line ' 3418S ' Resistant to Bacterial bright in Rice by Molecular Marker assisted Selection

  4. 云南大粒水稻对稻白叶枯病的抗性遗传

    Inheritance of Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight in Yunnan Dali

  5. 基于神经网络的稻白叶枯病中期预警

    The Mid-term Predictive Warning of Neural Network for Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice Diseases

  6. 模糊优选识别模型在杂交稻白叶枯病中期预报中的应用

    Application of a fuzzy optimization recognition model to forecast the epidemic of rice bacterial blight

  7. 野生稻抗白叶枯病遗传分析及转育效应研究

    Genetic analysis and breeding effect for resistance to bacterial in wild rice

  8. 杂交稻抗白叶枯病的遗传机制

    Genetic Mechanism of Resistance to Bacterial blight ( Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae ) in Hybrid Rice THE WHITE DUCK

  9. 野生稻抗稻白叶枯病性(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae)的评价

    Evaluation of resistance to bacterial blight ( xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae ) in wild rice species

  10. 经抗谱评价、抗性类型比较、遣传分析鉴定出一个来自普通野生稻的抗白叶枯病新基因Xa-23(t)(暂名)。

    A new resistance gene to bacterial blight of Xa 23 ( t ) from O.

  11. 抗稻瘟病和白叶枯病杂交水稻分子标记辅助选择研究

    Molecular Marker-assisted Selection of Blast and Bacterial Blight Resistance in Hybrid Rice

  12. 广西野生稻资源抗白叶枯病研究

    Resistance of wild rice collected from Guangxi to bacterial blight

  13. 三系杂交水稻抗稻瘟病、白叶枯病育种研究进展

    Research Progress on Resistance Breeding of Three-line Hybrid Rice to Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight

  14. 全球水稻分子育种亲本材料的稻瘟病和白叶枯病抗性评价

    Evaluation of Resistance to Blast and Bacterial Blight of the Materials from Global Rice Molecular Breeding Program

  15. 中国稻种资源初级核心种质对稻瘟病和白叶枯病的抗性评价

    Resistance Evaluation of Primary Core Collection of Chinese Rice Germplasm to Rice Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight

  16. 分子标记辅助培育双抗稻瘟病和白叶枯病杂交稻恢复系

    Breeding Hybrid Rice Restoring Line with Double Resistance to Rice Blast and Bacterial Blight by Marker-Assisted Selection

  17. 空间诱变育成抗稻瘟病和白叶枯病水稻突变体浙101

    Breeding of a New Indica Rice Mutant Line Zhe 101 for Resistance to Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight by Space Mutation

  18. 杂交稻抗感白叶枯病与活性氧伤害及防御酶系统的关系

    Study on the correlation of resistance and susceptibility to Bacterial Blight with the active oxygen and the defensive enzymes in Hybrid Rice Seedings

  19. 这些品种组合控制了广东水稻病虫褐稻虱、稻瘟病、白叶枯病的灾害性发生,具有重要的经济效益和生态效应。

    These varieties made a great economic contribution and ecological effective in rice yield and management of brown plant hopper , rice blast and rice bacterial in the province .

  20. 近年来,该病已成为继稻瘟病、白叶枯病和纹枯病之后的水稻第四大病害,也是我国目前唯一的水稻检疫性病害。

    In recent years , it has become the fourth devastating disease in rice after blast , bacterial leaf blight and sheath blight disease in china and is strictly controlled by China quarantine regulation .

  21. 然而,水稻极易受病虫害影响。水稻稻瘟病、白叶枯病、螟虫等是制约水稻产量提高和品质改善的主要限制因素。

    However , most rice cultivars are sensitive to some diseases and pests such as rice blast , bacterial leaf blight and stem borer , which are the factors limiting the improvement of rice yield and quality .

  22. 结果表明:抗稻瘟病、白叶枯病品种频度高,分别为45.86%和50.34%,高抗率仅为0.75%和2.05%,抗率分别为24.81%和15.75%;

    The result showed that the frequency of resistant varieties to blast and bacterial leaf blight was high , 45.86 % and 50.34 % respectively , the high resistant rate was only 0.75 % and 2.05 % , and the resistant rate was 24.80 % and 15.75 % respectively .

  23. 其中27个cDNA克隆在水稻染色体上的32个位点落在已知抗稻瘟病、抗白叶枯病、抗纹枯病及抗黄斑病毒的QTL区域内。

    The locations of 32 loci detected by 27 cDNA clones were associated with previously identified resistance QTL for different rice diseases , including blast , bacterial blight , sheath blight and yellow mottle virus .

  24. 主要杂交稻亲本和抗白叶枯病基因的抗性评价

    Resistance Evaluation of Mayor Hybrid Rice Parents and Bacterial Blight Resistance Genes

  25. 野生稻渗入基因系对稻白叶枯病的抗性评价

    Evaluation of resistance to bacterial blight in introgression lines derived from wild species of rice